public void TestWriteObject() { try { ActiveMQStreamMessage message = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); message.ClearBody(); message.WriteObject("test"); message.WriteObject((Char)'a'); message.WriteObject((Boolean)false); message.WriteObject((Byte)((byte)2)); message.WriteObject((Int16)((short)2)); message.WriteObject((Int32)2); message.WriteObject((Int64)2L); message.WriteObject((Single)2.0f); message.WriteObject((Double)2.0); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); } try { ActiveMQStreamMessage message = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); message.ClearBody(); message.WriteObject(new Object()); Assert.Fail("should throw an exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); } }
public void TestReset() { ActiveMQStreamMessage streamMessage = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); try { streamMessage.WriteDouble(24.5); streamMessage.WriteInt64(311); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { Assert.Fail("should be writeable"); } streamMessage.Reset(); try { Assert.IsTrue(streamMessage.ReadOnlyBody); Assert.AreEqual(streamMessage.ReadDouble(), 24.5, 0); Assert.AreEqual(streamMessage.ReadInt64(), 311); } catch (MessageNotReadableException) { Assert.Fail("should be readable"); } try { streamMessage.WriteInt32(33); Assert.Fail("should throw exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } }
protected override IStreamMessage DoCreateStreamMessage() { ActiveMQStreamMessage message = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); message.Connection = this.connection; return(message); }
public void TestCommand() { ActiveMQStreamMessage message = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); Assert.IsNull(message.Content); Assert.IsTrue(!message.ReadOnlyBody); Assert.IsTrue(!message.ReadOnlyProperties); }
// // Write the booleans that this object uses to a BooleanStream // public override int TightMarshal1(OpenWireFormat wireFormat, Object o, BooleanStream bs) { ActiveMQStreamMessage info = (ActiveMQStreamMessage)o; int rc = base.TightMarshal1(wireFormat, info, bs); return(rc + 0); }
public void TestReadBigString() { ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); // Test with a 1Meg String StringBuilder bigSB = new StringBuilder(1024 * 1024); for (int i = 0; i < 1024 * 1024; i++) { bigSB.Append((char)'a' + i % 26); } String bigString = bigSB.ToString(); msg.WriteString(bigString); msg.Reset(); Assert.AreEqual(bigString, msg.ReadString()); }
public void TestClearBody() { ActiveMQStreamMessage streamMessage = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); try { streamMessage.WriteObject((Int64)2); streamMessage.ClearBody(); Assert.IsFalse(streamMessage.ReadOnlyBody); streamMessage.WriteObject((Int64)2); streamMessage.ReadObject(); Assert.Fail("should throw exception"); } catch (MessageNotReadableException) { } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { Assert.Fail("should be writeable"); } }
public void TestReadOnlyBody() { ActiveMQStreamMessage message = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); try { message.WriteBoolean(true); message.WriteByte((byte)1); message.WriteBytes(new byte[1]); message.WriteBytes(new byte[3], 0, 2); message.WriteChar('a'); message.WriteDouble(1.5); message.WriteSingle((float)1.5); message.WriteInt32(1); message.WriteInt64(1); message.WriteObject("stringobj"); message.WriteInt16((short)1); message.WriteString("string"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { Assert.Fail("Should be writeable"); } message.Reset(); try { message.ReadBoolean(); message.ReadByte(); Assert.AreEqual(1, message.ReadBytes(new byte[10])); Assert.AreEqual(-1, message.ReadBytes(new byte[10])); Assert.AreEqual(2, message.ReadBytes(new byte[10])); Assert.AreEqual(-1, message.ReadBytes(new byte[10])); message.ReadChar(); message.ReadDouble(); message.ReadSingle(); message.ReadInt32(); message.ReadInt64(); message.ReadString(); message.ReadInt16(); message.ReadString(); } catch (MessageNotReadableException) { Assert.Fail("Should be readable"); } try { message.WriteBoolean(true); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteByte((byte)1); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteBytes(new byte[1]); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteBytes(new byte[3], 0, 2); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteChar('a'); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteDouble(1.5); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteSingle((float)1.5); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteInt32(1); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteInt64(1); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteObject("stringobj"); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteSingle((short)1); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } try { message.WriteString("string"); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageNotWriteableException) { } }
public void TestReadObject() { ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); byte testByte = (byte)2; msg.WriteByte(testByte); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((byte)msg.ReadObject() == testByte); msg.ClearBody(); short testShort = 3; msg.WriteInt16(testShort); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((short)msg.ReadObject() == testShort); msg.ClearBody(); int testInt = 4; msg.WriteInt32(testInt); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((int)msg.ReadObject() == testInt); msg.ClearBody(); long testLong = 6L; msg.WriteInt64(testLong); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((long)msg.ReadObject() == testLong); msg.ClearBody(); float testFloat = 6.6f; msg.WriteSingle(testFloat); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((float)msg.ReadObject() == testFloat); msg.ClearBody(); double testDouble = 7.7d; msg.WriteDouble(testDouble); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((double)msg.ReadObject() == testDouble); msg.ClearBody(); char testChar = 'z'; msg.WriteChar(testChar); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((char)msg.ReadObject() == testChar); msg.ClearBody(); byte[] data = new byte[50]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = (byte)i; } msg.WriteBytes(data); msg.Reset(); byte[] valid = (byte[])msg.ReadObject(); Assert.IsTrue(valid.Length == data.Length); for (int i = 0; i < valid.Length; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(valid[i] == data[i]); } msg.ClearBody(); msg.WriteBoolean(true); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue((bool)msg.ReadObject()); }
public void TestReadBytes() { ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); byte[] test = new byte[50]; for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++) { test[i] = (byte)i; } msg.WriteBytes(test); msg.Reset(); byte[] valid = new byte[test.Length]; msg.ReadBytes(valid); for (int i = 0; i < valid.Length; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(valid[i] == test[i]); } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadByte(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt16(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt32(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt64(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadSingle(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadChar(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadString(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } }
public void TestReadString() { ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); byte testByte = (byte)2; msg.WriteString(((Byte)testByte).ToString()); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadByte() == testByte); msg.ClearBody(); short testShort = 3; msg.WriteString(((Int16)testShort).ToString()); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadInt16() == testShort); msg.ClearBody(); int testInt = 4; msg.WriteString(((Int32)testInt).ToString()); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadInt32() == testInt); msg.ClearBody(); long testLong = 6L; msg.WriteString(((Int64)testLong).ToString()); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadInt64() == testLong); msg.ClearBody(); float testFloat = 6.6f; msg.WriteString(((Single)testFloat).ToString()); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadSingle() == testFloat); msg.ClearBody(); double testDouble = 7.7d; msg.WriteString(((Double)testDouble).ToString()); msg.Reset(); Assert.AreEqual(testDouble, msg.ReadDouble(), 0.05); msg.ClearBody(); msg.WriteString("true"); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadBoolean()); msg.ClearBody(); msg.WriteString("a"); msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadChar(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.ClearBody(); msg.WriteString("777"); msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadBytes(new byte[3]); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } }
public void TestReadDouble() { ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); double test = 4.4; msg.WriteDouble(test); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadDouble() == test); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadString() == (test).ToString()); msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadBoolean(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadByte(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt16(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt32(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt64(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadSingle(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadChar(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadBytes(new byte[1]); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } }
public void TestReadLong() { ActiveMQStreamMessage msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); long test = 4L; msg.WriteInt64(test); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadInt64() == test); msg.Reset(); Assert.IsTrue(msg.ReadString() == (test).ToString()); msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadBoolean(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadByte(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt16(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadInt32(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadSingle(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadDouble(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadChar(); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg.Reset(); try { msg.ReadBytes(new byte[1]); Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (MessageFormatException) { } msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); msg.WriteObject((Int64)1); // Reset so it's readable now msg.Reset(); Assert.AreEqual((Int64)1, msg.ReadObject()); }
public void TestStreamMessageTransformation() { ActiveMQStreamMessage message = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); Assert.AreSame(message, transformer.TransformMessage <ActiveMQMessage>(message)); }