Exemple #1
        public ActionResult PublicShow(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            //EF 6 technique
            BlogTopic blogtopic = db.Topics.SqlQuery("select * from BlogTopics where TopicId=@TopicId", new SqlParameter("@TopicId", id)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (blogtopic == null)

            string             blogs_query = "Select * from DoctorsBlogs inner join BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs on DoctorsBlogs.BlogId = BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.DoctorsBlog_BlogId where BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.BlogTopic_TopicId=@TopicId";
            var                t_parameter = new SqlParameter("@TopicId", id);
            List <DoctorsBlog> blogs       = db.DoctorsBlogs.SqlQuery(blogs_query, t_parameter).ToList();

            // We use the AddBlogTopic viewmodel so that we can show the blogs which have that specific topic
            AddBlogTopic viewmodel = new AddBlogTopic();

            viewmodel.Topics = blogtopic;
            viewmodel.Blogs  = blogs;

Exemple #2
        public ActionResult PublicShow(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            //EF 6 technique
            DoctorsBlog doctorsblog = db.DoctorsBlogs.SqlQuery("select * from DoctorsBlogs where BlogId=@BlogId", new SqlParameter("@BlogId", id)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (doctorsblog == null)

            string           topic_query = "select * from BlogTopics inner join BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs on BlogTopics.TopicId = BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.BlogTopic_TopicId where BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.DoctorsBlog_BlogId=@BlogId";
            var              t_parameter = new SqlParameter("@BlogId", id);
            List <BlogTopic> usedtopics  = db.Topics.SqlQuery(topic_query, t_parameter).ToList();

            AddBlogTopic viewmodel = new AddBlogTopic();

            viewmodel.Blog       = doctorsblog;
            viewmodel.BlogTopics = usedtopics;

Exemple #3
        public ActionResult Show(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            //EF 6 technique
            DoctorsBlog doctorsblog = db.DoctorsBlogs.SqlQuery("select * from DoctorsBlogs where BlogId=@BlogId", new SqlParameter("@BlogId", id)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (doctorsblog == null)

            string           topic_query = "select * from BlogTopics inner join BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs on BlogTopics.TopicId = BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.BlogTopic_TopicId where BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.DoctorsBlog_BlogId=@BlogId";
            var              t_parameter = new SqlParameter("@BlogId", id);
            List <BlogTopic> usedtopics  = db.Topics.SqlQuery(topic_query, t_parameter).ToList();

            string           all_topics_query = "select * from BlogTopics";
            List <BlogTopic> AllTopics        = db.Topics.SqlQuery(all_topics_query).ToList();

            // We use the AddBlogTopic viewmodel so that we can show the topics that are on that blog post and also so that we can see the dropdown list of topics
            // so that the user can add a topic
            AddBlogTopic viewmodel = new AddBlogTopic();

            viewmodel.Blog       = doctorsblog;
            viewmodel.BlogTopics = usedtopics;
            viewmodel.Add_Topic  = AllTopics;

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult Add()
            // On the new blog entry we can select a topic
            List <BlogTopic> Topics = db.Topics.SqlQuery("select * from BlogTopics").ToList();

            string          userId      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            ApplicationUser currentUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);
            //We use the AddBlogTopic viewmodel to show the topics and be able to add them to the blog entry.
            //We also get the user who made the entry through the view model that way it also goes into their personal list.
            AddBlogTopic AddBlogTopicViewModel = new AddBlogTopic();

            AddBlogTopicViewModel.BlogTopics = Topics;
            AddBlogTopicViewModel.User       = currentUser;

Exemple #5
        public ActionResult Update(int id)
            //need information about a particular blog entry
            DoctorsBlog      selectedblog = db.DoctorsBlogs.SqlQuery("select * from DoctorsBlogs where BlogId=@BlogId", new SqlParameter("@BlogId", id)).FirstOrDefault();
            string           topic_query  = "select * from BlogTopics inner join BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs on BlogTopics.TopicId = BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.BlogTopic_TopicId where BlogTopicDoctorsBlogs.DoctorsBlog_BlogId=@BlogId";
            var              t_parameter  = new SqlParameter("@BlogId", id);
            List <BlogTopic> usedtopics   = db.Topics.SqlQuery(topic_query, t_parameter).ToList();

            //We use the AddBlogTopic viewmodel to show the topics.
            AddBlogTopic AddBlogTopicViewModel = new AddBlogTopic();

            AddBlogTopicViewModel.Blog       = selectedblog;
            AddBlogTopicViewModel.BlogTopics = usedtopics;
