Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new instance of <see cref="Adapter"/>
 /// </summary>
 public Adapter(
     ComPtr <IDXGIAdapter1> adapter,
     string description,
     AdapterVendor vendorId,
     uint deviceId,
     uint subSysId,
     uint revision,
     ulong dedicatedVideoMemory,
     ulong dedicatedSystemMemory,
     ulong sharedSystemMemory,
     LUID adapterLuid,
     bool isSoftware
     _adapter              = adapter;
     Description           = description;
     VendorId              = vendorId;
     DeviceId              = deviceId;
     SubSysId              = subSysId;
     Revision              = revision;
     DedicatedVideoMemory  = dedicatedVideoMemory;
     DedicatedSystemMemory = dedicatedSystemMemory;
     SharedSystemMemory    = sharedSystemMemory;
     AdapterLuid           = adapterLuid;
     IsSoftware            = isSoftware;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new instance of <see cref="Adapter"/>
 /// </summary>
 internal unsafe Adapter(
     UniqueComPtr <IUnknown> adapter,
     string description,
     AdapterVendor vendorId,
     uint deviceId,
     uint subSysId,
     uint revision,
     ulong dedicatedVideoMemory,
     ulong dedicatedSystemMemory,
     ulong sharedSystemMemory,
     LUID adapterLuid,
     ulong driverVersion,
     bool isSoftware,
     DeviceType type
     _adapter              = adapter;
     Description           = description;
     VendorId              = vendorId;
     DeviceId              = deviceId;
     SubSysId              = subSysId;
     Revision              = revision;
     DedicatedVideoMemory  = dedicatedVideoMemory;
     DedicatedSystemMemory = dedicatedSystemMemory;
     SharedSystemMemory    = sharedSystemMemory;
     AdapterLuid           = adapterLuid.LowPart | ((uint)adapterLuid.HighPart << 32);
     DriverVersion         = driverVersion;
     IsSoftware            = isSoftware;
     Type = type;
 private static bool IsVendorIgnored(AdapterVendor vender, AdapterVendor[] ignoredVendors)
     foreach (var v in ignoredVendors)
         if (vender == v)
Exemple #4
        public AdapterInfo
            bool isPrimary,
            int index,
            string name,
            uint vendorID,
            int nodeCount,
            ulong dedicatedGPUMemory,
            ulong deticatedSystemMemory,
            ulong sharedSystemMemory
            this.isPrimary             = isPrimary;
            this.index                 = index;
            this.name                  = name;
            this.vendorID              = vendorID;
            this.nodeCount             = nodeCount;
            this.dedicatedGPUMemory    = dedicatedGPUMemory;
            this.deticatedSystemMemory = deticatedSystemMemory;
            this.sharedSystemMemory    = sharedSystemMemory;

            if (dedicatedGPUMemory >= 0)
                maxReservedMemory += dedicatedGPUMemory;
                maxMemory         += dedicatedGPUMemory;

            if (deticatedSystemMemory >= 0)
                maxReservedMemory += deticatedSystemMemory;
                maxMemory         += deticatedSystemMemory;

            if (sharedSystemMemory >= 0)
                maxMemory += sharedSystemMemory;

            switch (vendorID)
            case 0x8086: vendor = AdapterVendor.Intel; break;

            case 0x10DE: vendor = AdapterVendor.Nvidia; break;

            case 0x1002: vendor = AdapterVendor.AMD; break;

            case 0x1414: vendor = AdapterVendor.Microsoft; break;