Exemple #1
		protected override void OnResume ()
			base.OnResume ();

			this._tasks = Tasky.BL.Managers.TaskManager.GetTasks();
			// create our adapter
			this._taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, this._tasks);

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			this._taskListView.Adapter = this._taskList;
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnResume()

            tasks = Tasky.BL.Managers.TaskManager.GetTasks();

            // create our adapter
            taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

            //Hook up our adapter to our ListView
            taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
Exemple #3
		protected override void OnResume ()
			base.OnResume ();

			tasks = TaskyApp.Current.TaskMgr.GetTasks();
			// create our adapter
			taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
		protected override void OnResume ()
			base.OnResume ();

			taskItems = Tasky.BL.Managers.TaskItemManager.GetTasks();
			// create our adapter
			taskItemListAdapter = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, taskItems);

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			taskListView.Adapter = taskItemListAdapter;
Exemple #5
        protected async override void OnResume()

            tasks = await TodoManager.GetTasksAsync();

            // create our adapter
            taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

            //Hook up our adapter to our ListView
            taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
        protected override async void OnResume()

            var getResponse = await TodoManager.GetTodos();

            tasks = getResponse.Success.Values.ToList();

            // create our adapter
            taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

            //Hook up our adapter to our ListView
            taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
		protected override async void OnResume ()
			base.OnResume ();

			var getResponse = await TodoManager.GetTodos();

			tasks = getResponse.Success.Values.ToList();
			// create our adapter
			taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
        protected override void OnResume()

            tasks = Tasky.BL.Managers.TaskManager.GetTasks();

            // create our adapter
            taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

            //Find our controls
            if (taskListView == null)
                taskListView = FindViewById <ListView> (Resource.Id.lstTasks);

            //Hook up our adapter to our ListView
            taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
Exemple #9
        protected override void OnResume()

            var sqliteFilename = "TodoDB.db3";
            // we need to put in /Library/ on iOS5.1 to meet Apple's iCloud terms
            // (they don't want non-user-generated data in Documents)
            string documentsPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);              // Documents folder
            var    path          = System.IO.Path.Combine(documentsPath, sqliteFilename);
            var    conn          = new SQLiteConnection(path);

            TodoManager = new TodoManager(conn);
            tasks       = TodoManager.GetTodos();

            // create our adapter
            taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

            //Hook up our adapter to our ListView
            taskListView.Adapter = taskList;
		public async Task<bool> GetWorkshops(Boolean blnOnline = true)
//				if (blnOnline == true)
//				{
				WrkSets = await RESTClass.GetWorkshopList("?active=true");
//				}
//				else
//				{
//					WrkSets = new List<WorkshopSets> {};
//					WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(1, "Cannot connect to server... Try again later", "01/02/2015"));
//					WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(2, "Offline WritingSkills", "01/02/2015"));
//					WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(3, "Offline Study + Reading skills", "01/02/2015"));
//					WrkSets.Add(new WorkshopSets(4, "Offline Presentation + Speaking Skills", "01/02/2015"));
//				}

				// create our adapter
				taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, WrkSets);

				//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
				lvWorkShops.Adapter = taskList;

				return true;
			catch (Exception e) 
				new AlertDialog.Builder (this)
					.SetMessage(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace)
					.SetTitle("Application Error")
				return false;
		protected override void OnResume ()
			base.OnResume ();

			var sqliteFilename = "TaskDB.db3";
			// we need to put in /Library/ on iOS5.1 to meet Apple's iCloud terms
			// (they don't want non-user-generated data in Documents)
			string documentsPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath (System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
			var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(documentsPath, sqliteFilename);
			var conn = new Connection(path);
			var TaskMgr = new TodoManager(conn);
			tasks = TaskMgr.GetTodos();
			// create our adapter
			taskList = new Adapters.TaskListAdapter(this, tasks);

			//Hook up our adapter to our ListView
			taskListView.Adapter = taskList;