private void ToInitialize() { if (this._Ic != "" && this._Ic.Length == 36) { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); accounModel = accountLogic.GetModel(this._ic); if (accounModel != null) { this.txtaccountNum.Value = accounModel.accountNum; this.txtacountName.Value = accounModel.acountName; string text = ""; string[] array = accounModel.authorizer.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string text2 = array2[i]; if (text2 != "") { text = text + "," + text2; } } string userName =; this.Session["HumanCode"] = text; this.Session["HumanName"] = userName; this.txtauthorizer.Value = userName; this.txtRemark.Value = accounModel.Remark; this.txtinitialFund.Value = accounModel.initialFund.ToString(); } } }
private string setSeesionval(string accid) { this.Session["HumanCodeOld"] = ""; AccounModel model = this.AL.GetModel(accid); if (model != null) { string text = ""; string[] array = model.authorizer.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string text2 = array2[i]; if (text2 != "") { text = text + "," + text2; } } string userName =; this.Session["HumanCode"] = text; this.Session["HumanCodeOld"] = text; this.Session["HumanName"] = userName; return("true"); } return("false"); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); bool flag = false; if (this._Action == "add") { accounModel = this.getModel(); if (!this.bll.Exists(accounModel.accountNum.ToString(), accounModel.AccountID)) { if (this.bll.Add(accounModel) > 0) { flag = true; } } else { flag = false; } } else { if (this._Action == "edit") { accounModel = this.getModel(); flag = (!this.bll.Exists(accounModel.accountNum.ToString(), accounModel.AccountID) && this.bll.Update(accounModel)); } } if (flag) { base.RegisterScript("top.ui.tabSuccess({ parentName: '_prjaccount' })"); return; } base.RegisterScript("top.ui.alert('项目账户编号不允许重复,数据保存失败');"); }
private AccounModel getModel() { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); if (this._Action == "add") { accounModel.AccountID = new Guid(this.hdnAccount.Value); accounModel.creatDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Now); accounModel.createMan = base.UserCode; accounModel.authorizer = this.hdnUser.Value.ToString(); } else { if (this._Action == "edit") { accounModel.AccountID = new Guid(this._Ic); } } accounModel.PrjGuid = this.convPrjCode(this.hdnProjectCode.Value); accounModel.accountNum = this.txtaccountNum.Text.Trim(); accounModel.acountName = this.txtacountName.Text.Trim(); accounModel.Remark = this.txtRemark.Value; if (this.txtinitialFund.Text != "") { accounModel.initialFund = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(this.txtinitialFund.Text)); } else { accounModel.initialFund = new decimal?(0m); } return(accounModel); }
private AccounModel getModel() { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); if (this._Action == "add") { accounModel.AccountID = new Guid(this.FileLink1.FID.ToString()); accounModel.creatDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Now); accounModel.createMan = this.Session["yhdm"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._PrjCode)) { accounModel.PrjGuid = this._PrjCode; } } else { if (this._Action == "edit") { accounModel.AccountID = new Guid(this._Ic); } } accounModel.accountNum = this.txtaccountNum.Value; accounModel.acountName = this.txtacountName.Value; string text = ""; string[] array = this.Session["HumanCode"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string text2 = array2[i]; if (text2 != "") { text = text + "," + text2; } } accounModel.authorizer = text; accounModel.Remark = this.txtRemark.Value; if (this.txtinitialFund.Value != "") { accounModel.initialFund = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(this.txtinitialFund.Value)); } else { accounModel.initialFund = new decimal?(0m); } return(accounModel); }
public DataTable GetTab() { string text = " and PrjGuid in (select [PrjGuid] FROM [PT_PrjInfo] where [Podepom] like '%" + base.UserCode + "%' ) "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtPrjName.Text.Trim())) { text = text + " and prjname like '%" + this.txtPrjName.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } if (this.txtStartTime.Text.Trim().ToString() != "") { text = text + " and getdate >='" + this.txtStartTime.Text.Trim().ToString() + "' "; } if (this.txtEndTime.Text.Trim().ToString() != "") { text = text + " and getdate <='" + this.txtEndTime.Text.Trim().ToString() + "' "; } if (this.ddlSubject.SelectedValue != "-1") { text = text + " and Subject='" + this.ddlSubject.SelectedItem.Text.Trim().ToString() + "' "; } if (this.hdfAccoun.Value.Trim().ToString() != "") { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); accounModel = accountLogic.GetModel(this.hdfAccoun.Value.ToString()); string str; if (accounModel.PrjGuid.StartsWith("'")) { str = accounModel.PrjGuid.ToString(); } else { str = "'" + accounModel.PrjGuid.ToString() + "'"; } text = text + " and PrjGuid in (" + str + ")"; } text += " and FlowState='1' "; text += " order by getdate desc "; DataTable list = this.incomebll.GetList(text); for (int i = 0; i < list.Rows.Count; i++) { this.inmoney += Convert.ToDecimal(list.Rows[i]["Inmoney"].ToString()); } return(list); }
private void ToInitialize() { if (this._Ic != "" && this._Ic.Length == 36) { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); accounModel = this.bll.GetModel(this._ic); if (accounModel != null) { this.hdnAccount.Value = accounModel.AccountID.ToString(); this.hdnUser.Value = accounModel.authorizer.ToString(); this.txtaccountNum.Text = accounModel.accountNum; this.txtacountName.Text = accounModel.acountName; this.txtRemark.Value = accounModel.Remark; this.txtinitialFund.Text = accounModel.initialFund.ToString(); this.txtPrjName.Text = this.bll.getPrjName(accounModel.PrjGuid); this.hdnProjectCode.Value = accounModel.PrjGuid; } } }
public DataTable GetTab() { string text = " and PrjGuid in (select [PrjGuid] FROM [PT_PrjInfo] where [Podepom] like '%" + base.UserCode + "%' ) "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtPrjName.Text)) { text = text + " and PrjName like '%" + this.txtPrjName.Text.Trim() + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtStartTime.Text.Trim())) { text = text + " and PayTime >='" + this.txtStartTime.Text.Trim() + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtEndTime.Text)) { text = text + " and PayTime <='" + this.txtEndTime.Text.Trim() + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.hdfAccoun.Value)) { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); accounModel = accountLogic.GetModel(this.hdfAccoun.Value.ToString()); string str; if (accounModel.PrjGuid.StartsWith("'")) { str = accounModel.PrjGuid.ToString(); } else { str = "'" + accounModel.PrjGuid.ToString() + "'"; } text = text + " and PrjGuid in (" + str + ")"; } text += " order by PayTime desc "; DataTable reportByWhere = this.accountBLL.getReportByWhere(base.Request.QueryString["type"], text); for (int i = 0; i < reportByWhere.Rows.Count; i++) { this.yingzhi += Convert.ToDecimal(reportByWhere.Rows[i]["PayMoney"].ToString()); this.yizhi += Convert.ToDecimal(reportByWhere.Rows[i]["AccountMoney"].ToString()); } return(reportByWhere); }
protected void bindPage() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TemAccountid)) { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); accounModel = this.bll.GetModel(this.TemAccountid); if (accounModel != null) { string[] array = accounModel.PrjGuid.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); new ArrayList(); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add("id", typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string)); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string str = array[i].ToString().Replace("'", ""); string sqlString = "select * from pt_prjinfo where isvalid=1 and PrjGuid='" + str + "' "; DataTable dataTable2 = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(sqlString); if (dataTable2 != null && dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); dataRow["id"] = dataTable2.Rows[0]["PrjGuid"]; dataRow["name"] = dataTable2.Rows[0]["PrjName"]; dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow); } } this.dropPrjCodeList.DataTextField = "name"; this.dropPrjCodeList.DataValueField = "id"; this.dropPrjCodeList.DataSource = dataTable; this.dropPrjCodeList.DataBind(); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); AccounModel model = new AccounModel(); bool flag = false; if (this._Action == "add") { model = this.getModel(); if (accountLogic.Add(model) > 0) { flag = true; } } else { if (this._Action == "edit") { model = this.getModel(); flag = accountLogic.Update(model); } } if (flag) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append("parent.desktop.flowclass.location = '/fund/Account/PrjAccount.aspx?prjId=" + base.Request["PrjCode"] + "';"); stringBuilder.Append("alert('保存成功');"); stringBuilder.Append("top.frameWorkArea.window.desktop.getActive().close();"); base.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(base.GetType(), "sc", "<script>" + stringBuilder.ToString() + "</script>"); return; } StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder2.Append("alert('保存失败');"); base.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(base.GetType(), "sc", "<script>" + stringBuilder2.ToString() + "</script>"); }
public bool Update(AccounModel model) { return(this.dal.Update(model)); }
public List <AccounModel> DataTableToList(DataTable dt) { List <AccounModel> list = new List <AccounModel>(); int count = dt.Rows.Count; if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { AccounModel item = new AccounModel(); if ((dt.Rows[i]["AccountID"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["AccountID"].ToString() != "")) { item.AccountID = new Guid(dt.Rows[i]["AccountID"].ToString()); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["PrjGuid"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["PrjGuid"].ToString() != "")) { item.PrjGuid = dt.Rows[i]["PrjGuid"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["accountNum"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["accountNum"].ToString() != "")) { item.accountNum = dt.Rows[i]["accountNum"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["acountName"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["acountName"].ToString() != "")) { item.acountName = dt.Rows[i]["acountName"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["creatData"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["creatData"].ToString() != "")) { item.creatDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["creatData"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["createMan"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["createMan"].ToString() != "")) { item.createMan = dt.Rows[i]["createMan"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["activeData"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["activeData"].ToString() != "")) { item.activeDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["activeData"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["activeMan"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["activeMan"].ToString() != "")) { item.activeMan = dt.Rows[i]["activeMan"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["authorizer"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["authorizer"].ToString() != "")) { item.authorizer = dt.Rows[i]["authorizer"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["closeData"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["closeData"].ToString() != "")) { item.closeDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["closeData"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["closeMan"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["closeMan"].ToString() != "")) { item.closeMan = dt.Rows[i]["closeMan"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["Remark"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["Remark"].ToString() != "")) { item.Remark = dt.Rows[i]["Remark"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["initialFund"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["initialFund"].ToString() != "")) { item.initialFund = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["initialFund"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["AccountState"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["AccountState"].ToString() != "")) { item.AccountState = new int?(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["AccountState"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["FlowState"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["FlowState"].ToString() != "")) { item.FlowState = new int?(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["FlowState"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["moneyRate"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["moneyRate"].ToString() != "")) { item.moneyRate = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["moneyRate"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["IncomeFund"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["IncomeFund"].ToString() != "")) { item.IncomeFund = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["IncomeFund"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["PayoutFund"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["PayoutFund"].ToString() != "")) { item.PayoutFund = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["PayoutFund"].ToString())); } if ((dt.Rows[i]["CurrentFund"] != null) && (dt.Rows[i]["CurrentFund"].ToString() != "")) { item.CurrentFund = new decimal?(decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["CurrentFund"].ToString())); } list.Add(item); } } return(list); }
public int Add(AccounModel model) { return(this.dal.Add(model)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { this.ddlType.Attributes.Add("onchange", "TypeChange()"); this.hdnZHID.Value = base.Request.QueryString["ZHID"].ToString(); if (base.Request.QueryString["Action"] == "Add") { this.txtAccCode.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); this.hdnAccountID.Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.txtInDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.txtInPeople.Text =, base.UserCode); this.hdnPeopleCode.Value = base.UserCode; this.DaGet.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.aM =; if (!this.aM.PrjGuid.StartsWith("'")) { PrjInfoModel modelByPrjGuid = this.ptPrjInfo.GetModelByPrjGuid(this.aM.PrjGuid); if (modelByPrjGuid != null) { this.txtPrjName.Text = modelByPrjGuid.PrjName; this.hdnProjectCode.Value = this.aM.PrjGuid; } } } else { this.hdnAccountID.Value = base.Request.QueryString["AccountID"].ToString(); this.accountModel = this.AccountBll.GetModel(new Guid(this.hdnAccountID.Value)); this.txtAccCode.Text = this.accountModel.InCode.ToString(); this.hdnAccountID.Value = this.accountModel.InUid.ToString(); this.txtInDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(this.accountModel.InDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.txtInPeople.Text =, this.accountModel.InPeople); this.hdnPeopleCode.Value = this.accountModel.InPeople; this.DaGet.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(this.accountModel.GetDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.hdnProjectCode.Value = this.accountModel.PrjGuid.ToString(); PrjInfoModel modelByPrjGuid2 = this.ptPrjInfo.GetModelByPrjGuid(this.accountModel.PrjGuid); if (modelByPrjGuid2 != null) { this.txtPrjName.Text = modelByPrjGuid2.PrjName; } this.hdnContCode.Value = this.accountModel.ContractID.ToString(); this.hdnPlanUid.Value = this.accountModel.PlanUid.ToString(); this.ddlType.SelectedValue = this.accountModel.Subject.ToString(); this.txtRemark.Text = this.accountModel.Remark.ToString(); DataTable allNews = this.AccountBll.GetAllNews(this.accountModel.ContractID); if (allNews.Rows.Count > 0) { this.hdnPlanUid.Value = allNews.Rows[0]["UID"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(allNews.Rows[0]["PlanDate"].ToString())) { this.txtPlan.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(allNews.Rows[0]["PlanDate"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy年MM月"); this.txtPlanMoney.Text = allNews.Rows[0]["ThisBalance"].ToString(); } else { this.txtPlan.Text = ""; this.txtPlanMoney.Text = "0.00"; } this.txtContName.Text = allNews.Rows[0]["cllectionCode"].ToString(); } this.txtInMoney.Text = this.accountModel.InMoney.ToString(); this.txtGetMoney.Text = this.accountModel.GetMoney.ToString(); } this.FileUpload1.Class = "AccounIncome"; this.FileUpload1.RecordCode = this.hdnAccountID.Value; } }
private void ToInitialize() { if (this._Ic != "" && this._Ic.Length == 36) { AccounModel accounModel = new AccounModel(); AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); accounModel = accountLogic.GetModel(this._ic); Fund_Prj_Accoun fund_Prj_Accoun = new Fund_Prj_Accoun(); string strwhere = " AND AccountID='" + this._ic + "'"; DataTable accounSumInfo = fund_Prj_Accoun.getAccounSumInfo(strwhere); if (accounModel != null) { this.txtaccountNum.Text = accounModel.accountNum; this.txtacountName.Text = accounModel.acountName; this.txtRemark.Text = accounModel.Remark; this.txtinitialFund.Text = accounModel.initialFund.ToString(); this.lblPrintDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); this.lblPrintPeople.Text = PageHelper.QueryUser(this, base.UserCode); this.lblPrj.Text = accountLogic.getPrjName(accounModel.PrjGuid); } if (accounSumInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UsableJE"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UsableJE"].ToString() != "") { this.keyongyue.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UsableJE"].ToString())); } else { this.keyongyue.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["JE"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["JE"].ToString() != "") { this.zhanghuyue.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["JE"].ToString())); } else { this.zhanghuyue.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["OtherIncome"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["OtherIncome"].ToString() != "") { this.qitashouru.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["OtherIncome"].ToString())); } else { this.qitashouru.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ContIncomeRZ"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ContIncomeRZ"].ToString() != "") { this.ruzhang.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ContIncomeRZ"].ToString())); } else { this.ruzhang.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["Loan"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["Loan"].ToString() != "") { this.jiekuan.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["Loan"].ToString())); } else { this.jiekuan.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ReturnLoanBJ"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ReturnLoanBJ"].ToString() != "") { this.benjin.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ReturnLoanBJ"].ToString())); } else { this.benjin.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ReturnLoanOther"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ReturnLoanOther"] != "") { this.lixijiqita.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["ReturnLoanOther"].ToString())); } else { this.lixijiqita.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["MustPaidCont"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["MustPaidCont"].ToString() != "") { this.YZhetonge.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["MustPaidCont"].ToString())); } else { this.YZhetonge.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["MustPaidOtherCost"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["MustPaidOtherCost"].ToString() != "") { this.YZjianjiefeiyong.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["MustPaidOtherCost"].ToString())); } else { this.YZjianjiefeiyong.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UnpaidCont"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UnpaidCont"].ToString() != "") { this.WZhetonge.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UnpaidCont"].ToString())); } else { this.WZhetonge.Text = "0.000"; } if (accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UnpaidOtherCost"] != null && accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UnpaidOtherCost"].ToString() != "") { this.WZjianjiefeiyong.Text = string.Format("{0:0.000}", double.Parse(accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["UnpaidOtherCost"].ToString())); return; } this.WZjianjiefeiyong.Text = "0.000"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { this.hdnZHID.Value = base.Request.QueryString["ZHID"].ToString(); this.HdnSub.Value = base.Request.QueryString["Sub"].ToString(); string strwhere = " and AccountID='" + base.Request["ZHID"].ToString() + "' "; Fund_Prj_Accoun fund_Prj_Accoun = new Fund_Prj_Accoun(); DataTable accounSumInfo = fund_Prj_Accoun.getAccounSumInfo(strwhere); this.hdnyue.Value = accounSumInfo.Rows[0]["JE"].ToString(); if (this.HdnSub.Value == "0") { this.lblSel.Text = "资金支付申请"; } else { this.lblSel.Text = "费用名称"; } if (base.Request.QueryString["Action"] == "Add") { this.txtAccCode.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); this.hdnAccountID.Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.txtInDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.txtInPeople.Text =, base.UserCode); this.hdnPeopleCode.Value = base.UserCode; this.aM =; if (!this.aM.PrjGuid.StartsWith("'")) { PrjInfoModel modelByPrjGuid = this.ptPrjInfo.GetModelByPrjGuid(this.aM.PrjGuid); if (modelByPrjGuid != null) { this.txtPrjName.Text = modelByPrjGuid.PrjName; this.hdnProjectCode.Value = this.aM.PrjGuid; } } } else { this.hdnAccountID.Value = base.Request.QueryString["AccountID"].ToString(); this.accountModel = this.AccountBll.GetModel(new Guid(this.hdnAccountID.Value)); this.txtAccCode.Text = this.accountModel.PayOutCode.ToString(); this.txtInDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(this.accountModel.PayOutTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.txtInPeople.Text =, this.accountModel.PayOutPeople); this.hdnPeopleCode.Value = this.accountModel.PayOutPeople; this.hdnProjectCode.Value = this.accountModel.prjGuid.ToString(); PrjInfoModel modelByPrjGuid2 = this.ptPrjInfo.GetModelByPrjGuid(this.accountModel.prjGuid); if (modelByPrjGuid2 != null) { this.txtPrjName.Text = modelByPrjGuid2.PrjName; } this.txtRemark.Text = this.accountModel.Remark.ToString(); this.txtInMoney.Text = this.accountModel.PayOutMoney.ToString(); this.txtHandler.Text = this.accountModel.Handler.ToString(); this.hdnRPUID.Value = this.accountModel.RPGuid.ToString(); this.txtPayOut.Text = this.AccountBll.getMoneyByPayCode(this.accountModel.RPGuid.ToString()).ToString(); this.txtPayMoney.Text = "0.00"; if (this.HdnSub.Value == "0") { PayoutPayment payoutPayment = new PayoutPayment(); PayoutPaymentModel model = payoutPayment.GetModel(this.accountModel.RPGuid.ToString()); if (model != null) { this.txtRPCode.Text = model.PaymentCode.ToString(); this.txtPayMoney.Text = model.PaymentMoney.ToString(); } } else { string strwhere2 = " inDiaryId ='" + this.accountModel.RPGuid.ToString() + "' "; DataTable dtByWhere = OrganizationDiary.getDtByWhere(strwhere2); if (dtByWhere.Rows.Count > 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtByWhere.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString())) { this.txtPayMoney.Text = "0.00"; } else { this.txtPayMoney.Text = dtByWhere.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString(); } this.txtRPCode.Text = dtByWhere.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); } } this.txtJianMoney.Text = (Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtPayMoney.Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtPayOut.Text)).ToString(); } this.FileUpload1.Class = "AccountPayOut"; this.FileUpload1.RecordCode = this.hdnAccountID.Value; } }