public void connectOnOBjects() { OBJECTSONLib.UnioaifCtrl onObjects; onObjects = new OBJECTSONLib.UnioaifCtrl(); onObjects.AccountPath = "WEB.BASE.THIN"; onObjects.HostName = ""; if (onObjects.Connect()) { var gSubRoutine = onObjects.Subroutine("DELQ.ACT.INQ", 6); //ACRO.INQ TAKES LOGON, ACRO, FIRSTNAME, DOB, DATA, ERRORMSG gSubRoutine.setArg(0, "WEB.BASE"); //LOGON gSubRoutine.setArg(1, txtAccount.Text.ToUpper().Trim()); //ACRO gSubRoutine.setArg(2, ""); //FLAG - THIS IS WHAT SCREEN IS NEXT - POSSIBLE RESPONSES = "", I. VO, 3 OR 4 gSubRoutine.setArg(3, ""); //MSG - THIS gSubRoutine.setArg(4, ""); //DATA LEAVE BLANK - THIS IS WHERE THE ATTRIBUTE FOR THE RETURN VALUES gSubRoutine.setArg(5, ""); //ERROR LEAVE BLANK - ERROR MESSAGE WILL BE PASSED BACK HERE; //add a check here if empty - pjp string strText = gSubRoutine.getArg(4); int intPipe = strText.IndexOf("|"); string strInsured = strText.Substring(0, intPipe); string strGridText = strText.Substring(intPipe + 1); lblPatientName.Text = "Patient: " + strInsured; m_FollowViews = new ActionFollowUpViews(strGridText); onObjects.Disconnect(); } else { string x = "not connected"; } }
protected void grdInquiryByAcronym_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { //using Linq to skip over x rows of data and take the next y rows (you also have to convert it back to a list //as Linq turns it into a var (sort of unknown but anything goes) object m_FollowViews = m_FollowViews.Skip(grdPatFollowUp.PageSize * e.NewPageIndex).Take(grdPatFollowUp.PageSize).ToList <ActionFollowUpView>() as ActionFollowUpViews; //m_Accounts = m_Accounts.Where(a=>a.AccountNumber.Equals("34344")).ToList<AccountView>() as AccountViews; grdPatFollowUp.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; grdPatFollowUp.DataBind(); }