private void AssignActions()
            actions       = new Action[4, 5];
            actions[0, 0] = new Action(AddAuthor);
            actions[1, 0] = new Action(ReadAuthors);
            actions[2, 0] = new Action(UpdateAuthor);
            actions[3, 0] = new Action(DeleteAuthor);

            actions[0, 1] = new Action(AddCategory);
            actions[1, 1] = new Action(ReadCategories);
            actions[2, 1] = new Action(UpdateCategory);
            actions[3, 1] = new Action(DeleteCategory);

            actions[0, 2] = new Action(AddComic);
            actions[1, 2] = new Action(ReadComics);
            actions[2, 2] = new Action(UpdateComic);
            actions[3, 2] = new Action(DeleteComic);

            actions[0, 3] = new Action(AddPublishingHouse);
            actions[1, 3] = new Action(ReadPublishingHouses);
            actions[2, 3] = new Action(UpdatePublishingHouse);
            actions[3, 3] = new Action(DeletePublishingHouse);

            actions[0, 4] = new Action(AddCountry);
            actions[1, 4] = new Action(ReadCountries);
            actions[2, 4] = new Action(UpdateCountry);
            actions[3, 4] = new Action(DeleteCountry);

            statistics    = new Action[4];
            statistics[0] = new Action(ComicsPerCategory);
            statistics[1] = new Action(ComicsPerAuthor);
            statistics[2] = new Action(LongestComics);
            statistics[3] = new Action(AuthorsPerNationality);
        private OrbitOrderWindow(EntityState entity, bool smMode = false)
            OrderingEntity = entity;
            _smMode        = smMode;
            IsActive       = true;

            _displayText = "Orbit Order: " + OrderingEntity.Name;
            _tooltipText = "Select target to orbit";
            CurrentState = States.NeedsTarget;

            if (OrderingEntity.Entity.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                //_orbitWidget = new OrbitOrderWiget(OrderingEntity.Entity.GetDataBlob<OrbitDB>());
                if (_moveWidget == null)
                    _moveWidget = new TranslateMoveOrderWidget(_state, OrderingEntity.Entity);

            fsm = new Action[4, 4]
                //selectEntity      selectPos               clickAction     altClick
                { DoNothing, DoNothing, DoNothing, AbortOrder, },                           //needsEntity
                { TargetSelected, DoNothing, DoNothing, GoBackState, },                     //needsTarget
                { DoNothing, InsertionPntSelected, DoNothing, GoBackState, },               //needsApopapsis
                //{DoNothing,         PeriapsisPntSelected,   DoNothing,      GoBackState, }, //needsPeriapsis
                { DoNothing, DoNothing, ActionCmd, GoBackState, }                           //needsActoning
Exemple #3
    public Actions()
        var srw = 1f;
        var trw = 1f;

        var steeringwidth = 2f;
        var tourquewidth  = 2f;

        var steeringcount = (int)Math.Ceiling(steeringwidth / srw) + 1;
        var tourquecount  = (int)Math.Ceiling(tourquewidth / trw) + 1;

        ActionTable = new Action[steeringcount, tourquecount];

        for (var s = 0; s < steeringcount; s++)
            for (var t = 0; t < tourquecount; t++)
                ActionTable[s, t] = new Action()
                    SteeringAngle  = srw * s - 1, Tourque = trw * t - 1, TourqueNumber = t,
                    SteeringNumber = s, SteeringCount = steeringcount, TourgueCount = tourquecount
        public Scanner()
            ActionTable = new Action[, ]
                //                  Ready           Identifier          Number              Delimiter       Assignment      CommentBegin        Comment             CommentEnd
                { /* Letter */ () => {}, null, AddNumber, AddDelimiter, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* Digit */ () => {}, null, null, AddDelimiter, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* Delimiter */ () => {}, AddIdentifier, AddNumber, AddDelimiter, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* Colon */ () => {}, AddIdentifier, AddNumber, AddDelimiter, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* Equality */ Error1, Error1, Error1, Error1, null, Error0, null, null },
                { /* LeftBracket */ null, AddIdentifier, AddNumber, AddDelimiter, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* RightBracket */ Error1, Error1, Error1, Error1, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* Asterisk */ Error1, Error1, Error1, Error1, Error2, null, null, null },
                { /* Whitespace*/ null, AddIdentifier, AddNumber, AddDelimiter, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* Other */ Error1, Error1, Error1, Error1, Error2, Error0, null, null },
                { /* EndOfFile */ null, Error3, Error3, AddDelimiter, Error3, Error3, Error3, Error3 }

            #region Define table of attributes

            for (var c = 0; c < attributes.Length; c++)
                attributes[c] = Attribute.Other;
            for (var c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
                attributes[c] = Attribute.Digit;
            for (var c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
                attributes[c] = attributes[char.ToLower(c)] = Attribute.Letter;
            attributes['+'] = attributes['-'] = attributes[';'] = attributes['.'] = Attribute.Delimiter;
            attributes[':'] = Attribute.Colon;
            attributes['='] = Attribute.Equality;
            attributes['*'] = Attribute.Asterisk;
            attributes['('] = Attribute.LeftBracket;
            attributes[')'] = Attribute.RightBracket;
            attributes[' '] = attributes['\t'] = attributes['\n'] = attributes['\r'] = Attribute.Whitespace;


            #region Define keywords

            foreach (string token in Keywords)
                identifiers[token] = identifier++;


            #region Define long delimiters

            longDelimiters.Add(":=", longDelimiter++);

 public StateMachineBasic()
     this.fsm = new Action[3, 3] {
         //EnemyInSight,     HPLow,                  NoEnemyInSight,
         { this.DoNothing, this.Run, this.Roam },                                         //Attacking
         { this.DoNothing, this.DoNothing, this.Roam },                                   //Running
         { this.Attack, this.DoNothing, this.DoNothing }                                  //Roaming
Exemple #6
 public FiniteStateMachine()
     this.fsm = new Action[3, 4] {
         //PlugIn,       TurnOn,                 TurnOff,            RemovePower
         { this.PowerOn, this.DoNothing, this.DoNothing, this.DoNothing },                                   //start
         { this.DoNothing, this.StandbyWhenOff, this.DoNothing, this.PowerOff },                             //standby
         { this.DoNothing, this.DoNothing, this.StandbyWhenOn, this.PowerOff }
     };                                                                                                      //on
Exemple #7
 public FiniteStateMachine()
     this.transition = new Action[4, 6]
     {                                                                                           //hasTarget,      //noTarget      //ramable     //notRamable    //lowEnergy    //highEnergy
         { this.toAttack, this.toStart, this.toRam, this.toAttack, this.toFlee, this.toStart },  //start
         { this.toAttack, this.toStart, this.toRam, this.toAttack, this.toFlee, this.toAttack }, //attack
         { this.toRam, this.toStart, this.toRam, this.toAttack, this.toFlee, this.toRam },       //ram
         { this.toFlee, this.toStart, this.toFlee, this.toFlee, this.toFlee, this.toAttack }     //flee
Exemple #8
 public DoorTable()
     currState = DoorState.Close;
     this.fsm  = new Action[4, 4] {
         { null, null, null, this.PerformClose }, //Opened
         { this.PerformStop, null, null, this.PerformClose },
         { null, null, this.PerformOpen, null },
         { null, this.PerformStop, this.PerformOpen, null }
 public FiniteStateMachine()
     // Upon instantiation of this FiniteStateMachine class the Action 2D array (fsm) gets populated
     // with all of the transitions(methods) for each input X for each state.
     this.fsm = new Action[3, 4] {
         //PlugIn,       TurnOn,                 TurnOff,            Unplug
         { this.PowerOn, null, null, null },                                         //off
         { null, this.StandbyWhileOff, null, this.PowerOff },                        //standby
         { null, null, this.StandbyWhileOn, this.PowerOff }
     };                                                                              //on
Exemple #10
        public Scanner()
            ActionTable = new Action[,]
                //                  Ready           Identifier          Number              Delimiter       Assignment      CommentBegin        Comment             CommentEnd
                {/* Letter */       () => {},       null,               AddNumber,          AddDelimiter,   Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* Digit */        () => {},       null,               null,               AddDelimiter,   Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* Delimiter */    () => {},       AddIdentifier,      AddNumber,          AddDelimiter,   Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* Colon */        () => {},       AddIdentifier,      AddNumber,          AddDelimiter,   Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* Equality */     Error1,         Error1,             Error1,             Error1,         null,           Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* LeftBracket */  null,           AddIdentifier,      AddNumber,          AddDelimiter,   Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* RightBracket */ Error1,         Error1,             Error1,             Error1,         Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* Asterisk */     Error1,         Error1,             Error1,             Error1,         Error2,         null,               null,               null    },
                {/* Whitespace*/    null,           AddIdentifier,      AddNumber,          AddDelimiter,   Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* Other */        Error1,         Error1,             Error1,             Error1,         Error2,         Error0,             null,               null    },
                {/* EndOfFile */    null,           Error3,             Error3,             AddDelimiter,   Error3,         Error3,             Error3,             Error3  }

            #region Define table of attributes

            for (var c = 0; c < attributes.Length; c++)
                attributes[c] = Attribute.Other;
            for (var c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
                attributes[c] = Attribute.Digit;
            for (var c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
                attributes[c] = attributes[char.ToLower(c)] = Attribute.Letter;
            attributes['+'] = attributes['-'] = attributes[';'] = attributes['.'] = Attribute.Delimiter;
            attributes[':'] = Attribute.Colon;
            attributes['='] = Attribute.Equality;
            attributes['*'] = Attribute.Asterisk;
            attributes['('] = Attribute.LeftBracket;
            attributes[')'] = Attribute.RightBracket;
            attributes[' '] = attributes['\t'] = attributes['\n'] = attributes['\r'] = Attribute.Whitespace;


            #region Define keywords

            foreach (string token in Keywords)
                identifiers[token] = identifier++;


            #region Define long delimiters

            longDelimiters.Add(":=", longDelimiter++);

Exemple #11
 public LockFSM(State initialState)
     state           = initialState;
     actionDelegates = new Dictionary <string, Action>();
     fsm             = new Action[, ]
         // All Events and States of FSM and possible transitions
         // Engage,  Contact, Slip,  Lock,    Disengage,  Unlock,    Release   Break
         { Engage, null, null, null, null, null, null, Break },                          // Idle
         { null, Lock, null, null, Disengage, null, null, Break },                       // Ready
         { null, null, Slip, Locked, Disengage, null, null, Break },                     // Locking
         { null, null, null, null, null, Unlock, null, Break },                          // Locked
         { null, null, null, null, null, null, Unlocked, Break },                        // Unlocking
         { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }                              // Broken
Exemple #12
        public int Start()
            IsFlashInProgress = 0;
            queueStatusSync   = Queue.Synchronized(usedQueue);

            if (Interface.Equals("TCP/IP"))
                TCP_Communication cominterface = new TCP_Communication();
                cominterface.ipaddress = _ipaddress;
                cominterface.port      = _TCPport;
                ComObjet = cominterface;
            else if (Interface.Equals("UART"))
                SerialCommunication cominterface = new SerialCommunication();
                cominterface.BaudRate = _SerialBaudrate;
                cominterface.portname = _serialportname;
                ComObjet = cominterface;

            if (ComObjet.Connect() != 0)
            oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Bootlogic_Thread));

            _stateAction = new Action[6, 2]
                //Next Success, Next Fail

                { Erase, TargetDisconnectFailure },                   // Hookup State
                { Write, TargetDisconnectFailure },                   // Erase State
                { Check, TargetDisconnectFailure },                   // Write State
                { Jump, TargetDisconnectFailure },                    // Check State
                { TargetDisconnectSuccess, TargetDisconnectFailure }, // Jump state
                { null, null },                                       // Target Disconnect Failure State
        public void Start()
            menus   = new Menus(this);
            context = new ComicsContext();
            Location = MenuLocation.MainMenu;

                switch (Location)
                case MenuLocation.MainMenu:
                    exit = menus.MainMenu();

                case MenuLocation.TableMenu:

                case MenuLocation.ActionMenu:
                    actions[(int)menus.mainMenuSelection, (int)menus.tableSelection]();
                    Location = MenuLocation.MainMenu;

                case MenuLocation.StatisticsMenu:

                case MenuLocation.StatisticViewer:
                    Location = MenuLocation.MainMenu;

                    exit = true;
            } while (!exit);

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance with the given dimensions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state_count">The number of states.</param>
        /// <param name="terminal_count">The number of <see cref="TerminalSymbol"/>s.</param>
        /// <param name="grammatical_count">The number of <see cref="GrammaticalSymbol"/>s.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> if any of the parameters is not positive.</exception>
        public ParserTable( int state_count, int terminal_count, int grammatical_count )
            if( state_count <= 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("state_count");
            if( terminal_count <= 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("terminal_count");
            if( grammatical_count <= 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("grammatical_count");

            this.state_count = state_count;
            this.terminal_count = terminal_count;
            this.grammatical_count = grammatical_count;

            this.actions = new Action[state_count, terminal_count];
            for( int i = 0; i < state_count; ++i )
                for( int j = 0; j < terminal_count; ++j )
                    this.actions[i, j] = Action.Error();

            this.gotos = new int[state_count, grammatical_count];
Exemple #15
        private WarpOrderWindow(EntityState entityState, bool smMode = false)
            _flags = ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize;

            OrderingEntityState = entityState;
            _smMode             = smMode;

            _displayText = "Warp Order: " + OrderingEntityState.Name;
            _tooltipText = "Select target to orbit";
            CurrentState = States.NeedsTarget;
            //TargetEntity = new EntityState(Entity.InvalidEntity) { Name = "" };
            if (OrderingEntityState.Entity.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                //_orbitWidget = new OrbitOrderWiget(OrderingEntity.Entity.GetDataBlob<OrbitDB>());
                if (_moveWidget == null)
                    _moveWidget = new WarpMoveOrderWidget(_uiState, OrderingEntityState.Entity);
                    _uiState.SelectedSysMapRender.UIWidgets.Add(nameof(_moveWidget), _moveWidget);
            if (OrderingEntityState.Entity.HasDataBlob <NewtonThrustAbilityDB>())
                var newtDB = OrderingEntityState.Entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonThrustAbilityDB>();
                _maxDV = (float)newtDB.DeltaV;

            fsm = new Action[4, 4]
                //selectEntity      selectPos               clickAction     altClick
                { DoNothing, DoNothing, DoNothing, AbortOrder, },                           //needsEntity
                { TargetSelected, DoNothing, DoNothing, GoBackState, },                     //needsTarget
                { DoNothing, InsertionPntSelected, DoNothing, GoBackState, },               //needsApopapsis
                //{DoNothing,         PeriapsisPntSelected,   DoNothing,      GoBackState, }, //needsPeriapsis
                { DoNothing, DoNothing, ActionCmd, GoBackState, }                           //needsActoning
 public ParseTable(int states, int tokens)
     _actions = new Action[states, tokens + 1];
        public LR1Table(Grammar g, string miniflex)
            lexer    = LexerGenerator.Generate(miniflex);
            _grammar = g; //consider building a new grammar, not just stealing the pointer (as LL1).
            _terminalLookup = new Dictionary <Symbol, int>();
            _gotoLookup     = new Dictionary <Tuple <Symbol, int>, int>();
            _lr1            = new LR1(g);

            //Get terminal symbols from grammar
            var terminals    = (_grammar.Symbols.Where(x => x.IsTerminal())).ToArray();
            var nonTerminals = (_grammar.Symbols.Where(x => x.IsNonTerminal())).ToArray();

            _acceptanceState = _lr1.AutomataStates.Keys.Count - 1;
            var maxState = _acceptanceState;

            for (var i = 0; i < terminals.Length; i++)
                _terminalLookup.Add(terminals[i], i);
            _terminalLookup.Add(new Symbol(Symbol.SymTypes.EOS, "$"), terminals.Length); //add the end of string symbol

            _table = new Action[_terminalLookup.Count, maxState + 1]; //generate Action lookUp table

            //Construct the table with the provided automaton
            for (var i = 0; i < maxState; i++)
                var focusState = _lr1.AutomataStates[i]; //get the nth state

                //set reduce Actions
                var reduceRule = focusState.RuleToReduce;

                if (reduceRule != null)
                    reduceRule.Caret = 0; //reset the caret
                    for (var j = 0; j < _grammar.ProductionRules.Count; j++)
                        if (!_grammar.ProductionRules[j].Equals(reduceRule))
                        foreach (var follow in g.FollowSets[focusState.Header.Header])
                            _table[_terminalLookup[follow], focusState.StateName] = new Action(ActionTypes.Reduce, j);
                //set shift Actions

                foreach (var term in _terminalLookup.Keys.Where(term => focusState.PublicTransitions.ContainsKey(term)))
                    _table[_terminalLookup[term], focusState.StateName] = new Action(ActionTypes.Shift, focusState.PublicTransitions[term]);

                //set goto lookup
                foreach (var nonTerm in nonTerminals.Where(nonTerm => focusState.PublicTransitions.ContainsKey(nonTerm)))
                    _gotoLookup[new Tuple <Symbol, int>(nonTerm, focusState.StateName)] =
Exemple #18
        public void Parse()
            for (;;)
                int state = state_stack.Peek();
                if (!input_token_type_queue.Any())
                int    input_token_type  = input_token_type_queue.Peek();
                string input_token_value = input_token_value_queue.Peek();
                Action[,] actions = parse_table.Actions;
                Action     action      = actions[state, input_token_type];
                ActionType action_type = action.ActionType;
                if (action_type == ActionType.Shift)
                    int new_state = action.ActionParameter;
                    parse_tree.Push(new Node {
                        Children    = new List <Node>(),
                        token_type  = input_token_type,
                        token_value = input_token_value
                else if (action_type == ActionType.Reduce)
                    int ap = action.ActionParameter; // ap is the production number.
                    if (ap == 0 && input_token_type == 0)
                        break; // accept.
                    Production production = parser_generator.Productions[ap];
                    int        rhs_count  = production.Right.Count();
                    // Create tree node.
                    Node node = new Node()
                        Children = new List <Node>()
                    List <Node> reverse = new List <Node>();
                    // Pop off RHS.
                    for (int i = 0; i < rhs_count; ++i)

                        int    tt = token_type_stack.Pop();
                        string tv = token_value_stack.Pop();
                        Node   pt = parse_tree.Pop();

                        node.Children.Insert(0, pt);
                    int new_state = state_stack.Peek();
                    int lhs       = production.Left;
                    Action goto_action = actions[new_state, lhs];
                    if (lhs >= 1)
                        token_value_stack.Push(parser_generator.Grammar.Tokens[lhs - 1]);
                    node.token_type  = production.Left;
                    node.token_value = parser_generator.Grammar.Tokens[lhs - 1];
                else if (action_type == ActionType.Error)
                else if (action_type == ActionType.Accept)
                    throw new Exception("Unknown action.");
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Criar e correr um jogo de Poker
        /// </summary>
        static void Example1()
            //Criar um objeto do tipo Game, no inicio de cada jogo, com as regras do jogo atual.
            Game game = new Game();

            //escolher tipo de jogo: limit ou nolimit
            game.BettingType = BettingType.NoLimit;

            //número de cartas de mesa que são adicionadas em cada ronda. no limit é sempre:
            game.NumBoardCards = new byte[] { 0, 3, 1, 1 };

            //mesmo para cartas do jogador
            game.NumHoleCards = 2;

            //número máximo de raises em cada ronda. no no-limit texas hold'em não há limite... vamos colocar o máximo possível
            game.MaxRaises = new byte[] { 255, 255, 255, 255 };

            //tamanho dos raises em cada ronda. não interessa para o no-limit poker
            game.RaiseSize = new int[] {};

            //configurar o baralho. sempre igual
            game.NumRanks = 13;
            game.NumSuits = 4;

            //número de rondas
            game.NumRounds = 4;

            //// NOTA: Até aqui a configuração das regras é fixa! A partir das instruções abaixo, depende
            //// das condições iniciais do jogo específico!!

            //indicar o numero de joadores
            //os jogadores são numerados de 0 a N-1
            //não deves considerar os seats vazios!
            game.NumPlayers = 5;

            //escolher a estrutura de blinds por assento.
            //neste exemplo os jogadores na posicao 1 e na posicao 2 pagaram respetivamente 10 e 20.
            //nota que os valores sao sempre inteiros (considera a representacao em centimos de dolar)
            game.Blind[1] = 10;
            game.Blind[2] = 20;

            //indicar qual dos jogadores é o primeiro a jogar em cada ronda.
            //fiz uma função para auxiliar a atribuição para o no limit poker.
            //neste caso o primeiro jogador seria o que está na posição 2.
            game.FirstPlayer = GetFirstPlayerNoLimit(2, game.NumPlayers);

            //preencher os valores iniciais de dinheiro de cada jogador. preencher em centimos
            //jogador 0 tem 10 euros, jogador 1 tem 15 euros, jogador 2 tem 5 euros, jogador 3 tem 9.50 e jogador 4 tem 2 euros
            game.Stack = new[] { 1000, 1500, 500, 950, 200 };

            //// NOTA: O jogo está agora configurado. Podes iniciar a simulação!

            //Inicar um state para o jogo. O argumento handid (1337) é só um identificador para o estado, podes colocar o que quiseres
            //o argumento viewingPlayer (2) indica a posição na mesa do teu bot
            MatchState matchState = new MatchState(new State(1337, game), 2);

            //para modificar o estado do jogo é necessário ocorrer ações
            //as acções são executadas sequencialmente, e o estado do jogo é automáticamente modificado
            //não é necessário indicar quem realizou a ação

            //raise de 2 euros
            matchState.state.doAction(game, new Action(ActionType.Raise, 200));

            matchState.state.doAction(game, new Action(ActionType.Fold, 0));

            matchState.state.doAction(game, new Action(ActionType.Call, 0));

            //é possível verificar se determinada ação é válida
            //o segundo argumento booleano indica se a acção será corrigida para o valor mais próximo,
            //isto é, se a acção não for possível (ex: o valor exceder a stack do jogador), o valor da
            //acção é corrigido para o valor mais próximo possível
            Action action = new Action(ActionType.Raise, 500);

            matchState.state.IsValidAction(game, true, action);

            //deves preencher informação sobre as cartas assim que as detetares:
            //exemplo, as cartas do jogador 2 são Ás de ouros e Reis de Paus
            matchState.state.HoleCards[2, 0] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard("Ad"); // ou Cards.Card.AceDiamonds.Value
            matchState.state.HoleCards[2, 1] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.MakeCard("Kc"); // ou Cards.Card.KingClubs.Value

            //preencher também as cartas em cada ronda
            //exemplo de River round
            matchState.state.BoardCards[0] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.TwoClubs.Value;
            matchState.state.BoardCards[1] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.TwoDiamonds.Value;
            matchState.state.BoardCards[2] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.TwoHearts.Value;
            matchState.state.BoardCards[3] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.TwoSpades.Value;
            matchState.state.BoardCards[4] = LIACC.Poker.Cards.Card.AceSpades.Value;

            //os seguintes dados do estado do jogo são disponibilizados
            // The hand's unique identifier
            uint a = matchState.state.HandId;

            // Largest bet so far, including all previous rounds
            int b = matchState.state.MaxSpent;

            // Minimum number of chips a player must have spend in total to raise
            // only used for noLimitBetting games
            int c = matchState.state.MinNoLimitRaiseTo;

            // Spent[ p ] gives the total amount put into the pot by player p
            int[] d = matchState.state.Spent;

            //Action[ r,i ] gives the i'th action in round r
            Action[,] e = matchState.state.Action;

            // ActingPlayer[ r,i ] gives the player who made action i in round r
            // we can always figure this out from the actions taken, but it's
            // easier to just remember this in multiplayer (because of folds)
            byte[,] f = matchState.state.ActingPlayer;

            // NumActions[ r ] gives the number of actions made in round r
            byte[] g = matchState.state.NumActions;

            // current round: a value between 0 and game.numRounds-1
            // a showdown is still in numRounds-1, not a separate round
            var h = matchState.state.Round;

            // Indicates if the game is over
            bool i = matchState.state.Finished;

            //PlayerFolded[ p ] is non-zero if and only player p has folded
            bool[] j = matchState.state.PlayerFolded;