/// <summary>
    /// go through events and see if anything meets condition
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="listener"></param>
    public void checkForEventConditions(ActionListener.Listener listener, string[] eventParams)
        QuestEvent newEvent = null;

        //loop through existing events in the curr active quest
        foreach (QuestEvent qEvent in GlobalSingleton.Instance.questStatus.activeQuestData.getQuestEvents())
            //print("event: " + qEvent.conditions[0].Item2[0]);
            if (qEvent.conditionsMet(listener, eventParams)) //might need parameters here too
                //conditions met
                newEvent = qEvent;

        if (newEvent != null) //newEvent condition met, should switch to event's starting line
            Debug.Log("switched to event: " + newEvent.eventName);
    /// <summary>
    /// during game, relevant listeners will call this function to indicate that the condition being listened to has happened
    /// will talk to quest condition manager
    /// eventParams:
    /// -[0]: id of the object triggering the action
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="listener"></param>
    public void onTriggerListener(ActionListener.Listener listener, string[] eventParams)
        switch (listener)
        case ActionListener.Listener.onStart:
            questConditionManager.checkForEventConditions(listener, eventParams);

        case ActionListener.Listener.enterSite:
            //extract info specific to this type of listener

        case ActionListener.Listener.enterArea:


        case ActionListener.Listener.interactWithObject:
            questConditionManager.checkForEventConditions(listener, eventParams);
            //TODO more