public override void Handle(LoginSession session, PacketReader packet)
            byte   mode     = packet.ReadByte();
            string username = packet.ReadUnicodeString();
            string pass     = packet.ReadUnicodeString();

            Logger.Debug($"Logging in with username: '******' pass: '******'");

            // TODO: From this user/pass lookup we should be able to find the accountId
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pass))
                // send error / account credentials not found

            session.AccountId = AccountStorage.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID;

            switch (mode)
            case 1:
                PacketWriter pWriter = PacketWriter.Of(SendOp.NPS_INFO);

                session.Send(ServerListPacket.SetServers(ServerName, ServerIPs));

            case 2:
                List <Player> characters = new List <Player>();
                foreach (long characterId in AccountStorage.ListCharacters(session.AccountId))

                Logger.Debug($"Initializing login with account id: {session.AccountId}");
                session.Send(UgcPacket.SetEndpoint("", ""));
                session.Send(CharacterListPacket.SetMax(4, 6));
                // Send each character data
        public override void Handle(LoginSession session, PacketReader packet)
            session.Send(ServerListPacket.SetServers(serverName, serverIps));

            List <Player> characters = new List <Player>();

            foreach (long characterId in AccountStorage.ListCharacters(session.AccountId))

            session.Send(CharacterListPacket.SetMax(4, 6));
            // Send each character data
        public override void Handle(LoginSession session, PacketReader packet)
            byte   mode = packet.ReadByte();
            string user = packet.ReadUnicodeString();
            string pass = packet.ReadUnicodeString();

            logger.Debug($"Logging in with user:{user} pass:{pass}");
            // TODO: From this user/pass lookup we should be able to find the accountId
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pass))
                session.AccountId = AccountStorage.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT;
                session.AccountId = AccountStorage.SECONDARY_ACCOUNT;

            switch (mode)
            case 1:
                session.Send(ServerListPacket.SetServers(serverName, serverIps));

            case 2:
                List <Player> characters = new List <Player>();
                foreach (long characterId in AccountStorage.ListCharacters(session.AccountId))

                Console.WriteLine("Initializing login with " + session.AccountId);
                session.Send(UgcPacket.SetEndpoint("", ""));
                session.Send(CharacterListPacket.SetMax(4, 6));
                // Send each character data
        public override void Handle(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            long     accountId = packet.ReadLong();
            AuthData authData  = AuthStorage.GetData(accountId);

            // Backwards seeking because we read accountId here
            HandleCommon(session, packet);


            //session.Send(0x27, 0x01); // Meret market related...?



            // Meret market
            //session.Send("6E 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            //session.Send("6E 00 0C 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            // UserConditionEvent
            //session.Send("BF 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            // PCBangBonus
            //session.Send("A7 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            // SendStat 0x2F (How to send here without ObjectId?, Seems fine to send after entering field)

            // SendUgc f(0x16), SendCash f(0x09), SendContentShutdown f(0x01, 0x04), SendPvp f(0x0C)
            // 0x112, AdventureLevel f(0x00, 0x07)

            // Load inventory tabs
            foreach (InventoryTab tab in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InventoryTab)))
                // Load items for above tab
            session.Send(MarketInventoryPacket.Count(0)); // Typically sent after buddylist
            // SendQuest, SendAchieve, SendManufacturer, SendUserMaid

            session.Send(UserEnvPacket.SetTitles(new List <int> {
                10000565, 10000251, 10000291, 10000292

            // SendMeretMarket f(0xC9)
            // SendPvp f(0x16,0x17), ResponsePet f(0x07), 0xF6
            // CharacterAbility
            // E1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

            // Normally, options are only requested for a new character. Since we don't have a database, we'll always requests the users bindings
            // TODO - Ask for mouse or kb controls on new character creation.
            // Commented out since its annoying to click every time

            // Key bindings and skill slots would normally be loaded from a database
            // If the character is not a new character, this is what we would send
            // session.Send(KeyTablePacket.SendFullOptions(session.Player.Options));

            // SendKeyTable f(0x00), SendGuideRecord f(0x03), GameEvent f(0x00)
            // SendBannerList f(0x19), SendRoomDungeon f(0x05, 0x14, 0x17)
            // FieldEntrance
            session.Send("19 00 00 65 00 00 00 29 7C 7D 01 0C 4D A1 6F 01 0C D3 1A 5F 01 0C EF 03 00 00 01 A2 3C 31 01 0C 3F 0C B7 0D 01 6B 55 5F 01 0C 3A 77 31 01 0C B1 98 BA 01 0C 03 90 5F 01 0C F9 7A 40 01 0C 91 B5 40 01 0C F9 57 31 01 0C 2F C7 BB 0D 01 81 97 7D 01 0C C2 70 5F 01 0C 51 96 40 01 0C B9 38 31 01 0C 41 78 7D 01 0C 65 9D 6F 01 0C 83 51 5F 01 0C 52 73 31 01 0C FF E0 B8 0D 01 11 77 40 01 0C A9 B1 40 01 0C 11 54 31 01 0C DA 6C 5F 01 0C 69 92 40 01 0C D1 34 31 01 0C 7D 99 6F 01 0C 03 13 5F 01 0C 69 6F 31 01 0C 32 88 5F 01 0C 9B 4D 5F 01 0C FF 6F B6 0D 01 29 73 40 01 0C C1 AD 40 01 0C 29 50 31 01 0C 81 8E 40 01 0C E9 30 31 01 0C 09 CE 8C 01 0C 95 95 6F 01 0C 1B 0F 5F 01 0C 4A 84 5F 01 0C B3 49 5F 01 0C 82 6B 31 01 0C 4F 15 BC 0D 01 F9 8C BA 01 00 D9 A9 40 01 0C 41 4C 31 01 0C EF B9 B8 0D 01 99 8A 40 01 0C 21 CA 8C 01 0C 01 AD 6F 01 0C 33 0B 5F 01 0C 99 67 31 01 0C 62 80 5F 01 0C CB 45 5F 01 0C 79 08 9C 01 0C F1 A5 40 01 0C E1 87 7D 01 0C BB 9B 5F 01 0C B1 86 40 01 0C 39 C6 8C 01 0C 7A 7C 5F 01 0C B2 63 31 01 0C 29 85 BA 01 0E 91 04 9C 01 0C 09 A2 40 01 0C 71 44 31 01 0C F9 83 7D 01 0C 1D A9 6F 01 0C D3 97 5F 01 0C C9 82 40 01 0C 51 C2 8C 01 0C 61 BD 40 01 0C C9 5F 31 01 0C 51 9F 7D 01 0C 92 78 5F 01 0C 0F 08 B9 0D 01 A9 00 9C 01 0C 89 40 31 01 0C 11 80 7D 01 0C 35 A5 6F 01 0C BB 1E 5F 01 0C 53 59 5F 01 0C E9 03 00 00 01 22 7B 31 01 0C EB 93 5F 01 0C EA 03 00 00 01 E1 7E 40 01 0C 69 BE 8C 01 0C 79 B9 40 01 0C E1 5B 31 01 0C EB 03 00 00 01 69 9B 7D 01 0C AA 74 5F 01 0C EC 03 00 00 01 ED 03 00 00 01 C1 FC 9B 01 0C EE 03 00 00 01".ToByteArray());
            // 0xF0, ResponsePet P(0F 01)
            // RequestFieldEnter
            //session.Send("16 00 00 41 75 19 03 00 01 8A 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 28 C4 00 40 03 44 00 00 16 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 FF 33 42 E8 49 01 00".ToByteArray());
            // SendUgc: 15 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 00 00 00
            // SendHomeCommand: 00 E1 0F 26 89 7F 98 3C 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

            //session.Send("B9 00 00 E1 0F 26 89 7F 98 3C 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());

            //session.Send(0xF0, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
            //session.Send(0x28, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
        public override void Handle(GameSession session, PacketReader packet)
            long     accountId = packet.ReadLong();
            AuthData authData  = AuthStorage.GetData(accountId);

            // Backwards seeking because we read accountId here
            HandleCommon(session, packet);

            Player player = AccountStorage.GetCharacter(authData.CharacterId);

            player.Session = session;


            //session.Send(0x27, 0x01); // Meret market related...?



            // Meret market
            //session.Send("6E 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            //session.Send("6E 00 0C 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            // UserConditionEvent
            //session.Send("BF 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            // PCBangBonus
            //session.Send("A7 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());
            // TODO: Grab Hp/Spirit/Stam from last login
            player.Stats.InitializePools(player.Stats[PlayerStatId.Hp].Max, player.Stats[PlayerStatId.Spirit].Max, player.Stats[PlayerStatId.Stamina].Max);

            // SendUgc f(0x16), SendCash f(0x09), SendContentShutdown f(0x01, 0x04), SendPvp f(0x0C)
            PacketWriter pWriter = PacketWriter.Of(SendOp.SYNC_NUMBER);

            // 0x112, Prestige f(0x00, 0x07)

            // Load inventory tabs
            foreach (InventoryTab tab in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InventoryTab)))
                InventoryController.LoadInventoryTab(session, tab);

            List <QuestMetadata> questList = QuestMetadataStorage.GetAvailableQuests(player.Levels.Level); // TODO: This logic needs to be refactored when DB is implemented

            questList.Add(QuestMetadataStorage.GetMetadata(60100000));                                     // Manually adding "the caravan" for testing purposes

            foreach (QuestMetadata quest in questList)
                session.Player.QuestList.Add(new QuestStatus(quest));

            IEnumerable <List <QuestStatus> > packetCount = SplitList(session.Player.QuestList, 200); // Split the quest list in 200 quests per packet, same way kms do

            foreach (List <QuestStatus> item in packetCount)

            List <Trophy> trophyList = new List <Trophy>(session.Player.TrophyData.Values);
            IEnumerable <List <Trophy> > trophyListPackets = SplitList(trophyList, 60);

            foreach (List <Trophy> trophy in trophyListPackets)

            session.Send(WarehouseInventoryPacket.Count()); // Typically sent after buddylist
            // SendQuest, SendAchieve, SendManufacturer, SendUserMaid

            // SendMeretMarket f(0xC9)
            // SendPvp f(0x16,0x17), ResponsePet f(0x07), 0xF6
            // CharacterAbility
            // E1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

            // Normally, options are only requested for a new character. Since we don't have a database, we'll always requests the users bindings
            // TODO - Ask for mouse or kb controls on new character creation.
            // Commented out since its annoying to click every time

            // Key bindings and skill slots would normally be loaded from a database
            // If the character is not a new character, this is what we would send
            // session.Send(KeyTablePacket.SendFullOptions(session.Player.Options));

            // SendKeyTable f(0x00), SendGuideRecord f(0x03), GameEvent f(0x00)
            // SendBannerList f(0x19), SendRoomDungeon f(0x05, 0x14, 0x17)
            // FieldEntrance
            session.Send("19 00 00 65 00 00 00 29 7C 7D 01 0C 4D A1 6F 01 0C D3 1A 5F 01 0C EF 03 00 00 01 A2 3C 31 01 0C 3F 0C B7 0D 01 6B 55 5F 01 0C 3A 77 31 01 0C B1 98 BA 01 0C 03 90 5F 01 0C F9 7A 40 01 0C 91 B5 40 01 0C F9 57 31 01 0C 2F C7 BB 0D 01 81 97 7D 01 0C C2 70 5F 01 0C 51 96 40 01 0C B9 38 31 01 0C 41 78 7D 01 0C 65 9D 6F 01 0C 83 51 5F 01 0C 52 73 31 01 0C FF E0 B8 0D 01 11 77 40 01 0C A9 B1 40 01 0C 11 54 31 01 0C DA 6C 5F 01 0C 69 92 40 01 0C D1 34 31 01 0C 7D 99 6F 01 0C 03 13 5F 01 0C 69 6F 31 01 0C 32 88 5F 01 0C 9B 4D 5F 01 0C FF 6F B6 0D 01 29 73 40 01 0C C1 AD 40 01 0C 29 50 31 01 0C 81 8E 40 01 0C E9 30 31 01 0C 09 CE 8C 01 0C 95 95 6F 01 0C 1B 0F 5F 01 0C 4A 84 5F 01 0C B3 49 5F 01 0C 82 6B 31 01 0C 4F 15 BC 0D 01 F9 8C BA 01 00 D9 A9 40 01 0C 41 4C 31 01 0C EF B9 B8 0D 01 99 8A 40 01 0C 21 CA 8C 01 0C 01 AD 6F 01 0C 33 0B 5F 01 0C 99 67 31 01 0C 62 80 5F 01 0C CB 45 5F 01 0C 79 08 9C 01 0C F1 A5 40 01 0C E1 87 7D 01 0C BB 9B 5F 01 0C B1 86 40 01 0C 39 C6 8C 01 0C 7A 7C 5F 01 0C B2 63 31 01 0C 29 85 BA 01 0E 91 04 9C 01 0C 09 A2 40 01 0C 71 44 31 01 0C F9 83 7D 01 0C 1D A9 6F 01 0C D3 97 5F 01 0C C9 82 40 01 0C 51 C2 8C 01 0C 61 BD 40 01 0C C9 5F 31 01 0C 51 9F 7D 01 0C 92 78 5F 01 0C 0F 08 B9 0D 01 A9 00 9C 01 0C 89 40 31 01 0C 11 80 7D 01 0C 35 A5 6F 01 0C BB 1E 5F 01 0C 53 59 5F 01 0C E9 03 00 00 01 22 7B 31 01 0C EB 93 5F 01 0C EA 03 00 00 01 E1 7E 40 01 0C 69 BE 8C 01 0C 79 B9 40 01 0C E1 5B 31 01 0C EB 03 00 00 01 69 9B 7D 01 0C AA 74 5F 01 0C EC 03 00 00 01 ED 03 00 00 01 C1 FC 9B 01 0C EE 03 00 00 01".ToByteArray());
            // 0xF0, ResponsePet P(0F 01)
            // RequestFieldEnter
            //session.Send("16 00 00 41 75 19 03 00 01 8A 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 28 C4 00 40 03 44 00 00 16 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 FF 33 42 E8 49 01 00".ToByteArray());
            // SendUgc: 15 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4B 00 00 00
            // SendHomeCommand: 00 E1 0F 26 89 7F 98 3C 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

            //session.Send("B9 00 00 E1 0F 26 89 7F 98 3C 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".ToByteArray());

            //session.Send(0xF0, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
            //session.Send(0x28, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);