Exemple #1
        public List <Account> GetListOfAccounts()
            // create list object to return
            var bmAccountList = new List <Account>();

            // get assets from db
            var dbAssetList = _unitOfWork.Assets.GetAllActiveOrderedByName();

            foreach (var dbAsset in dbAssetList)
                // get asset type from db
                var dbAssetType = _unitOfWork.AssetTypes.Get(dbAsset.AssetTypeId);
                if (dbAssetType == null)
                    return(new List <Account>());

                // add additional information to asset name
                if (dbAssetType.Id == AssetType.IdForCreditCard)
                    var dbAssetSetting = _unitOfWork.AssetSettings.GetActive(dbAsset.Id, Core.Models.SettingType.IdForAccountNumber);
                    if (dbAssetSetting != null)
                        dbAsset.Name = AccountUtility.FormatAccountName(dbAsset.Name, dbAssetType.Id, dbAssetSetting.Value);

                // transfer dto to bm
                bmAccountList.Add(new Account(dbAsset, dbAssetType));

         * public AccountTransaction GetTransactionOptions(int? assetId)
         * {
         *  var intAssetId = DataTypeUtility.GetIntegerFromString(assetId.ToString());
         *  // get asset information
         *  var dtoAsset = GetAssetFromDatabase(intAssetId);
         *  if (dtoAsset == null)
         *  {
         *      throw new ArgumentNullException();
         *      //return new Business.Models.AssetTransaction();
         *  }
         *  // asset name with additional information
         *  var formattedAssetName = GetAssetNameWithAccountNumber(dtoAsset);
         *  // transfer dto to bm
         *  var bmAssetTransaction = new AccountTransaction(dtoAsset, formattedAssetName);
         *  // get sli
         *  //bmAssetTransaction.AssetSelectList = GetAssetSelectList(intAssetId.ToString());
         *  //bmAssetTransaction.TransactionTypeSelectList = GetTransactionTypeSelectList(null);
         *  //bmAssetTransaction.TransactionCategorySelectList = GetTransactionCategorySelectList(null);
         *  // valid asset information
         *  return bmAssetTransaction;
         * }
         * private Core.Models.Asset GetAssetFromDatabase(int assetId)
         * {
         *  return _unitOfWork.Assets.Get(assetId);
         * }
        private string GetAssetNameWithAccountNumber(Asset dbAsset)
            var dbAssetSetting = _unitOfWork.AssetSettings.GetActive(dbAsset.Id, SettingType.IdForAccountNumber);

            if (dbAssetSetting == null)

            return(AccountUtility.FormatAccountName(dbAsset.Name, dbAsset.AssetTypeId, dbAssetSetting.Value));
Exemple #3
        public void FormatAccountName_WhenProvidedValidInput_ReturnValue_Test()
            // Arrange
            var assetName         = "name";
            int assetTypeId       = 1;
            var assetSettingValue = "value";

            // Act
            var result = AccountUtility.FormatAccountName(assetName, assetTypeId, assetSettingValue);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(string), "Result Type");
Exemple #4
        public void FormatAccountName_WhenProvidedValidInputForCreditCard_ReturnValue_Test()
            // Arrange
            var assetName         = "name";
            int assetTypeId       = AccountUtilityObjectMother.AssetTypeIdForCreditCard;
            var assetSettingValue = "value";

            // Act
            var result = AccountUtility.FormatAccountName(assetName, assetTypeId, assetSettingValue);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(string), "Result Type");
            Assert.AreEqual("name (value)", result, "Result");
        public string GetAssetIdentificationInformation(Core.Models.Asset dtoAsset)
            // validate input
            if (dtoAsset == null)

            // get additional information
            var dtoAssetSetting = _unitOfWork.AssetSettings.GetAll()
                                  .Where(r => r.IsActive)
                                  .FirstOrDefault(r => r.AssetId == dtoAsset.Id);

            if (dtoAssetSetting != null)
                return(AccountUtility.FormatAccountName(dtoAsset.Name, dtoAsset.AssetTypeId, dtoAssetSetting.Value));

            // get standard information