public HttpResponseMessage WithdrawApplication(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromUri] int applicationId) { return(GetHttpResponse(request, () => { HttpResponseMessage response = null; if (applicationId == 0) { return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "No Application Selected"); } string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); AdApplication adApplication = adApplicationRespository.Get(applicationId); adApplication.Status = ApplicationStatus.Withdrawn; if (adApplication.AdApplicantId != userId) { return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); } adApplicationRespository.Update(adApplication); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adApplication); return response; })); }
public object CheckUsing(int id) { var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; AdApplication obj = _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationId == id); if (obj != null) { var appFunc = _context.AdAppFunctions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); var pms = _context.AdPermissions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); if (appFunc != null || pms != null) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_ERR_OBJ_REF"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); } } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_ERR_NOT_CHECKED"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); } return(Json(msg)); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetApplicationDetails(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromUri] int applicationId) { return(GetHttpResponse(request, () => { HttpResponseMessage response = null; if (applicationId == 0) { return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "No Application Selected"); } string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); AdApplicationDetailsModel adDetails = new AdApplicationDetailsModel(); AdApplication adApplication = adApplicationRespository.Get(applicationId); if (adApplication.AdApplicantId != userId) { return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); } Ad ad = adRepository.Get(adApplication.AdId); adDetails.AdApplication = adApplication; adDetails.AdDetails = ad; response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adDetails); return response; })); }
public Task SendDeniedMessage(AdApplication adApplication, Account userAccount) { Ad ad = adRepository.Get(adApplication.AdId); string jobApplicationUnSuccessfulMessage = string.Format(@"Your Job Application to job {0} was unsuccesful, Please log on to to apply for more roles", ad.AdTitle); return(SendEmailMessage(userAccount.Email, jobApplicationUnSuccessfulMessage, "Job Mtaani Job Activity")); }
public async Task <JsonResult> Update(AdApplication obj, IFormFile uploadIcon) { //_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Update application"); var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { var objUpdate = _context.AdApplications.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationId == obj.ApplicationId); var objOld = CommonUtil.Clone(objUpdate); if (objUpdate.ApplicationCode != obj.ApplicationCode) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_ERR_CODE_CHANGE"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Update group user fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Update application failed: Application code can't change", null, null, "Error"); } else { var iconUrl = objUpdate.Icon; if (uploadIcon != null && uploadIcon.Length > 0) { var pathUpload = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "images\\appIcon"); if (!Directory.Exists(pathUpload)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathUpload); } var fileName = obj.ApplicationCode + "-" + uploadIcon.FileName; var filePath = Path.Combine(pathUpload, fileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { await uploadIcon.CopyToAsync(stream); } iconUrl = "/images/appIcon/" + fileName; } objUpdate.Title = obj.Title; objUpdate.AppUrl = obj.AppUrl; objUpdate.Ord = obj.Ord; objUpdate.Icon = iconUrl; objUpdate.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; var a = _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_UPDATE_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); //"Sửa khoản mục thành công"; _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Update application successfully", objOld, objUpdate, "Update"); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_UPDATE_FAIL"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); //"Có lỗi khi sửa khoản mục"; //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Update application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Update application failed: " + ex.Message, null, null, "Error"); } return(Json(msg)); }
public async Task <JsonResult> Insert(AdApplication obj, IFormFile uploadIcon) { //_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Insert application"); var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { var app = _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); if (app == null) { var iconUrl = string.Empty; if (uploadIcon != null && uploadIcon.Length > 0) { var pathUpload = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "images\\appIcon"); if (!Directory.Exists(pathUpload)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathUpload); } var fileName = obj.ApplicationCode + "-" + uploadIcon.FileName; var filePath = Path.Combine(pathUpload, fileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { await uploadIcon.CopyToAsync(stream); } iconUrl = "/images/appIcon/" + fileName; obj.Icon = iconUrl; } obj.Status = 1; _context.AdApplications.Add(obj); var a = _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_ADD_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); //"Thêm khoản mục thành công"; //_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Insert application successfully"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Insert application successfully", null, obj, "Insert"); } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_ERR_EXIST"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("APP_CODE")); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Insert application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Insert application fail: Application code is exists", null, null, "Error"); return(Json(msg)); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_ADD_FAIL"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); //"Có lỗi khi thêm khoản mục"; //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Insert application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Insert application failed: " + ex.Message, null, null, "Error"); } return(Json(msg)); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ApplyToAd(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromBody] int adId) { return(await GetHttpResponseAsync(request, async() => { HttpResponseMessage response = null; Ad ad = adRepository.Get(adId); string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); AdApplication adApplication = new AdApplication() { AdApplicantId = userId, AdId = ad.AdId, DateApplied = DateTime.Now, Status = ApplicationStatus.Open }; AdApplication existingAdApplication = adApplicationRespository.FindbyHireModel(userId, adId); if (existingAdApplication != null) { if (existingAdApplication.Status == ApplicationStatus.Withdrawn) { existingAdApplication.Status = ApplicationStatus.Open; adApplicationRespository.Update(existingAdApplication); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, existingAdApplication); return response; } else { response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, adApplication); return response; } } else { adApplicationRespository.Add(adApplication); Account applicant = UserManager.FindById(adApplication.AdApplicantId); Account jobOwner = UserManager.FindById(ad.AccountId); bool messagedelivered = await messageManager.NewJobApplicationMessage(adApplication, jobOwner, applicant); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adApplication); return response; } })); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetSuccesfulAdApplication(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromUri] int adId) { return(GetHttpResponse(request, () => { HttpResponseMessage response = null; AdApplication adapplication = adApplicationRespository.GetSuccesfulAdApplication(adId); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adapplication); return response; })); }
public async Task <bool> SendHiredMessage(AdApplication adApplication, Account jobOwner, Account hiredEmployee) { string jobApplicationSuccessfulMessage = string.Format(@"Hello {0}, Your Job Application to job number {1} was succesfull, Please log on to to view succesful applications, meanwhile expect a call from {2} on {3}", hiredEmployee.FirstName, adApplication.AdId, jobOwner.FirstName, jobOwner.PhoneNumber); string hiredEmployeeDetailsMessage = string.Format(@"Hello {0}, You have hired a new employee, call or text {1} on {2} to set up a meeting", jobOwner.FirstName, hiredEmployee.FirstName, hiredEmployee.PhoneNumber); await SendEmailMessage(hiredEmployee.Email, jobApplicationSuccessfulMessage, "Job Mtaani Job Activity"); await SendEmailMessage(jobOwner.Email, hiredEmployeeDetailsMessage, "Job Mtaani Job Activity"); return(true); }
public async Task <bool> NewJobApplicationMessage(AdApplication adApplication, Account jobOwner, Account jobApplicant) { Ad ad = this.adRepository.Get(adApplication.AdId); string newJobApplicationMessage = string.Format(@"Hello {0}, Your have applied to job titled {1} Please log on to to all applications, we will notify you if the application is succesful", jobApplicant.FirstName, ad.AdTitle); string newPotentialHireJobApplication = string.Format(@"Hello {0}, There has been a new application to the position you opened titled {1} log on to to view all applications", jobOwner.FirstName, ad.AdTitle); await SendEmailMessage(jobApplicant.Email, newJobApplicationMessage, "Job Mtaani Job Activity"); await SendEmailMessage(jobOwner.Email, newPotentialHireJobApplication, "Job Mtaani Job Activity"); return(true); }
public object Delete(int id) { var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { //_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete application"); AdApplication obj = _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationId == id); if (obj != null) { var appFunc = _context.AdAppFunctions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); var pms = _context.AdPermissions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); if (appFunc != null || pms != null) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_ERR_OBJ_REF"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete application: Unable to delete application is being used elsewhere", null, null, "Delete"); } else { //_context.VIBApplications.Attach(obj); _context.AdApplications.Remove(obj); _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_DELETE_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")); /*"Xóa khoản mục thành công."*/ //_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete application successfully"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete application successfully", obj, null, "Delete"); } } return(Json(msg)); } catch (Exception ex) { //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete application failed: " + ex.Message, null, null, "Error"); return(Json(new JMessage() { Error = true, Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("MSG_DELETE_FAIL"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP")) /*"Có lỗi khi xóa khoản mục."*/ })); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetAdApplication(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromUri] int adId, [FromUri] string uid) { return(GetHttpResponse(request, () => { HttpResponseMessage response = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { AdApplication adApplication = adApplicationRespository.FindbyHireModel(uid, adId); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adApplication); } else { AdApplication adApplication = adApplicationRespository.FindbyHireModel(User.Identity.GetUserId(), adId); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adApplication); } return response; })); }
public Ad[] GetPageAds(string userId, int pageNumber, bool userOwned) { if (pageNumber == 0) { pageNumber = 1; } int pageSize = 10; int skip = (pageNumber * pageSize) - pageSize; using (JobMtaaniDbContext entityContext = new JobMtaaniDbContext()) { if (!userOwned) { Ad[] ads = (from e in entityContext.AdSet where e.AccountId != userId orderby e.DateCreated descending select e).Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToArray(); foreach (var ad in ads) { AdApplication adApplication = (from e in entityContext.AdApplicationSet where e.AdId == ad.AdId && e.AdApplicantId == userId select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (adApplication != null) { ad.AdApplied = true; } } return(ads); } else { return((from e in entityContext.AdSet where e.AccountId == userId orderby e.DateCreated descending select e).Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToArray()); } } }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> HireEmployee(HttpRequestMessage request, HireModel hireModel) { return(await GetHttpResponseAsync(request, async() => { HttpResponseMessage response = null; string applicantId = UserManager.FindByName(hireModel.UserName).Id; AdApplication adApplication = adApplicationRespository.FindbyHireModel(applicantId, hireModel.AdId); Ad closedAd = adRepository.Get(hireModel.AdId); Account applicant = UserManager.FindById(applicantId); Account jobOwner = UserManager.FindById(closedAd.AccountId); if (adApplication.AdApplicantId == closedAd.AccountId) { response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, adApplication); return response; } else { adApplication.Status = ApplicationStatus.Accepted; adApplication.DateClosed = DateTime.Now; closedAd.AdClosed = true; bool c = await messageManager.SendHiredMessage(adApplication, jobOwner, applicant); adApplicationRespository.Update(adApplication); adRepository.Update(closedAd); await DenyOtherApplications(closedAd); response = request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, adApplication); return response; } })); }
public object DeleteItems([FromBody] List <int> listId) { var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { //_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete list application"); List <int> listRef = new List <int>(); List <int> listDel = new List <int>(); List <AdApplication> listApplication = new List <AdApplication>(); foreach (var id in listId) { AdApplication obj = _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationId == id); if (obj != null) { var pms = _context.AdPermissions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); var appFunc = _context.AdAppFunctions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationCode == obj.ApplicationCode); if (appFunc != null || pms != null) { listRef.Add(id); } else { listDel.Add(id); } } } if (listRef.Count > 0) { if (listDel.Count > 0) { foreach (var id in listDel) { AdApplication obj = _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationId == id); listApplication.Add(obj); _context.Remove(obj); } _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_DEL_SUCCESS_LIST_ITEM_BUT_REF"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP").ToLower()); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete part of the application list successfully"); _actionLog.InsertActionLogDeleteItem("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete part of the application list successfully", listApplication.ToArray(), null, "Delete"); } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_ERR_LIST_OBJ_REF"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP").ToLower()); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete list application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLogDeleteItem("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete list application fail", null, null, "Error"); } } else { if (listDel.Count > 0) { foreach (var id in listDel) { AdApplication obj = _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApplicationId == id); listApplication.Add(obj); _context.AdApplications.Attach(obj); _context.AdApplications.Remove(obj); } _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_DELETE_LIST_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP").ToLower()); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete part of the application list successfully"); _actionLog.InsertActionLogDeleteItem("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete application list successfully", listApplication.ToArray(), null, "Delete"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Error = true; msg.Object = ex; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_DELETE_LIST_FAIL"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ADM_APP_LBL_APP").ToLower()); //_logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.LogDb, "Delete list application fail"); _actionLog.InsertActionLogDeleteItem("VIB_APPLICATION", "Delete list application failed: " + ex.Message, null, null, "Error"); } return(Json(msg)); }