public void registering_multiple_times_the_same_client_is_an_error()
            ActivityMonitor.AutoConfiguration = null;
            IActivityMonitor monitor = new ActivityMonitor();
            Assert.That( monitor.Output.Clients.Count, Is.EqualTo( 0 ) );

            var counter = new ActivityMonitorErrorCounter();
            monitor.Output.RegisterClient( counter );
            Assert.That( monitor.Output.Clients.Count, Is.EqualTo( 1 ) );
            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>( () => TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Output.RegisterClient( counter ), "Counter can be registered in one source at a time." );

            var pathCatcher = new ActivityMonitorPathCatcher();
            monitor.Output.RegisterClient( pathCatcher );
            Assert.That( monitor.Output.Clients.Count, Is.EqualTo( 2 ) );
            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>( () => TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Output.RegisterClient( pathCatcher ), "PathCatcher can be registered in one source at a time." );

            IActivityMonitor other = new ActivityMonitor( applyAutoConfigurations: false );
            ActivityMonitorBridge bridgeToConsole;
            using( monitor.Output.CreateBridgeTo( TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Output.BridgeTarget ) )
                bridgeToConsole = monitor.Output.FindBridgeTo( TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Output.BridgeTarget );
                Assert.That( monitor.Output.Clients.Count, Is.EqualTo( 3 ) );
                Assert.That( bridgeToConsole.TargetMonitor, Is.SameAs( TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor ) );

                Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>( () => other.Output.RegisterClient( bridgeToConsole ), "Bridge can be associated to only one source monitor." );
            Assert.That( monitor.Output.Clients.Count, Is.EqualTo( 2 ) );

            Assert.DoesNotThrow( () => other.Output.RegisterClient( bridgeToConsole ), "Now we can." );

            Assert.DoesNotThrow( () => monitor.Output.UnregisterClient( bridgeToConsole ), "Already removed." );
            monitor.Output.UnregisterClient( counter );
            monitor.Output.UnregisterClient( pathCatcher );
            Assert.That( monitor.Output.Clients.Count, Is.EqualTo( 0 ) );
Exemple #2
 public Status(IActivityMonitor m)
     _m           = m;
     _pathCatcher = new ActivityMonitorPathCatcher()
         IsLocked = true
     Success = true;
        public void ErrorCounterTests()
            var monitor = new ActivityMonitor( applyAutoConfigurations: false );
            using( monitor.Output.CreateBridgeTo( TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Output.BridgeTarget ) )

                // Registers the ErrorCounter first: it will be the last one to be called, but
                // this does not prevent the PathCatcher to work: the path elements reference the group
                // so that any conclusion arriving after PathCatcher.OnClosing are available.
                ActivityMonitorErrorCounter c = new ActivityMonitorErrorCounter();
                monitor.Output.RegisterClient( c );

                // Registers the PathCatcher now: it will be called BEFORE the ErrorCounter.
                ActivityMonitorPathCatcher p = new ActivityMonitorPathCatcher();
                monitor.Output.RegisterClient( p );

                Assert.That( c.GenerateConclusion, Is.False, "False by default." );
                c.GenerateConclusion = true;
                Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.None );

                monitor.Trace().Send( "T1" );
                Assert.That( !c.Root.HasWarnOrError && !c.Root.HasError );
                Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.Trace );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ToString(), Is.Null );

                monitor.Warn().Send( "W1" );
                Assert.That( c.Root.HasWarnOrError && !c.Root.HasError );
                Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.Warn );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ToString(), Is.Not.Null.And.Not.Empty );

                monitor.Error().Send( "E2" );
                Assert.That( c.Root.HasWarnOrError && c.Root.HasError );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ErrorCount == 1 );
                Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.Error );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ToString(), Is.Not.Null.And.Not.Empty );

                Assert.That( c.Root.HasWarnOrError && !c.Root.HasError );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ErrorCount == 0 );
                Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.Warn );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ToString(), Is.Not.Null );

                Assert.That( !c.Root.HasWarnOrError && !c.Root.HasError );
                Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.Info );
                Assert.That( c.Root.ToString(), Is.Null );

                using( monitor.OpenTrace().Send( "G1" ) )
                    string errorMessage;
                    using( monitor.OpenInfo().Send( "G2" ) )
                        monitor.Error().Send( "E1" );
                        monitor.Fatal().Send( "F1" );
                        Assert.That( c.Root.HasWarnOrError && c.Root.HasError );
                        Assert.That( c.Root.ErrorCount == 1 && c.Root.FatalCount == 1 );
                        Assert.That( c.Root.WarnCount == 0 );

                        using( monitor.OpenInfo().Send( "G3" ) )
                            Assert.That( !c.Current.HasWarnOrError && !c.Current.HasError );
                            Assert.That( c.Current.ErrorCount == 0 && c.Current.FatalCount == 0 && c.Current.WarnCount == 0 );

                            monitor.Error().Send( "An error..." );

                            Assert.That( c.Current.HasWarnOrError && c.Current.HasError );
                            Assert.That( c.Current.ErrorCount == 1 && c.Current.FatalCount == 0 && c.Current.WarnCount == 0 );

                            errorMessage = String.Join( "|", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.Text + '-' + e.GroupConclusion.ToStringGroupConclusion() ) );
                            Assert.That( errorMessage, Is.EqualTo( "G1-|G2-|G3-|An error...-" ), "Groups are not closed: no conclusion exist yet." );
                        errorMessage = String.Join( "|", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.Text + '-' + e.GroupConclusion.ToStringGroupConclusion() ) );
                        Assert.That( errorMessage, Is.EqualTo( "G1-|G2-|G3-1 Error|An error...-" ), "G3 is closed: its conclusion is available." );
                    errorMessage = String.Join( "|", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.Text + '-' + e.GroupConclusion.ToStringGroupConclusion() ) );
                    Assert.That( errorMessage, Is.EqualTo( "G1-|G2-1 Fatal error, 2 Errors|G3-1 Error|An error...-" ) );
                    monitor.Error().Send( "E3" );
                    monitor.Fatal().Send( "F2" );
                    monitor.Warn().Send( "W2" );
                    Assert.That( c.Root.HasWarnOrError && c.Root.HasError );
                    Assert.That( c.Root.FatalCount == 2 );
                    Assert.That( c.Root.ErrorCount == 3 );
                    Assert.That( c.Root.MaxLogLevel == LogLevel.Fatal );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.Text + '-' + e.GroupConclusion.ToStringGroupConclusion() ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1-2 Fatal errors, 3 Errors, 1 Warning>F2-" ) );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.Text + '-' + e.GroupConclusion.ToStringGroupConclusion() ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1-2 Fatal errors, 3 Errors, 1 Warning>W2-" ) );
        public void PathCatcherTests()
            var monitor = new ActivityMonitor( applyAutoConfigurations: false );
            using( monitor.Output.CreateBridgeTo( TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Output.BridgeTarget ) )
                ActivityMonitorPathCatcher p = new ActivityMonitorPathCatcher();
                monitor.Output.RegisterClient( p );

                monitor.Trace().Send( "Trace n°1" );
                Assert.That( p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|Trace n°1" ) );
                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                Assert.That( p.LastWarnOrErrorPath, Is.Null );

                monitor.Trace().Send( "Trace n°2" );
                Assert.That( p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|Trace n°2" ) );
                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                Assert.That( p.LastWarnOrErrorPath, Is.Null );

                monitor.Warn().Send( "W1" );
                Assert.That( p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Warn|W1" ) );
                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                Assert.That( p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Warn|W1" ) );

                monitor.Error().Send( "E2" );
                monitor.Warn().Send( "W1bis" );
                Assert.That( p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Warn|W1bis" ) );
                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Error|E2" ) );
                Assert.That( p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ).Single(), Is.EqualTo( "Warn|W1bis" ) );

                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Not.Null );
                Assert.That( p.LastWarnOrErrorPath, Is.Null );

                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );

                using( monitor.OpenTrace().Send( "G1" ) )
                    using( monitor.OpenInfo().Send( "G2" ) )
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2" ) );
                        Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                        using( monitor.OpenTrace().Send( "G3" ) )
                            using( monitor.OpenInfo().Send( "G4" ) )
                                monitor.Warn().Send( "W1" );

                                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2>G3>G4>W1" ) );

                                    new Exception( "An exception logged as an Info.",
                                        new Exception( "With an inner exception. Since these exceptions have not been thrown, there is no stack trace." ) ),
                                    "Test With an exception: a Group is created. Since the text of the log is given, the Exception.Message must be displayed explicitely." );

                                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2>G3>G4>Test With an exception: a Group is created. Since the text of the log is given, the Exception.Message must be displayed explicitely." ) );

                                                throw new Exception( "Deepest exception." );
                                            catch( Exception ex )
                                                throw new Exception( "Yet another inner with inner Exception.", ex );
                                        catch( Exception ex )
                                            throw new Exception( "Exception with inner Exception.", ex );
                                    catch( Exception ex )
                                        throw new Exception( "Log without log text: the text of the entry is the Exception.Message.", ex );
                                catch( Exception ex )
                                    monitor.Trace().Send( ex );
                                    Assert.That( p.DynamicPath.ToStringPath().Length > 0 );

                                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Info|G4>Warn|W1" ) );
                            Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.ToString() ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2>G3>G4" ) );
                            Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                            Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Info|G4>Warn|W1" ) );

                            monitor.Error().Send( "E1" );
                            Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2>G3>E1" ) );
                            Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );
                            Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2>G3" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );
                    Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2" ) );
                    using( monitor.OpenTrace().Send( "G2Bis" ) )
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2Bis" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );

                        monitor.Warn().Send( "W2" );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>G2Bis>W2" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Trace|G2Bis>Warn|W2" ) );
                        Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Info|G2>Trace|G3>Error|E1" ) );
                    monitor.Fatal().Send( "F1" );
                    Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "G1>F1" ) );
                    Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Fatal|F1" ) );
                    Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Fatal|F1" ) );

                // Extraneous closing are ignored.
                monitor.CloseGroup( null );

                monitor.Warn().Send( "W3" );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "W3" ) );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Warn|W3" ) );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Fatal|F1" ) );

                // Extraneous closing are ignored.
                monitor.CloseGroup( null );

                monitor.Warn().Send( "W4" );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.DynamicPath.Select( e => e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "W4" ) );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastWarnOrErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Warn|W4" ) );
                Assert.That( String.Join( ">", p.LastErrorPath.Select( e => e.MaskedLevel.ToString() + '|' + e.Text ) ), Is.EqualTo( "Trace|G1>Fatal|F1" ) );

                p.ClearLastWarnPath( true );
                Assert.That( p.LastErrorPath, Is.Null );
                Assert.That( p.LastWarnOrErrorPath, Is.Null );