Exemple #1
        public int Run(PlayingCardDeck deck, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var context = new AcesUpRunContext(deck, cancellationToken);
            var result  = Run(context);

Exemple #2
        private bool MoveCardsIfHasEmptySpaces(AcesUpRunContext context)
            if (context.FaceUpCards.Top().Count() >= 4)
                // No empty pile to move to...

            ICardMovingStrategy movingStrategy = context.MovingStrategy;

            if (movingStrategy == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException($"Invalid moving strategy!");

            bool moved;
            bool changed = false;

                moved = movingStrategy.MoveCard(context);
                if (moved)
                    changed = true;
                    PrintContext(context, "moved");
            } while (moved && context.FaceUpCards.Top().Count() < 4);

Exemple #3
        private bool DealAndCheck(AcesUpRunContext context)
            // Pseudo-flow

            if (!Deal4Cards(context))                                       // 1

            while (CheckAndDiscardSuits(context))                           // 2
                if (MoveCardsIfHasEmptySpaces(context))                     // 3
                    //CheckAndDiscardSuits(context);              // 2

Exemple #4
            public virtual bool MoveCard(AcesUpRunContext context)
                // todo: Implement "AI" which remembers the card under the Top card(s), for better 'moving-strategy'

                var top = context.FaceUpCards.Top().ToArray();

                if (top.Length >= 4)
                    return(false);                          // no change
                var suitsOnTop = top.Select(c => c.Suit).Distinct().ToArray();

                bool        moved;
                PlayingCard card;
                PlayingCard peek;
                var         hardMode = context.HardMode;
                var         cards    = context.FaceUpCards;

                if (cards.Pile1.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile1.Reverse().ElementAtOrDefault(1)) != null && suitsOnTop.Contains(peek.Suit) &&
                    (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile1, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                else if (cards.Pile2.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile2.Reverse().ElementAtOrDefault(1)) != null && suitsOnTop.Contains(peek.Suit) &&
                         (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile2, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                else if (cards.Pile3.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile3.Reverse().ElementAtOrDefault(1)) != null && suitsOnTop.Contains(peek.Suit) &&
                         (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile3, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                else if (cards.Pile4.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile4.Reverse().ElementAtOrDefault(1)) != null && suitsOnTop.Contains(peek.Suit) &&
                         (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile4, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                    moved = false;
                    if (_fallback != null)
                        moved = _fallback.MoveCard(context);

                // Move card...
                moved = context.FaceUpCards.AppendOneToEmptyPile(card);
                if (!moved)
                    throw new Exception($"Card was popped from a Pile but could not be Appended to an empty pile!");

Exemple #5
            public virtual bool MoveCard(AcesUpRunContext context)
                var top = context.FaceUpCards.Top().ToArray();

                if (top.Length >= 4)
                    return(false);                          // has no empty piles...
                bool        moved;
                PlayingCard peek;
                PlayingCard card;
                var         hardMode = context.HardMode;
                var         cards    = context.FaceUpCards;

                // Get card...;
                if (cards.Pile1.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile1.Last()) != null && peek.Rank == PlayingCardRank.Ace &&
                    (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile1, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                else if (cards.Pile2.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile2.Last()) != null && peek.Rank == PlayingCardRank.Ace &&
                         (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile2, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                else if (cards.Pile3.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile3.Last()) != null && peek.Rank == PlayingCardRank.Ace &&
                         (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile3, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                else if (cards.Pile4.Length > 1 && (peek = cards.Pile4.Last()) != null && peek.Rank == PlayingCardRank.Ace &&
                         (peek = TryPopCardFromPile(ref cards.Pile4, hardMode)) != null)
                    card = peek;
                    // no piles have any cards available to move...

                    moved = false;
                    if (_fallback != null)
                        moved = _fallback.MoveCard(context);

                // Move card...
                moved = context.FaceUpCards.AppendOneToEmptyPile(card);
                if (!moved)
                    throw new Exception($"Card was popped from a Pile but could not be Appended to an empty pile!");

Exemple #6
        private bool Deal4Cards(AcesUpRunContext context)
            // 1 & 5
            var cards = context.Deck.DrawMany(4);


            PrintContext(context, "deal");

            return(cards.Length > 0);
Exemple #7
        public int Run(AcesUpRunContext context)
             *      1. Deal four cards in a row face up.
             *      2. If there are two or more cards of the same suit, discard all but the highest-ranked card of that suit. Aces rank high.
             *      3. Repeat step 2 until there are no more pairs of cards with the same suit.
             *      4. Whenever there are any empty spaces, you may choose the top card of another pile to be put into the empty space. After you do this, go to Step 2.
             *      5. When there are no more cards to move or remove, deal out the next four cards from the deck face-up onto each pile.
             *      6. Repeat Step 2, using only the visible, or top, cards on each of the four piles.
             *      7. When the last four cards have been dealt out and any moves made, the game is over. The fewer cards left in the tableau, the better. To win is to have only the four aces left.
             *      When the game ends, the number of discarded cards is your score. The maximum score (and thus the score necessary to win) is 48, which means all cards have been discarded except for the four aces, thus the name of the game.

            int  loops    = 0;
            bool gameover = false;

            while (!gameover)
                gameover = !DealAndCheck(context);

                PrintContext(context, "loop");

            // No more cards to deal to piles, GAMEOVER!
            var points = 52 - context.FaceUpCards.Length;

            if (points == 48)
                if (context.FaceUpCards.Top().Count(x => x.Rank == PlayingCardRank.Ace) == 4)
                    points = 100;

Exemple #8
        private bool CheckAndDiscardSuits(AcesUpRunContext context)
            var discarded = false;
            var top       = context.FaceUpCards.Top().ToArray();

            // 2. If there are two or more cards of the same suit, discard all but the highest-ranked card of that suit. Aces rank high.
            var groupBySuits = top.GroupBy(x => x.Suit);

            foreach (var group in groupBySuits)
                var suit  = group.Key;
                var count = group.Count();
                if (count >= 2)
                    var remainingCard = group.AllButHighestCardOfSuit(suit, aceRankHigh: true);

                    var removed = group
                                  .Where(c => c.Suit == suit)
                                  .Where(c => c != remainingCard)
                                  .Count(c => context.FaceUpCards.Discard(c));

                    if (removed > 0)
                        discarded = true;

            if (discarded)
                PrintContext(context, "discarded");

                // Continue to check for cards to discard...
                var r = CheckAndDiscardSuits(context);

Exemple #9
        private void PrintContext(AcesUpRunContext context, string extra)
            if (_output == null)

            var str = "";

            var card = context.FaceUpCards.Pile1.LastOrDefault();

            if (card != null)
                str += $"{card?.ToShortString()} ";
                str += $"    ";

            card = context.FaceUpCards.Pile2.LastOrDefault();
            if (card != null)
                str += $"{card?.ToShortString()} ";
                str += $"    ";

            card = context.FaceUpCards.Pile3.LastOrDefault();
            if (card != null)
                str += $"{card?.ToShortString()} ";
                str += $"    ";

            card = context.FaceUpCards.Pile4.LastOrDefault();
            if (card != null)
                str += $"{card?.ToShortString()} ";
                str += $"    ";

            str += $"  ({extra})";

            if (_logFormatter != null)
                str = _logFormatter.Invoke(str);


            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)