private void DoActiveViewGUI() { var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); // GUI for the active tab if (ActiveView != null) { ActiveView.OnGUI(); } if (IsBusy && activeTab != SubTab.Settings && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (timeSinceLastRotation < 0) { timeSinceLastRotation = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } else { var elapsedTime = (float)(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - timeSinceLastRotation); if (spinner == null) spinner = new Spinner(); spinner.Start(elapsedTime); spinner.Rotate(elapsedTime); spinner.Render(); rect = new Rect(0f, rect.y + rect.height, Position.width, Position.height - (rect.height + rect.y)); rect = spinner.Layout(rect); rect.y += rect.height + 30; rect.height = 20; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(appManagerProgressMessage)) EditorGUI.ProgressBar(rect, appManagerProgressValue, appManagerProgressMessage); } } }
public override void OnUI() { base.OnUI(); if (HasRepository) { DoHeaderGUI(); } DoToolbarGUI(); var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); // GUI for the active tab if (ActiveView != null) { ActiveView.OnGUI(); } if (IsBusy && activeTab != SubTab.Settings && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (timeSinceLastRotation < 0) { timeSinceLastRotation = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } else { var elapsedTime = (float)(EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - timeSinceLastRotation); if (spinner == null) { spinner = new Spinner(); } spinner.Start(elapsedTime); spinner.Rotate(elapsedTime); spinner.Render(); rect = new Rect(0f, rect.y + rect.height, Position.width, Position.height - (rect.height + rect.y)); rect = spinner.Layout(rect); rect.y += rect.height + 30; rect.height = 20; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(progressMessage)) { EditorGUI.ProgressBar(rect, progressValue / 100, progressMessage); } } } }
public override void OnUI() { base.OnUI(); if (HasRepository) { DoHeaderGUI(); } DoToolbarGUI(); // GUI for the active tab if (ActiveView != null) { ActiveView.OnGUI(); } }
public override void OnGUI() { DoToolbarGUI(); ActiveView.OnGUI(); }
public override void OnUI() { base.OnUI(); ActiveView.OnGUI(); }