public void send_autoreg() { AdSystem.siteCookie bll = new AdSystem.siteCookie(); AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); bool flag = false; string userLoginname, siteKey, infoID; int isCheckLogin = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["checkLogin"]); userLoginname = Request.QueryString["loginname"]; if (isCheckLogin == 0 || userLoginname.Trim() == "") { return; } else { DataTable dt = bll.getUserRegType(userLoginname); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["autoReg"].ToString().Trim() == "1")//判断用户是否为自动注册用户 { //设置网站的登陆 siteKey = Request.QueryString["sitekey"].Trim(); infoID = Request.QueryString["infoid"].Trim(); flag = loc.setCookie(siteKey, infoID); ////写登陆cookie开始 DoLogin(userLoginname); } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); return; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { des = new AdSystem._DES(); loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); infoURL = ""; infoTitle = ""; manageurl = ""; pwdurl = ""; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["key"] != null && Request.QueryString["key"].ToString().Trim() != "") { keyStr = Request.QueryString["key"].ToString(); string flag = getString(UnEscape(keyStr)); } else { //string str = "sitekey=1eae257e44aa9d5b" + "&infoid=1054669" + "&validatanum=123456" + "&uid=mylove" // + "&linkman=王伟" + "&[email protected]" + "&tel=122222" + "&addr=深圳"; //string str1 = des.EncryptString(str); //string str2 = des.DecryptString(str1); //Response.Redirect("info.aspx?key=" + Escape(str1)); return; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ///------------------------------ ///--design by AdSystem_20090620 ///------------------------------ if (Page.User.Identity.Name == null || Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim() == "") { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx"); } else { AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); loc.AdLogin_Add(Page.User.Identity.Name.Trim()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ///------------------------------ ///--design by AdSystem_20090620 ///------------------------------ bool isBuy = false; string viewid = "0"; string loginName = ""; if (Request.QueryString["v"] != null && Request.QueryString["v"].ToString() != "") { viewid = Request.QueryString["v"].ToString().Trim(); } if (Request.QueryString["LoginName"] != null && Request.QueryString["LoginName"].ToString() != "") { loginName = Request.QueryString["LoginName"].ToString().Trim(); } AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); isBuy = loc.ViewInfo_IsBuy(Convert.ToInt64(viewid), loginName); if (!isBuy) { Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('您没有查看的权限,查询此信息需要花费1元,请先购买!');window.close();</script>"); return; } //要传的值 ManageTypeID = 1001 LoginName if (Request.QueryString["LoginName"] != null) { // ManageTypeID=Request.QueryString["ManageTypeID"] ; LoginName = Request.QueryString["LoginName"].ToString().Trim(); //注册信息 Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL obj1 = new Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL(); //登记联系人 Tz888.BLL.Register.common obj2 = new Tz888.BLL.Register.common(); Tz888.Model.Register.OrgContactModel model2 = new Tz888.Model.Register.OrgContactModel(); //会员信息表 Tz888.Model.Register.MemberInfoModel model3 = new Tz888.Model.Register.MemberInfoModel(); Tz888.BLL.Register.MemberInfoBLL obj3 = new Tz888.BLL.Register.MemberInfoBLL(); //会员登陆信息 Tz888.SQLServerDAL.Conn obj4 = new Tz888.SQLServerDAL.Conn(); // DataTable dt4 = obj4.GetList("LoginLogTab", "LoginTime", "LoginTime", 1, 1, 1, 1, "LoginName='"+LoginName+"'"); //会员发布信息 // DataTable dt5 = obj4.GetList("MainInfoViw", "Title,PublishT,HtmlFile", "PublishT", 1000, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' "); DataTable dt1 = obj1.GetLoginInfoList("*", "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'", "LoginName"); model2 = obj2.getContactModel(LoginName); model3 = obj3.GetModel("LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { #region 信息绑定 lbRealName.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["RealName"].ToString() == "" ? dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString() : dt1.Rows[0]["RealName"].ToString();; lbLoginName.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString(); lbNickName.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); lblNickName2.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = "" + lbLoginName.Text; HyperLink2.NavigateUrl = "" + lbNickName.Text; switch (dt1.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim()) { case "1001": lbManageType.Text = "个人会员"; break; case "1003": lbManageType.Text = "企业会员"; break; case "1004": lbManageType.Text = "政府会员"; break; default: break; } switch (dt1.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim()) { case "1001": GradeDiv.Visible = false; break; case "1002": GradeDiv.Visible = true; break; default: break; } string req = dt1.Rows[0]["RequirInfo"].ToString().Trim(); string[] strReq = req.Split(','); string strRequar = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strReq.Length; i++) { switch (strReq[i].Trim()) { case "1001": strRequar += "政府招商 "; break; case "1002": strRequar += "企业招商 "; break; case "1003": strRequar += "项目融资 "; break; case "1004": strRequar += "项目投资 "; break; case "1005": strRequar += "创业合作 "; break; case "1006": strRequar += "产品供求 "; break; default: break; } } lbRequar.Text = strRequar;//会员意向 lbRegTime.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["RegisterTime"].ToString(); } if (model2 != null) { lbCareer.Text = model2.Career; lbOrganizationName.Text = model2.OrganizationName != "" ? model2.OrganizationName : "暂无"; lbtAddress.Text = model2.address != "" ? model2.address : "暂无"; lbSite.Text = model2.Website != "" ? model2.Website : "暂无"; } int rowCount = Convert.ToInt32(obj4.GetList("LoginLogTab", "LoginTime", "LoginTime", 1, 1, 1, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'").Rows[0][0]); if (rowCount > 0) { DataTable dt4 = obj4.GetList("LoginLogTab", "LoginTime", "LoginTime", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); lbLoginCount.Text = rowCount.ToString(); lbLoginB.Text = dt4.Rows[0]["LoginTime"].ToString(); } else { lbLoginCount.Text = "1"; lbLoginB.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } lbPublishCount.Text = obj4.GetList("MainInfoViw", "Title,PublishT,HtmlFile", "PublishT", 1, 1, 1, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' ").Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (model3 != null) { lbSex.Text = model3.Sex ? "(女)" : "(男)"; try { imgHead.ImageUrl = model3.HeadPortrait.ToString() != "" ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageDomain"].ToString() + "/" + model3.HeadPortrait.ToString() : @"../images/publish/noneimg.gif"; } catch { imgHead.ImageUrl = @"../images/publish/noneimg.gif"; } lbTel.Text = model3.Tel; lbMoble.Text = model3.Mobile; lbFax.Text = model3.FAX; } else { imgHead.ImageUrl = @"../images/publish/noneimg.gif"; } } else { Tz888.Common.MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "请求出错"); } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { infoID = Request.QueryString["InfoID"]; string loginname = Page.User.Identity.Name; //tzWeb.LoginInfo.GetLoginUserName(0); int num = bbl.CheckDate(Convert.ToInt64(infoID), "1"); Tz888.BLL.GetDataList bll = new Tz888.BLL.GetDataList(); dt = bll.GetList("MainInfoTab", "HtmlFile", "InfoID", 1, 1, 0, 1, "InfoId=" + infoID); if (num == 1) { string Money = bbl.OrderByMoney(Convert.ToInt64(infoID), loginname); if (Money == "") { double userpoint = Convert.ToDouble(; //用户余额 #region 生成订单号 if (infoID != "" && infoID != null) { //生成订单 返回订单号 Tz888.BLL.Pay1.PayOrder dal = new Tz888.BLL.Pay1.PayOrder(); try { int ErrorID = 0; string ErrorMsg = ""; int orderno = dal.CreateInfoOrder(Convert.ToInt64(infoID), loginname, ref ErrorID, ref ErrorMsg); //订单号 if (orderno != 0) { AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); loc.AdOrder_Add(Convert.ToInt64(orderno)); double orderpoint = Convert.ToDouble(; //订单金额 Response.Redirect("orderBuy_item.aspx?order_no=" + + "&user_on?=" + userpoint.ToString(), false); } else { Tz888.Common.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, "此信息已不需要付费!", "trade_info_wait.aspx"); } } catch { Tz888.Common.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, "此信息已不需要付费!", "trade_info_wait.aspx"); } } #endregion } else { Tz888.Common.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, "此信息已经购买!", "trade_info_wait.aspx"); } } else { Tz888.Common.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, "此信息已经过期!", "trade_info_wait.aspx"); } } }
public string GetAllOtherInfoByInfoIDForStaticPage(string InfoID, string LoginName) { #region 互告跟踪记录 ///------------------------------ ///--design by AdSystem_20090620 ///------------------------------ string sitekey = ""; AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"].Value.Trim() != "") { sitekey = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"].Value.Trim(); HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); bool flag = loc.setCookie(sitekey, InfoID); if (flag) { loc.Hits_Add(); } } //跟踪浏览的用户 if (LoginName.Trim() != "") { loc.View_Add(InfoID, LoginName); } #endregion StringBuilder sOut = new StringBuilder(); #region 信息参数说与基本信息获取 long lgCurrentPage = 1; long lgPageSize = 0; long lgPageCount = 0; decimal MainPointCount = 0; //资源报价 int FixPriceID = 0; //资源是否收费 string CurrentUserName = ""; //当前登陆的查看信息的用户 //string MemberURL = ""; //用户会员资料展示页面 string PublishMan = ""; //发布信息的用户 string NickName = ""; //发布信息的用户昵称 string InfoTypeName = ""; //信息类别 string InfoOriginRoleName = "0"; // string ManageTypeID = ""; //发布信息的用户类别 string payDomain = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["payDomain"]; string buyUrl = payDomain + "/order_item.aspx?InfoID=" + InfoID; //资源购买的路径 CurrentUserName = LoginName; BatchCreateXml bcx = new BatchCreateXml(); Tz888.BLL.Common.CommonFunction cf = new Tz888.BLL.Common.CommonFunction(); DataTable dt = cf.GetDTFromTableOrView("MainInfoViw", "infoid", "*", " infoid=" + InfoID, "InfoID", ref lgCurrentPage, lgPageSize, ref lgPageCount); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { FixPriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["FixPriceID"].ToString().Trim()); MainPointCount = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["MainPointCount"].ToString().Trim()); InfoOriginRoleName = dt.Rows[0]["InfoOriginRoleName"].ToString().Trim(); PublishMan = dt.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString().Trim(); ManageTypeID = dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(); } #endregion #region 资源是否购买的提示信息 string WhetherCharges_button = ""; //按钮提示 string WhetherCharges_Clew = ""; //提示信息 string userState = "Charge"; // Charge购买 / Login登陆 / View查看 //if (User.Identity.Name != null && LoginName.Trim() == User.Identity.Name.Trim())//已登陆 //{ if (MainPointCount > 0 && FixPriceID > 1) //是否免费信息 { bool bIsBuy = false; //这是一条收费信息 Tz888.BLL.Info.CapitalInfoBLL ciBll = new Tz888.BLL.Info.CapitalInfoBLL(); bIsBuy = ciBll.bIsBuyInfoOfUser(CurrentUserName, InfoID); if (bIsBuy) { userState = "View"; } else { userState = "Charge"; } } else { userState = "View"; } //} switch (userState) { case "Login": //提示登陆 //WhetherCharges_button = "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn14.gif\" alt=\"请先登陆\"></a>"; //WhetherCharges_Clew = "<span class=\"tit f_tit3\">以下为该资源的项目核心资料,你需要登陆才能查看!</span><span class=\"btn\">" + // "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn14.gif\" alt=\"点击登陆\" /></a></span>" + // "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; //break; case "View": //提示查看 WhetherCharges_button = "<a href=\"#88\" onclick=\"javascript:GetContactDetail(" + InfoID + ");\" ><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn13.gif\" alt=\"请点击查看\"></a>"; WhetherCharges_Clew = "<span class=\"tit f_tit3\">以下为项目核心资料,你需要购买才能查看!</span><span class=\"btn\">" + "<a href=\"#88\" onclick=\"javascript:GetContactDetail(" + InfoID + ");\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn13.gif\" alt=\"点击查看\" /></a></span>" + "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; break; case "Charge": //提示购买 WhetherCharges_button = "<a href=\"" + buyUrl + "\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn7.gif\" alt=\"请点击购买\"></a>"; WhetherCharges_Clew = "<span class=\"tit f_tit3\">以下为项目核心资料,你需要购买才能查看!</span><span class=\"btn\">" + "<a href=\"" + buyUrl + "\"><img src=\"/CommonV3/img/res3_btn7.gif\" alt=\"点击购买\" /></a></span>" + "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; break; } sOut.Append(WhetherCharges_button.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); sOut.Append(WhetherCharges_Clew.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); #endregion #region 购买者评级 //sOut.Append(getBuyerRatingById(InfoID).ToString().Trim()); sOut.Append(""); sOut.Append("|"); #endregion #region 相关资源列表 string list_Capital = bcx.getInfoList("Capital", InfoID); sOut.Append(list_Capital.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); string list_Project = bcx.getInfoList("Project", InfoID); sOut.Append(list_Project.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); string list_Merchant = bcx.getInfoList("Merchant", InfoID); sOut.Append(list_Merchant.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); string list_Others = bcx.getInfoList("Others", InfoID); sOut.Append(list_Others.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); string list_News = bcx.getInfoList("News", InfoID); sOut.Append(list_News.Trim()); #endregion return(sOut.ToString().Trim()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ///------------------------------ ///--design by AdSystem_20090620 ///------------------------------ bool isBuy = false; string viewid = "0"; string loginName = ""; if (Request.QueryString["v"] != null && Request.QueryString["v"].ToString() != "") { viewid = Request.QueryString["v"].ToString().Trim(); } if (Request.QueryString["LoginName"] != null && Request.QueryString["LoginName"].ToString() != "") { loginName = Request.QueryString["LoginName"].ToString().Trim(); } AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); isBuy = loc.ViewInfo_IsBuy(Convert.ToInt64(viewid), loginName); if (!isBuy) { Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('您没有查看的权限,查询此信息需要花费1元,请先购买!');window.close();</script>"); return; } //要传的值 ManageTypeID = 1003 LoginName if (Request.QueryString["LoginName"] != null) { LoginName = Request.QueryString["LoginName"].ToString(); //注册信息 Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL obj1 = new Tz888.BLL.Login.LoginInfoBLL(); DataTable dt1 = obj1.GetLoginInfoList("*", "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'", "LoginName"); //登记联系人 Tz888.BLL.Register.common obj2 = new Tz888.BLL.Register.common(); Tz888.Model.Register.OrgContactModel model2 = new Tz888.Model.Register.OrgContactModel(); model2 = obj2.getContactModel(LoginName); //会员信息表 Tz888.Model.Register.MemberInfoModel model3 = new Tz888.Model.Register.MemberInfoModel(); Tz888.BLL.Register.MemberInfoBLL obj3 = new Tz888.BLL.Register.MemberInfoBLL(); model3 = obj3.GetModel("LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); //会员登陆信息 Tz888.SQLServerDAL.Conn obj4 = new Tz888.SQLServerDAL.Conn(); // DataTable dt4 = obj4.GetList("LoginLogTab", "LoginTime", "LoginTime", 10000, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); //会员发布信息 // DataTable dt5 = obj4.GetList("MainInfoViw", "Title,PublishT,HtmlFile", "PublishT", 1000, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); //公司登记信息 Tz888.BLL.Register.EnterpriseRegisterBLL obj6 = new Tz888.BLL.Register.EnterpriseRegisterBLL(); DataTable dt6 = obj6.getEnterpriseModel(LoginName); //公司附加信息 // DataTable dt7 = obj4.GetList("MemberResourceTab", "*", "LoginName", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='kittycat'"); if (dt1 != null) { #region 信息绑定 lbRealName.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["RealName"].ToString() == "" ? dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString() : dt1.Rows[0]["RealName"].ToString(); lbLoginName.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString(); lbNickName.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); lblNickName2.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["NickName"].ToString(); HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = "" + lbLoginName.Text; HyperLink2.NavigateUrl = "" + lbNickName.Text; switch (dt1.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim()) { case "1001": lbManageType.Text = "个人会员"; break; case "1003": lbManageType.Text = "企业会员"; break; case "1004": lbManageType.Text = "政府会员"; break; default: break; } switch (dt1.Rows[0]["MemberGradeID"].ToString().Trim()) { case "1001": GradeDiv.Visible = false; break; case "1002": GradeDiv.Visible = true; break; default: GradeDiv.Visible = false; break; } string req = dt1.Rows[0]["RequirInfo"].ToString(); string[] strReq = req.Split(','); string strRequar = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strReq.Length; i++) { switch (strReq[i].Trim()) { case "1001": strRequar += "政府招商 "; break; case "1002": strRequar += "企业招商 "; break; case "1003": strRequar += "项目融资 "; break; case "1004": strRequar += "项目投资 "; break; case "1005": strRequar += "创业合作 "; break; case "1006": strRequar += "产品供求 "; break; default: break; } } lbRequar.Text = strRequar;//会员意向 lbRegTime.Text = dt1.Rows[0]["RegisterTime"].ToString(); if (model3 != null) { lbSex.Text = model3.Sex ? "(女)" : "(男)"; imgHead.ImageUrl = model3.HeadPortrait.ToString() != "" ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageDomain"].ToString() + "/" + model3.HeadPortrait.ToString() : "../images/MemberData/nopic.gif"; } if (model2 != null) { lbCareer.Text = model2.Career; lbOrganizationName.Text = model2.OrganizationName != "" ? model2.OrganizationName : "暂无"; lbtAddress.Text = model2.address != "" ? model2.address : "暂无"; string tel = model2.TelCountryCode + model2.TelStateCode + model2.TelNum; lbTel.Text = tel != "" ? tel : "暂无"; lbMoble.Text = model2.Mobile != "" ? model2.Mobile : "暂无"; string fax = model2.FaxCountryCode + model2.FaxStateCode + model2.FaxNum; lbFax.Text = fax != "" ? fax : "暂无"; lbSite.Text = model2.Website != "" ? model2.Website : "暂无"; } int rowCount = Convert.ToInt32(obj4.GetList("LoginLogTab", "LoginTime", "LoginTime", 1, 1, 1, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'").Rows[0][0]); if (rowCount > 0) { DataTable dt4 = obj4.GetList("LoginLogTab", "LoginTime", "LoginTime", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); lbLoginCount.Text = rowCount.ToString(); lbLoginB.Text = dt4.Rows[0]["LoginTime"].ToString(); } else { lbLoginCount.Text = "1"; lbLoginB.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } lbPublishCount.Text = obj4.GetList("MainInfoViw", "Title,PublishT,HtmlFile", "PublishT", 1, 1, 1, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' ").Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (dt6 != null) { string strMP = dt6.Rows[0]["MainProduct"].ToString(); string MainProduct = ""; if (strMP.Trim() != "") { MainProduct = strMP.Remove(strMP.Length - 1); } lbMainProduct.Text = MainProduct != "" ? MainProduct : "暂无"; string str = dt6.Rows[0]["Industrylist"].ToString(); string[] strList = str.Split(','); Tz888.BLL.Common.IndustryBLL obj7 = new Tz888.BLL.Common.IndustryBLL(); string strIndustry = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strList.Length; i++) { if (strList[i] != "") { strIndustry += obj7.GetNameByID(strList[i]) + " "; } } lbIndustryModels.Text = strIndustry != "" ? strIndustry : "暂无"; // 2已审核(已审基本信息),0未审核、1审核通过、3审核不通过、4退款 if (dt6.Rows[0]["AuditingStatus"].ToString() == "1") { //查询认证信息 DataTable ddt6 = obj4.GetList("OrgAuditTab", "*", "AuditingDate", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "'"); lbAuditingStatus.Text = ddt6.Rows[0]["AuditingDate"].ToString() + "通过认证"; } else { lbAuditingStatus.Text = "暂未通过认证"; } lbExhibitionHall.Text = dt6.Rows[0]["ExhibitionHall"].ToString() != "" ? "http://www." + dt6.Rows[0]["ExhibitionHall"].ToString() + " " : "暂无"; } /// 资源类型 /// 0 -其他文档 /// 1 -图片 /// 2 -视频 /// <summary> /// 资源性质 /// 0 --其他 /// 1--立项批文 ///2--商业计划书 ///3 --项目视频展播 /// 附:(公司登记附件 4-8) ///4营业执照 ///5税务登记证(国税) ///6税务登记证(地税) ///7荣誉和证书 ///8其它 if (Page.User.IsInRole("GT1001")) //普通会员 { spanRM.Visible = false; } else { DataTable dtmr4 = obj4.GetList("MemberResourceTab", "*", "LoginName", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' AND ResourceType=4"); if (dtmr4 != null) { lbResourceType4.Text = dtmr4.Rows.Count == 0 ? "暂无" : dtmr4.Rows.Count + "张己上传"; } else { lbResourceType4.Text = "暂无"; } DataTable dtmr56 = obj4.GetList("MemberResourceTab", "*", "LoginName", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' AND ResourceType=5 OR ResourceType=6"); if (dtmr56 != null) { lbResourceType56.Text = dtmr56.Rows.Count == 0 ? "暂无" : dtmr4.Rows.Count + "张己上传"; } else { lbResourceType56.Text = "暂无"; } DataTable dtmr7 = obj4.GetList("MemberResourceTab", "*", "LoginName", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + LoginName + "' AND ResourceType=7"); if (dtmr7 != null) { lbResourceType7.Text = dtmr7.Rows.Count == 0 ? "暂无" : dtmr4.Rows.Count + "张己上传"; } else { lbResourceType7.Text = "暂无"; } } } #endregion } else { Tz888.Common.MessageBox.Show(this.Page, "请求出错"); } }
public string GetAllOtherInfoByInfoIDForStaticPage(string InfoID, string LoginName) { #region 互告跟踪记录 ///------------------------------ ///--design by AdSystem_20090620 ///------------------------------ string sitekey = ""; AdSystem.Logic loc = new AdSystem.Logic(); if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"].Value.Trim() != "") { sitekey = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"].Value.Trim(); HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["S"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); bool flag = loc.setCookie(sitekey, InfoID); if (flag) { loc.Hits_Add(); } } //跟踪浏览的用户 if (LoginName.Trim() != "") { loc.View_Add(InfoID, LoginName); } #endregion #region 信息参数说明 StringBuilder sOut = new StringBuilder(); long lgCurrentPage = 1; long lgPageSize = 0; long lgPageCount = 0; decimal MainPointCount = 0; string CurrentUserName = ""; CurrentUserName = LoginName; string MemberURL = ""; //用户会员资料展示页面 bool bIsTofMember = false; //用户是否是拓富通会员 if (User.IsInRole("GT1002")) { //拓富通会员 if (CurrentUserName.Trim() != "") { bIsTofMember = true; } } string sContract = ""; //1,用户的联系方式信息 | 2,type #endregion #region 获取用户的联系方式信息 string PublishMan = ""; string NickName = ""; string SelfWebDomain = ""; //网上展厅域名 string InfoTypeName = ""; int FixPriceID = 0; string InfoOriginRoleName = "0"; string ManageTypeID = ""; Tz888.BLL.Common.CommonFunction cf = new Tz888.BLL.Common.CommonFunction(); DataTable dt = cf.GetDTFromTableOrView("MainInfoViw", "infoid", "*", " infoid=" + InfoID, "InfoID", ref lgCurrentPage, lgPageSize, ref lgPageCount); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { FixPriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["FixPriceID"].ToString().Trim()); MainPointCount = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["MainPointCount"].ToString().Trim()); InfoOriginRoleName = dt.Rows[0]["InfoOriginRoleName"].ToString().Trim(); PublishMan = dt.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString().Trim(); ManageTypeID = dt.Rows[0]["ManageTypeID"].ToString().Trim(); Tz888.BLL.Conn con = new Tz888.BLL.Conn(); DataTable domain = con.GetWebSiteList("SelfCreateWebInfo", "Domain", "LoginName", 1, 1, 0, 1, "LoginName='" + PublishMan + "'"); if (domain.Rows.Count > 0) { SelfWebDomain = domain.Rows[0]["Domain"].ToString(); } } string ToSelfWebDomain = ""; string href = ""; if (SelfWebDomain != "") { if (ManageTypeID == "2004") { href = "http://" + SelfWebDomain + ""; } else { href = "http://" + SelfWebDomain + ""; } ToSelfWebDomain = "<a href='" + href + "' target='_blank'><img src='/images/huiy_23.jpg' width='206' height='30' /></a>"; } //总站发布的信息 string sManage = "<a href='#88' onclick=\"javascript:GetContactDetail(" + InfoID + ");\" class='spaces' ><img src='/web13/images/project/button_cklxfs.gif' width='150' height='30' align='absmiddle' /></a> " + ToSelfWebDomain + "|1"; //免费的信息的内容 string sFree = "<a href='#88' onclick=\"javascript:GetContactDetail(" + InfoID + ");\" class='spaces' ><img src='/web13/images/project/button_cklxfs.gif' width='150' height='30' align='absmiddle' /></a> " + ToSelfWebDomain + "|1"; //收费的信息内容(需要购买才能看) string payDomain = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["payDomain"]; string sChange = "<a href=\"" + payDomain + "/order_item.aspx?InfoID=" + InfoID + "\" class=\"spaces\"><img src='/web13/images/project/button_ljgm.gif' width=\"130\" height=\"30\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" /></a> <a href=\"" + InfoID + "\" class=\"spaces\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/web13/images/project/button_flgwc.gif\" width=\"150\" height=\"30\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" /></a><br /><font color='#CCCCCC'>支持多种支付方式,资源若无效经中国招商投资网确认后可全额返还所付款项,请放心购买</font><br>" + ToSelfWebDomain + "|2"; if (MainPointCount > 0 && FixPriceID > 1) //当前用户名 { bool bIsBuy = false; //这是一条收费信息 Tz888.BLL.Info.CapitalInfoBLL ciBll = new Tz888.BLL.Info.CapitalInfoBLL(); bIsBuy = ciBll.bIsBuyInfoOfUser(CurrentUserName, InfoID); if (bIsBuy) { if (InfoOriginRoleName == "0") { sContract = sFree; } else { sContract = sManage; } } else { if (bIsTofMember) { //拓富通会员购买了此信息 if (InfoOriginRoleName == "0") { sContract = sFree; } else { sContract = sManage; } } else { //拓富通会员没有购买了此信息 sContract = sChange; } } } else { //这是一条免费信息 if (InfoOriginRoleName == "0") { sContract = sFree; } else { sContract = sManage; } } #endregion sOut.Append(sContract.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); //3,null #region 点击量 string Hits = "0"; //4,多少人关注 //if (dv != null && dv.Table.Rows.Count > 0) if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Hits = dt.Rows[0]["hit"].ToString().Trim(); } #endregion sOut.Append("|"); sOut.Append(Hits.Trim()); #region 收藏与浏览量 string ViewCollection = "0"; //5,多少人收藏,同时更新浏览次数 if (MainPointCount > 0 && FixPriceID > 1) { Tz888.BLL.Info.MatchInfoBLL miBLL = new Tz888.BLL.Info.MatchInfoBLL(); miBLL.dvViewCollectionCount(InfoID);//更新浏览次数 Tz888.BLL.Info.MainInfoBLL mainBLL = new Tz888.BLL.Info.MainInfoBLL(); ViewCollection = mainBLL.GetInfoBuyersCount(Convert.ToInt64(InfoID)).ToString(); } else { Tz888.BLL.Info.MatchInfoBLL miBLL = new Tz888.BLL.Info.MatchInfoBLL(); DataView dvViewCollection = miBLL.dvViewCollectionCount(InfoID); if (dvViewCollection != null && dvViewCollection.Table.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewCollection = Convert.ToInt32(dvViewCollection.Table.Rows[0][0]).ToString(); } } #endregion sOut.Append("|"); sOut.Append(ViewCollection.Trim()); #region 查询推荐的次数 ///------------------------------------------ ///-- 20090601 ---------------- 6,查询推荐的次数 ///------------------------------------------ Tz888.BLL.CommendBLL com = new Tz888.BLL.CommendBLL(); long currpage = 1; long pagecount = 1; int count = com.GetListCount("*", "InfoID=" + InfoID.ToString(), "", ref currpage, 1, ref pagecount); #endregion sOut.Append("|"); sOut.Append(count.ToString().Trim()); #region 附件列表 string fujianStr = ""; //7,附件列表 fujianStr = getInfoResourceById(Convert.ToInt64(InfoID), InfoOriginRoleName, MainPointCount, FixPriceID, bIsTofMember); #endregion sOut.Append("|"); sOut.Append(fujianStr.Trim()); sOut.Append("|"); //8,资源价格 sOut.Append(MainPointCount.ToString()); sOut.Append("|"); if (MainPointCount > 0 && FixPriceID > 1)//9,判断是否为收费资源 { sOut.Append("收费"); } else { sOut.Append("免费"); } return(sOut.ToString().Trim()); }