public AutomationPropertiesGallery()

            const string EntryPlaceholder = "Your name.";
            const string EntryHelpText    = "Type your name.";
            const string ImageName        = "Roof";
            const string ImageHelpText    = "Tap to show an alert.";
            const string BoxHelpText      = "Shows a purple box.";
            const string BoxName          = "Box";

            string screenReader          = "";
            string scrollFingers         = "";
            string explore               = "";
            string labeledByInstructions = "";
            string imageInstructions     = "";
            string boxInstructions       = "";

            switch (Device.RuntimePlatform)
            case Device.iOS:
                screenReader          = "VoiceOver";
                scrollFingers         = "three fingers";
                explore               = "Use two fingers to swipe up or down the screen to read all of the elements on this page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"{EntryPlaceholder}.\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the placeholder.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the image and hear an alert box.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the box and hear an alert box.";

            case Device.Android:
                screenReader          = "TalkBack";
                scrollFingers         = "two fingers";
                explore               = "Drag one finger across the screen to read each element on the page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"EditBox {EntryPlaceholder} for {EntryHelpText}.\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the Entry placeholder and text of the Label.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the image and hear an alert box.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the box and hear an alert box.";

            case Device.WinRT:
            case Device.UWP:
            case Device.WinPhone:
                screenReader          = "Narrator";
                scrollFingers         = "two fingers";
                explore               = "Use three fingers to swipe up the screen to read all of the elements on this page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"{EntryHelpText}\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the text of the label.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". Windows does not currently support TapGestures while the Narrator is active.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". Windows does not currently support TapGestures while the Narrator is active.";

                screenReader = "the native screen reader";

            var instructions = new Label {
                Text = $"Please enable {screenReader}. {explore} Use {scrollFingers} to scroll the view. Tap an element once to hear the name and HelpText and native instructions. Double tap anywhere on the screen to activate the selected element. Swipe left or right with one finger to switch to the previous or next element."

            var instructions2 = new Label {
                Text = labeledByInstructions
            var entryLabel = new Label {
                Text = EntryHelpText, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
            var entry = new Entry {
                Placeholder = EntryPlaceholder


            var entryGroup = new Grid();

            entryGroup.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto)
            entryGroup.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
            entryGroup.AddChild(entryLabel, 0, 0);
            entryGroup.AddChild(entry, 1, 0);

            var activityIndicator = new ActivityIndicator();

            activityIndicator.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Progress indicator");

            const string ButtonText     = "Update progress";
            const string ButtonHelpText = "Tap to start/stop the activity indicator.";
            var          instructions3  = new Label {
                Text = $"The following Button should read aloud \"{ButtonText}.\", plus native instructions on how to use a button."
            var button = new Button {
                Text = ButtonText

            button.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                activityIndicator.IsRunning = !activityIndicator.IsRunning;
                activityIndicator.SetAutomationPropertiesHelpText(activityIndicator.IsRunning ? "Running." : "Not running");

            var instructions4 = new Label {
                Text = imageInstructions
            var image = new Image {
                Source = "photo.jpg"

            // The tap gesture will NOT work on Win
            image.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => DisplayAlert("Success", "You tapped the image", "OK"))
            // Images are ignored by default on iOS (at least, Forms Images are);
            // make accessible in order to enable the gesture and narration

            var instructions6 = new Label {
                Text = boxInstructions
            var boxView = new BoxView {
                Color = Color.Purple

            // The tap gesture will NOT work on Win
            boxView.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => DisplayAlert("Success", "You tapped the box", "OK"))
            // BoxViews are ignored by default on iOS and Win;
            // make accessible in order to enable the gesture and narration

            var stack = new StackLayout
                Children =

            var scrollView = new ScrollView {
                Content = stack

            Content = scrollView;
        public AutomationPropertiesGallery()

            const string EntryPlaceholder = "Your name.";
            const string EntryHelpText    = "Type your name.";
            const string ImageName        = "Roof";
            const string ImageHelpText    = "Tap to show an alert.";
            const string BoxHelpText      = "Shows a purple box.";
            const string BoxName          = "Box";

            string screenReader          = "";
            string scrollFingers         = "";
            string explore               = "";
            string labeledByInstructions = "";
            string imageInstructions     = "";
            string boxInstructions       = "";
            string toolbarInstructions   = "";
            string toolbarItemName       = "Get some coffee";
            string toolbarItem2Text      = "Go";
            string toolbarItemHint2      = "Somewhere else";

            switch (Device.RuntimePlatform)
            case Device.iOS:
                screenReader          = "VoiceOver";
                scrollFingers         = "three fingers";
                explore               = "Use two fingers to swipe up or down the screen to read all of the elements on this page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"{EntryPlaceholder}.\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the placeholder.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the image and hear an alert box.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the box and hear an alert box.";
                toolbarInstructions   = $"The Toolbar should have a coffee cup icon. Activating the coffee cup should read aloud \"{toolbarItemName}\". The Toolbar should also show the text \"{toolbarItem2Text}\". Activating this item should read aloud \"{toolbarItem2Text}. {toolbarItemHint2}\".";

            case Device.Android:
                screenReader          = "TalkBack";
                scrollFingers         = "two fingers";
                explore               = "Drag one finger across the screen to read each element on the page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"EditBox {EntryPlaceholder} for {EntryHelpText}.\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the Entry placeholder and text of the Label.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the image and hear an alert box.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the box and hear an alert box.";
                toolbarInstructions   = $"The Toolbar should have a coffee cup icon. Activating the coffee cup should read aloud \"{toolbarItemName}\". The Toolbar should also show the text \"{toolbarItem2Text}\". Activating this item should read aloud \"{toolbarItem2Text}. {toolbarItemHint2}\".";

            case Device.UWP:
            case Device.WPF:
                screenReader          = "Narrator";
                scrollFingers         = "two fingers";
                explore               = "Use three fingers to swipe up the screen to read all of the elements on this page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"{EntryHelpText}\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the text of the label.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". Windows does not currently support TapGestures while the Narrator is active.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". Windows does not currently support TapGestures while the Narrator is active.";
                toolbarInstructions   = $"The Toolbar should have a coffee cup icon. Activating the coffee cup should read aloud \"{toolbarItemName}\". The Toolbar should also show the text \"{toolbarItem2Text}\". Activating this item should read aloud \"{toolbarItem2Text}. {toolbarItemHint2}\".";

            case Device.macOS:
                screenReader          = "VoiceOver (CMD + F5) or Accesibility Inspector";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"{EntryPlaceholder}.\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the placeholder.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the image and hear an alert box.";
                boxInstructions       = $"The following Box should read aloud \"{BoxName}. {BoxHelpText}\". You should be able to tap the box and hear an alert box.";
                toolbarInstructions   = $"The Toolbar should have a coffee cup icon. Activating the coffee cup should read aloud \"{toolbarItemName}\". The Toolbar should also show the text \"{toolbarItem2Text}\". Activating this item should read aloud \"{toolbarItem2Text}. {toolbarItemHint2}\".";

            case Device.Tizen:
                screenReader          = "Screen reader(TTS)";
                scrollFingers         = "two fingers";
                explore               = "Use two fingers to swipe up the screen to read all of the elements on this page.";
                labeledByInstructions = $"The following Entry should read aloud \"{EntryHelpText}\", plus native instructions on how to use an Entry element. This text comes from the text of the label.";
                imageInstructions     = $"The following Image should read aloud \"{ImageName}. {ImageHelpText}\". Tizen does not currently support TapGestures while the\"{screenReader}\" is active.";
                boxInstructions       = $"Tizen does not currently support accessibility for the BoxView due to platform limitation.";
                toolbarInstructions   = $"The Toolbar should have a coffee cup icon. Activating the coffee cup should read aloud \"{toolbarItemName}\".";

                screenReader = "the native screen reader";

            var instructions = new Label {
                Text = $"Please enable {screenReader}. {explore} Use {scrollFingers} to scroll the view. Tap an element once to hear the name and HelpText and native instructions. Double tap anywhere on the screen to activate the selected element. Swipe left or right with one finger to switch to the previous or next element."

            Title = "Accessibility";
            NavigationPage.SetBackButtonTitle(this, Title);

            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, true);
            this.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Accessibility Gallery Page");
            this.SetAutomationPropertiesHelpText("Demonstrates accessibility settings");

            var toolbarItem = new ToolbarItem {
                IconImageSource = "coffee.png"

            toolbarItem.Command = new Command(() => { Navigation.PushAsync(new ContentPage()); });
            var toolbarItem2 = new ToolbarItem {
                Text = toolbarItem2Text


            var toolbarInstructionsLbl = new Label {
                Text = toolbarInstructions
            var instructions2 = new Label {
                Text = labeledByInstructions
            var entryLabel = new Label {
                Text = EntryHelpText, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
            var entry = new Entry {
                Placeholder = EntryPlaceholder


            var entryGroup = new Grid();

            entryGroup.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto)
            entryGroup.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
            entryGroup.AddChild(entryLabel, 0, 0);
            entryGroup.AddChild(entry, 1, 0);

            var textCellA = new TextCell
                Text = "A"

            textCellA.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Option A");

            var textCellB = new TextCell
                Text = "B"

            textCellB.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Option B");

            var textCellC = new TextCell
                Text = "C"

            textCellC.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Option C");

            var textCellD = new TextCell
                Text = "D"

            textCellD.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Option D");

            TableView tbl = new TableView
                Intent = TableIntent.Menu,
                Root   = new TableRoot
                    new TableSection("TableView")

            var activityIndicator = new ActivityIndicator();

            activityIndicator.SetAutomationPropertiesName("Progress indicator");

            const string ButtonText     = "Update progress";
            const string ButtonHelpText = "Tap to start/stop the activity indicator.";
            var          instructions3  = new Label {
                Text = $"The following Button should read aloud \"{ButtonText}.\", plus native instructions on how to use a button."
            var button = new Button {
                Text = ButtonText

            button.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
                activityIndicator.IsRunning = !activityIndicator.IsRunning;
                activityIndicator.SetAutomationPropertiesHelpText(activityIndicator.IsRunning ? "Running." : "Not running");

            var instructions4 = new Label {
                Text = imageInstructions
            var image = new Image {
                Source = "photo.jpg"

            // The tap gesture will NOT work on Win and Tizen
            image.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => DisplayAlert("Success", "You tapped the image", "OK"))
            // Images are ignored by default on Tizen;
            // make accessible in order to enable the gesture and narration

            var instructions5 = new Label {
                Text = boxInstructions
            var boxView = new BoxView {
                Color = Colors.Purple

            // The tap gesture will NOT work on Win and Tizen
            boxView.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => DisplayAlert("Success", "You tapped the box", "OK"))
            // BoxViews are ignored by default on Win;
            // make accessible in order to enable the gesture and narration

            var stack = new StackLayout
                Children =

            var scrollView = new ScrollView {
                Content = stack

            Content = scrollView;