Exemple #1
            public void DD_Get_Action_Objectives_Test()
                ProgramService ps = new ProgramService
                    ProgramDataManager  = new StubProgramDataManager(),
                    Helpers             = new StubHelper(),
                    CommonFormatterUtil = new StubCommonFormatterUtil()

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Context        = "NG",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    PatientId      = "",
                    ProgramId      = "",
                    UserId         = "nguser",
                    Version        = 1.0

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = ps.Get(request);
                ModuleDetail             module           = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail            action           = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                List <ObjectiveInfoData> objs             = action.Objectives;

Exemple #2
            public void DD_Get_Action_EndDate_Test()
                DateTime?time = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1801");

                ProgramService ps = new ProgramService
                    ProgramDataManager  = new StubProgramDataManager(),
                    Helpers             = new StubHelper(),
                    CommonFormatterUtil = new StubCommonFormatterUtil()

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Context        = "NG",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    PatientId      = "",
                    ProgramId      = "",
                    UserId         = "nguser",
                    Version        = 1.0

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = ps.Get(request);
                ModuleDetail  module = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail action = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                DateTime?     mTime  = action.AttrEndDate;

                Assert.AreEqual(time, mTime);
Exemple #3
            public void DD_Get_Action_AssignedBy_Test()
                string         ctrl = "123456789011111111112233";
                ProgramService ps   = new ProgramService
                    ProgramDataManager  = new StubProgramDataManager(),
                    Helpers             = new StubHelper(),
                    CommonFormatterUtil = new StubCommonFormatterUtil()

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Context        = "NG",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    PatientId      = "",
                    ProgramId      = "",
                    UserId         = "nguser",
                    Version        = 1.0

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = ps.Get(request);
                ModuleDetail  module = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail action = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");

                Assert.AreEqual(ctrl, action.AssignBy);
Exemple #4
            public void DD_Get_With_Action_AssignedOn_Test()
                DateTime?time = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1899");
                //                ProgramDataManager pm = new ProgramDataManager { Factory = new ProgramRepositoryFactory(), DTOUtility = new DTOUtility { Factory = new ProgramRepositoryFactory() } };
                ProgramDataManager pm = new ProgramDataManager {
                    Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory(), DTOUtility = new StubDTOUtility {
                        Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory()
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Version        = 1.0,
                    ProgramId      = _programId,
                    PatientId      = _patientId,
                    UserId         = "000000000000000000000000",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    Context        = "NG"
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = pm.GetPatientProgramDetailsById(request);
                ModuleDetail  module = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail action = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                DateTime?     mTime  = action.AssignDate;

                Assert.AreEqual(time, mTime);
Exemple #5
            public void DD_Get_With_Action_Description_Test()
                string desc = "BSHSI - Outreach & Enrollment action description";

                ProgramService ps = new ProgramService
                    ProgramDataManager  = new StubProgramDataManager(),
                    Helpers             = new StubHelper(),
                    CommonFormatterUtil = new StubCommonFormatterUtil()

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Context        = "NG",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    PatientId      = "",
                    ProgramId      = "",
                    UserId         = "nguser",
                    Version        = 1.0

                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = ps.Get(request);
                ModuleDetail  module = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail action = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                string        mDesc  = action.Description.Trim();

                Assert.AreEqual(desc, mDesc, true);
Exemple #6
            public void DD_Get_With_Action_Description_Test()
                string desc = "BSHSI - Outreach & Enrollment action description";
                //                ProgramDataManager pm = new ProgramDataManager { Factory = new ProgramRepositoryFactory(), DTOUtility = new DTOUtility { Factory = new ProgramRepositoryFactory() } };
                ProgramDataManager pm = new ProgramDataManager {
                    Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory(), DTOUtility = new StubDTOUtility {
                        Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory()
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Version        = 1.0,
                    ProgramId      = _programId,
                    PatientId      = _patientId,
                    UserId         = "000000000000000000000000",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    Context        = "NG"
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = pm.GetPatientProgramDetailsById(request);
                ModuleDetail  module = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail action = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                string        mDesc  = action.Description.Trim();

                Assert.AreEqual(desc, mDesc, true);
Exemple #7
 public static List <ActionsDetail> GetADActions(List <Actions> list)
         List <ActionsDetail> ad = new List <ActionsDetail>();
         if (list != null)
             list.ForEach(a =>
                 ActionsDetail adi = new ActionsDetail
                     AssignBy        = a.AssignById,
                     AssignDate      = a.AssignDate,
                     AssignTo        = a.AssignToId,
                     Completed       = a.Completed,
                     CompletedBy     = a.CompletedBy,
                     DateCompleted   = a.DateCompleted,
                     Description     = a.Description,
                     ElementState    = a.ElementState,
                     StateUpdatedOn  = a.StateUpdatedOn,
                     Enabled         = a.Enabled,
                     Id              = a.Id,
                     ModuleId        = a.ModuleId,
                     Name            = a.Name,
                     Next            = a.Next,
                     Objectives      = GetADObjectives(a.Objectives),
                     Order           = a.Order,
                     Previous        = a.Previous,
                     SourceId        = a.SourceId,
                     SpawnElement    = GetADSpawnElements(a.SpawnElement),
                     Status          = a.Status,
                     Steps           = GetADSteps(a.Steps),
                     Text            = a.Text,
                     Archived        = a.Archived,
                     ArchivedDate    = a.ArchivedDate,
                     ArchiveOriginId = a.ArchiveOriginId,
                     DeleteFlag      = a.DeleteFlag
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("AD:GetADActions()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
Exemple #8
            public void DD_Get_With_Action_Objectives()
                ProgramDataManager pm = new ProgramDataManager {
                    Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory(), DTOUtility = new StubDTOUtility {
                        Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory()
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Version        = 1.0,
                    ProgramId      = _programId,
                    PatientId      = _patientId,
                    UserId         = "000000000000000000000000",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    Context        = "NG"
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = pm.GetPatientProgramDetailsById(request);
                ModuleDetail             module           = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail            action           = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                List <ObjectiveInfoData> objs             = action.Objectives;

Exemple #9
            public void DD_Get_With_Action_AssignedBy()
                string             ctrl = "123456789011111111112233";
                ProgramDataManager pm   = new ProgramDataManager {
                    Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory(), DTOUtility = new StubDTOUtility {
                        Factory = new StubProgramRepositoryFactory()
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest request = new GetProgramDetailsSummaryRequest
                    Version        = 1.0,
                    ProgramId      = _programId,
                    PatientId      = _patientId,
                    UserId         = "000000000000000000000000",
                    ContractNumber = "InHealth001",
                    Context        = "NG"
                GetProgramDetailsSummaryResponse response = pm.GetPatientProgramDetailsById(request);
                ModuleDetail  module = response.Program.Modules.Find(m => m.SourceId == "532b5585a381168abe00042c");
                ActionsDetail action = module.Actions.Find(a => a.SourceId == "123456789012345678901234");
                string        smpl   = action.AssignBy;

                Assert.AreEqual(ctrl, smpl);
        private static ProgramDetail GenTestProgram()
            StepsDetail s = new StepsDetail()
                Id          = "52a641e8d433231824878c8f",
                ActionId    = "52a0f33bd43323141c9eb274",
                ControlType = 1,
                Description = "description",
                Enabled     = true,
                Question    = "Are you an ABC Employee?",
                Notes       = "Example notes",
                Completed   = true,
                Order       = 1,
                Status      = 1,
                Responses   = new List <ResponseDetail> {
                    new ResponseDetail {
                        Id = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", Nominal = true, Order = 1, NextStepId = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", StepId = "52a641e8d433231824878c8f"
                    new ResponseDetail {
                        Id = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", Nominal = true, Order = 2, NextStepId = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", StepId = "52a641e8d433231824878c8f"

            StepsDetail s1 = new StepsDetail()
                Id          = "52a641f1d433231824878c90",
                ActionId    = "52a0f33bd43323141c9eb274",
                ControlType = 1,
                Description = "description",
                Enabled     = true,
                Question    = "Are you a spouse of an ABC Employee?",
                Notes       = "Example notes",
                Completed   = true,
                Order       = 2,
                Status      = 1,
                Responses   = new List <ResponseDetail> {
                    new ResponseDetail {
                        Id = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", Nominal = true, Order = 1, NextStepId = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", StepId = "52a641f1d433231824878c90"
                    new ResponseDetail {
                        Id = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", Nominal = true, Order = 2, NextStepId = "52a641f1d433231824878c90", StepId = "52a641f1d433231824878c90"

            StepsDetail s2 = new StepsDetail()
                Id          = "52a641f1d433231824871234",
                ActionId    = "52a0f33bd43323141c9eb274",
                ControlType = 1,
                Description = "description",
                Enabled     = true,
                Question    = "Are you a spouse of an ABC Employee?",
                Notes       = "Example notes",
                Completed   = true,
                Order       = 2,
                Status      = 1,
                StepTypeId  = 7

            List <SpawnElementDetail> se = new List <SpawnElementDetail>();

            se.Add(new SpawnElementDetail {
                ElementId = "aaaaf33bd43323141c9eb274", ElementType = 3
            se.Add(new SpawnElementDetail {
                ElementId = "52a0a775fe7a5915485b8866", ElementType = 2
            se.Add(new SpawnElementDetail {
                ElementId = "52a0a775fe7a5915485b1212", ElementType = 2

            ActionsDetail act = new ActionsDetail
                Enabled      = true,
                Id           = "52a0f33bd43323141c9eb274",
                ModuleId     = "52a0a775fe7a5915485bdfd1",
                Name         = "act Verify P4H Eligibility",
                Description  = "act - Assess whether individual is eligible for the program",
                CompletedBy  = "Care Manager",
                Completed    = false,
                Order        = 1,
                Text         = "testtest",
                Status       = 1,
                SpawnElement = se,
                Steps        = new List <StepsDetail> {
                    s, s1, s2

            ActionsDetail act1 = new ActionsDetail
                Enabled     = true,
                Id          = "5555f33bd43323141c9eb275",
                ModuleId    = "52a0a775fe7a5915485bdfd1",
                Name        = "act1 Verify P4H Eligibility",
                Description = "act1 Assess whether individual is eligible for the program",
                CompletedBy = "Care Manager",
                Completed   = false,
                Order       = 2,
                Text        = "testtest",
                Status      = 1,
                Previous    = "52a0f33bd43323141c9eb274",
                Steps       = new List <StepsDetail> {
                    s, s1

            ActionsDetail act2 = new ActionsDetail
                Enabled     = false,
                Id          = "aaaaf33bd43323141c9eb274",
                ModuleId    = "52a0a775fe7a5915485bdfd1",
                Name        = "act2 Verify P4H Eligibility",
                Description = "dependent on act1",
                CompletedBy = "Care Manager",
                Completed   = false,
                Order       = 3,
                Text        = "testtest",
                Status      = 1,
                Previous    = "5555f33bd43323141c9eb275",
                Steps       = new List <StepsDetail> {
                    s, s1

            List <SpawnElementDetail> sem = new List <SpawnElementDetail>();

            sem.Add(new SpawnElementDetail {
                ElementId = "9990a775fe7a5915485b1212", ElementType = 2

            ModuleDetail mod = new ModuleDetail
                Id          = "52a0a775fe7a5915485bdfd1",
                Enabled     = true,
                ProgramId   = "52c71fd7d6a4850a1cf69494",
                Description = "Reduce the amount of crabs in the diet",
                Name        = "Low Carb Diet Module",
                Completed   = false,
                Order       = 1,
                Text        = "testtest",
                Status      = 1,
                Actions     = new List <ActionsDetail> {
                    act, act1, act2
                SpawnElement = sem

            ModuleDetail mod1 = new ModuleDetail
                Id          = "52a0a775fe7a5915485b8866",
                Enabled     = false,
                ProgramId   = "52c71fd7d6a4850a1cf69494",
                Text        = "Reduce the amount of crabs in the diet",
                Description = "Reduce the amount of crabs in the diet",
                Name        = "Low Carb Diet Module",
                Completed   = false,
                Order       = 1,
                Status      = 1

            ModuleDetail mod2 = new ModuleDetail
                Id          = "52a0a775fe7a5915485b1212",
                Enabled     = false,
                ProgramId   = "52c71fd7d6a4850a1cf69494",
                Text        = "Reduce the amount of crabs in the diet",
                Description = "Reduce the amount of crabs in the diet",
                Name        = "Low Carb Diet Module",
                Completed   = false,
                Order       = 1,
                Status      = 1

            ModuleDetail mod3 = new ModuleDetail
                Id          = "9990a775fe7a5915485b1212",
                Enabled     = false,
                ProgramId   = "52c71fd7d6a4850a1cf69494",
                Text        = "Testgen module number 3",
                Description = "module number 3",
                Name        = "Low Carb Diet Module",
                Completed   = false,
                Order       = 1,
                Status      = 1

            ProgramDetail pMap = new ProgramDetail()
                Enabled   = true,
                Id        = "52c71fd7d6a4850a1cf69494",
                PatientId = "1234",
                Text      = "THIS IS THE PROGRAM",
                Modules   = new List <ModuleDetail> {
                    mod, mod1, mod2, mod3
                Completed = false,
                Order     = 1,
                Status    = 1
