Exemple #1
        public void TestMain()
            ////Here we are instantiating a new object of class 'ActionKeywords'
            actionKeywords = new ActionKeywords();

            //Declaring the path of the Excel file with the name of the Excel file
            String sPath = Constants.Path_TestData;

            //Here we are passing the Excel path and SheetName to connect with the Excel file
            //This method was created in the last chapter of 'Set up Data Engine'

            // now start our test cases
        public bool searchByRegNo(string RegNo)
            if (RegNo != null)
                ActionKeywords.EnterText(regNumber, "Registration Number", RegNo);

                ActionKeywords.ClickElement(search, "Search");

                if (!ActionKeywords.IsDisplayed(carSearched, "UserName", 2))
Exemple #3
        //This method contains the code to perform some action (test step)
        //As it is completely different set of logic, which revolves around the action only,
        //It makes sense to keep it separate from the main driver script
        private static void execute_Actions()
            // a sActionKeyword = null value signals the end of all test cases
            String sResult;

            if (sActionKeyword != null)
                // the reflection class can help to invoke methods based on variable method string
                MethodInfo mi = actionKeywords.GetType().GetMethod(sActionKeyword);

                // Passing 'Page Object' name and 'Action Keyword' as Arguments to this class instance
                // This code will pass string array as parameters to every invoked method
                string[] args = { sPageObject, sData };
                mi.Invoke(sActionKeyword, args);

                sResult = bResult ? Constants.KEYWORD_PASS : Constants.KEYWORD_FAIL;
                // Set PASS or FAIL to test steps result cell
                ExcelUtils.SetCellData(sResult, iTestStep, Constants.Col_TestStepResult, Constants.Sheet_TestSteps);
                if (!bResult)
                    ActionKeywords.closeBrowser("", "");