public DataTable GetIPAddress(CloudApplicationsServer UrlObj, string mode) { DataTable UrlTable = new DataTable(); try { if (mode == "Insert") { string sqlQuery = "Select * from CloudDetails where URL= @URL"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@URL", (object)UrlObj.URL ?? DBNull.Value); UrlTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); // UrlTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlQuery); } else { string sqlQuery = "Select * from CloudDetails where ID<> @ID AND URL= @URL "; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@URL", (object)UrlObj.URL ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", (object)UrlObj.ID ?? DBNull.Value); UrlTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); // UrlTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(sqlQuery); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(UrlTable); }
public DataTable GetAllDatabyUser(int UserID) { DataTable MSServersDataTable = new DataTable(); try { //SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[1]; // p[0] = new SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID); //3/21/2014 NS modified the query - need to add locationid //string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + // " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='Exchange' "; string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category,ISNULL(sa.ScanDagHealth,'false') as ScanDagHealth from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='Exchange' and Sr.ID not in(select serverID from UserServerRestrictions ur inner join Users U on ur.UserID= U.ID where U.ID = @UserID) order by ServerName "; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID); MSServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(MSServersDataTable); }
public DataTable GetDataForCredentialsByname(Credentials LOCbject) { DataTable LocationsDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "Select * from Credentials where AliasName = @AliasName"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AliasName", (object)LOCbject.AliasName ?? DBNull.Value); LocationsDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); //populate & return data object } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(LocationsDataTable); }
public DataTable GetAllDataByName(Servers ServerObject) { DataTable ServersDataTable = new DataTable(); Servers ReturnSerevrbject = new Servers(); try { if (ServerObject.ID == 0) { string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,sr.Description,S.ServerType,sa.ScanDAGHealth,sa.CredentialsId,L.Location,sr.ipaddress,sa.Enabled,sa.ScanInterval,sa.RetryInterval,sa.OffHourInterval, " + "sa.category,sa.CPU_Threshold,sa.MemThreshold,sa.ResponseTime,sa.ConsFailuresBefAlert,sa.ConsOvrThresholdBefAlert from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S " + "on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where sr.ServerName = @ServerName"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ServerName", (object)ServerObject.ServerName ?? DBNull.Value); ServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); // ServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } else { string SqlQuery = " select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,sr.Description,S.ServerType,S.ScanDAGHealth,L.Location,sr.ipaddress,sa.Enabled,sa.ScanInterval,sa.RetryInterval,sa.OffHourInterval, " + "sa.category,sa.CPU_Threshold,sa.MemThreshold,sa.ResponseTime,sa.ConsFailuresBefAlert,sa.ConsOvrThresholdBefAlert from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S " + "on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid and ID<> @ID"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", (object)ServerObject.ID ?? DBNull.Value); ServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); //ServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchData(SqlQuery); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(ServersDataTable); }
public DataTable getfillgridbyUser(int UserID) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string s = "select *,servers.ID as SID,ServerName as Name,(Select Location from Locations where ID = LocationID) as Location,Description,IPAddress as Address from BlackBerryServers right join servers on BlackBerryServers.ServerID=servers.ID where servertypeID=(select ID from ServerTypes where ServerType='BES') and servers.ID not in(select serverID from UserServerRestrictions ur inner join Users U on ur.UserID= U.ID where U.ID = @UserID) order by Name "; //string s = "select * from BlackBerryServers"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(s); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID); dt = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); //dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(s); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(dt); }
public DataTable Enabledforscanning(string Servername) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { string Sql = "select WsScanMeetingServer,WsScanMediaServer from SametimeServers sa inner join Servers se on sa.ServeriD=se.Id where Platform='WebSphere' and se.ServerName =@Servername"; //dt = objAdaptor.FetchData(Sql); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Servername", Servername); dt = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetAllDatabyUser(int UserID) { DataTable MSServersDataTable = new DataTable(); try { string SqlQuery = "select Sr.ID,Sr.ServerName,S.ServerType,L.Location,Sr.LocationID,sa.ScanInterval,sa.Enabled,sr.ipaddress,sa.category from Servers Sr inner join ServerTypes S on Sr.ServerTypeID=S.ID " + " inner join Locations L on Sr.LocationID =L.ID left outer join ServerAttributes sa on sr.ID=sa.serverid where S.ServerType='Active Directory' and Sr.ID not in(select serverID from UserServerRestrictions ur inner join Users U on ur.UserID= U.ID where U.ID = @UserID) order by ServerName "; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlQuery); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID); MSServersDataTable = objAdaptor.FetchDatafromcommand(cmd); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(MSServersDataTable); }