public ActionResult Edit(AdamsModel.Customer Customers)
     if (ModelState.IsValid) // tells me if any errors have been added to ModelState
         // becuase model state was valid its allowing the changes to be made to Customer
         db.Entry(Customers).State = EntityState.Modified;
         db.SaveChanges();                  // save changes when complete
         return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //returns to main page / Index where changes can be seen
     return(View(Customers));               //otherwise return back to the view.
        // GET: Customer/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id) //This is checking to see if the customer exists in db.
            if (id == null)              //if the id is equal to null
                // Initializes a new instance of the HttpStatusCodeResult class using httpStatusCode.BadRequest
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            AdamsModel.Customer Customer = db.Customers.Find(id); //finding the Customers That exist

            if (Customer == null)                                 //if the Customers are set to null
                return(HttpNotFound());                           // send the message
            return(View(Customer));                               // otherwise return the Customer Details.
        public ActionResult Create(AdamsModel.Customer Customer)
                db.Customers.Add(Customer); //Creating the new Customer within the db.
                db.SaveChanges();           // save the changes to the db.

                // after filling in the form the user is taken back to the index where all customers are showing
                return(View(Customer)); // return the view