/// <summary>
        /// This method is responsible for handling the POST request of the step "Provide Address". In this method, we analyze the
        /// address and figure out whether we should be creating a new facility because the address doesn't yet exist in CERS.
        /// This method decides what view we progress to next...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
        protected virtual void Handle_ProvideAddress(AddFacilityWizardViewModel viewModel)
            //Step 1: Geocode/Wash address for the specified address.

            //Step 2: Find an existing Facility based on both washed and non-washed addresses.
            var potentialDuplicates = Services.Facilities.FindPotentialDuplicates(viewModel.State);

            //get the count of the potential duplicates.
            int potentialDuplicateCount = potentialDuplicates.Count();

            //lets record the potential duplicate address count on the state bag for pick up in the UI and
            //for general recording of what we are doing.
            viewModel.State.PotentialDuplicateAddressCount = potentialDuplicateCount;

            if (potentialDuplicateCount > 0)
                //show the choose existing facility view since we have potential duplicates for the address
                //provided by the user.
                //this looks like a unique address that does not already exist in CERS, so lets let the user proceed with
                //naming the facility...

            //save our state as we move along through the wizard.
        protected virtual void Handle_ChooseExistingFacility(AddFacilityWizardViewModel viewModel)
            //determine whether or not we have a selected CERSID
            if (viewModel.TargetCERSID.HasValue)
                viewModel.State.CERSID = viewModel.TargetCERSID;

                //get the selected Facility
                var facility = Repository.Facilities.GetByID(viewModel.TargetCERSID.Value);
                if (facility != null)
                    //lets check to see if the current user already has access to this Facility via its associated organization.
                    if (CurrentUserRoles.Contains(facility.CERSID, Context.Organization))
                    //not sure yet what to do about this....it shouldn't happen, but you never know...
 protected virtual void Handle_ProvideFacilityName(AddFacilityWizardViewModel viewModel)
     if (viewModel.State.OrganizationID.HasValue)
         //In this case, we should create the Facility, because we know everything we need to
         //in order to do so. (The new facility should be added to the OrganizationID associated with
         //the state bag.
         //TODO: Create Facility
         //The user should be presented with a screen that les them see what the new facility is they are creating.
         //and allow them to verify the new Organization name/headquarter information.
     //save our state as we move along through the wizard.
 protected virtual void Handle_NewFacilityNewOrganization(AddFacilityWizardViewModel viewModel)
 protected virtual void Handle_NewAdditionalFacilitySharesAddressWithAnotherFacility(AddFacilityWizardViewModel viewModel)
 protected virtual void Handle_FacilityExistsRequestAccessOrTransfer(AddFacilityWizardViewModel viewModel)