void Awake() { EH = GetComponent<EnemyHealth>(); stopDist = 1.5f; _canAttack = true; _motor = GetComponent<PlatformerMotor2D>(); _anim = GetComponent<EnemyAIAnimator>(); _hero = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Hero"); AI = this.gameObject; //Determine which hero to look for and go after; switch (_hero) { case 0: Debug.Log("I am from Ionia"); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ionian"); targetT = target.transform; IS = target.GetComponent<IonianStatistics>(); IH = target.GetComponent<IonianHealth>(); IXP = target.GetComponent<IonianEXP>(); _pMaster = target.GetComponent<PlayerMaster>(); break; case 1: Debug.Log("I am from Athens"); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Athenian"); targetT = target.transform; ATS = target.GetComponent<AthenianStatistics>(); ATH = target.GetComponent<AthenianHealth>(); ATXP = target.GetComponent<AthenianEXP>(); _pMaster = target.GetComponent<PlayerMaster>(); break; case 2: Debug.Log("I am from Sparta"); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Spartan"); targetT = target.transform; SS = target.GetComponent<SpartanStatistics>(); SH = target.GetComponent<SpartanHealth>(); SXP = target.GetComponent<SpartanEXP>(); _pMaster = target.GetComponent<PlayerMaster>(); break; case 3: Debug.Log("I am Greek"); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Achilles"); targetT = target.transform; AS = target.GetComponent<AchillesStatistics>(); AH = target.GetComponent<AchillesHealth>(); AXP = target.GetComponent<AchillesEXP>(); _pMaster = target.GetComponent<PlayerMaster>(); break; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AS = GetComponent<AchillesStatistics>(); target = FindClosestEnemy(); attack1dmg = AS._attackOne.currentValue; attack2dmg = AS._attackTwo.currentValue; aerialAttackdmg = AS._attackOne.currentValue + (int)(AS._attackOne.currentValue * 0.5f); spearDamage = AS._spearDamage.currentValue; }
void Start() { switch (_hero) { case 0: IS = GetComponent<IonianStatistics>(); Energy = IS._energy.currentFValue; MaxEnergy = IS._energy.maxValue; EnergyRegen = IS._energy.percentageValue; break; case 1: ATS = GetComponent<AthenianStatistics>(); Energy = ATS._energy.currentFValue; MaxEnergy = ATS._energy.maxValue; EnergyRegen = ATS._energy.percentageValue; ATspearControl = GetComponent<ATSpearControl>(); break; case 2: SS = GetComponent<SpartanStatistics>(); Energy = SS._energy.currentFValue; MaxEnergy = SS._energy.maxValue; EnergyRegen = SS._energy.percentageValue; SspearControl = GetComponent<SSpearControl>(); break; case 3: AS = GetComponent<AchillesStatistics>(); Energy = AS._energy.currentFValue; MaxEnergy = AS._energy.maxValue; EnergyRegen = AS._energy.percentageValue; AspearControl = GetComponent<ASpearControl>(); break; } }
void Awake() { AS = GetComponent<AchillesStatistics>(); }
void Awake() { control = this; created = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ASCreated"); //If already loaded for the first time skip this step. if (created != 1) { StatCreation(); } //Load LoadStats(); //Initiate a refrence to use in game InGameStats(); _energy.currentFValue = _energy.maxValue; }