private string GetMachine(string MachineId, AccessDapperDber doorDapperDber)
            string    sql = " select MachineAlias from Machines where id=" + MachineId + "";
            DataTable dt  = doorDapperDber.ExecuteDataTable(sql);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
        private string GetConsumer(string UserId, AccessDapperDber doorDapperDber)
            string    sql = " select name from userinfo where Badgenumber='" + UserId + "'";
            DataTable dt  = doorDapperDber.ExecuteDataTable(sql);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 默认取当前月份轨道衡的数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argConn">Access数据库连接串</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable getData(AccessDapperDber argConn)
            DataTable dt        = new DataTable();
            int       tempMonth = DateTime.Now.Month;//取当前日期的月份
            int       tempDay   = -CommonDAO.GetInstance().GetAppletConfigInt32("轨道衡数据读取天数");
            string    sql       = string.Format(@"select * from {0} where 发货单位 <> '' and 收货单位 <> '' and 时间 > '{1}'", tempMonth,

            dt = argConn.ExecuteDataTable(sql);
        /// <summary>
        /// 同步门禁数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        public void SyncDoorData(Action <string, eOutputType> output, AccessDapperDber doorDapperDber)
            int res = 0;

            string sql = " select * from acc_monitor_log where time>#2018-08-08#";

            sql += " order by time";
            DataTable dtNum = doorDapperDber.ExecuteDataTable(sql);

            if (dtNum.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dtNum.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string id       = dtNum.Rows[i]["id"].ToString();
                    string userId   = dtNum.Rows[i]["pin"].ToString();
                    string deviceId = dtNum.Rows[i]["device_id"].ToString();

                    string consumerName = GetConsumer(userId, doorDapperDber);
                    string doorName     = GetMachine(deviceId, doorDapperDber);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerName))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doorName))

                    CmcsGuardInfo entity = Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Entity <CmcsGuardInfo>("where NId=:NId", new { NId = id });
                    if (entity == null)
                        entity = new CmcsGuardInfo()
                            DataFrom       = "智能化",
                            F_ConsumerId   = userId,
                            F_ConsumerName = consumerName,
                            F_InOut        = "1",
                            F_ReaderId     = deviceId,
                            F_ReaderName   = doorName,
                            NId            = id,
                            F_ReadDate     = DateTime.Parse(dtNum.Rows[i]["time"].ToString())

                        res += Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Insert(entity);
            output(string.Format("同步门禁数据{0}条", res), eOutputType.Normal);
        public override System.Data.DataTable ExecuteGrab()
            AccessDapperDber accessDber = new AccessDapperDber(ConnStr);

            return(accessDber.ExecuteDataTable("select * from sample where Date > #" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-DayRange).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "#"));
        /// <summary>
        /// 同步集样罐信息到集中管控
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SyncBarrel(Action <string, eOutputType> output, AccessDapperDber accessDapperDber)
            int res = 0;

            DataTable infpdcybarrels = accessDapperDber.ExecuteDataTable("select * from 桶号点数");

            if (infpdcybarrels != null && infpdcybarrels.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < infpdcybarrels.Rows.Count; i++)
                    InfEquInfSampleBarrel oldEquInfSampleBarrel = Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Entity <InfEquInfSampleBarrel>("where MachineCode=:MachineCode and BarrelNumber=:BarrelNumber"
                                                                                                                              , new { MachineCode = this.MachineCode, BarrelNumber = infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["桶号"].ToString() });

                    if (oldEquInfSampleBarrel == null)
                        InfEquInfSampleBarrel entity = new InfEquInfSampleBarrel();

                        entity.BarrelNumber = infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["桶号"].ToString();

                        entity.SampleCount  = Convert.ToInt32(infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["点数"].ToString());
                        entity.BarrelStatus = entity.SampleCount > 0 ? "未满" : "空桶";
                        DataTable dtSetUp = accessDapperDber.ExecuteDataTable("select * from 系统参数");
                        if (dtSetUp != null && dtSetUp.Rows.Count > 0)
                            int count = Convert.ToInt32(dtSetUp.Rows[0]["盛样点数"].ToString());
                            if (entity.SampleCount == count)
                                entity.BarrelStatus = "已满";

                        entity.MachineCode = this.MachineCode;
                        //InFactoryBatchId = entity.InFactoryBatchId,
                        entity.InterfaceType = commonDAO.GetMachineInterfaceTypeByCode(this.MachineCode);

                        string dqth = commonDAO.GetSignalDataValue(MachineCode, "当前桶号");
                        if (entity.BarrelNumber == dqth)
                            entity.IsCurrent = 1;
                            entity.IsCurrent = 0;

                        entity.SampleCode = infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["单位"].ToString();

                        entity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
                        //BarrelType = entity.BarrelType,
                        if (Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Insert(entity) > 0)
                        oldEquInfSampleBarrel.BarrelNumber = infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["桶号"].ToString();
                        oldEquInfSampleBarrel.SampleCount  = Convert.ToInt32(infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["点数"].ToString());
                        oldEquInfSampleBarrel.BarrelStatus = oldEquInfSampleBarrel.SampleCount > 0 ? "未满" : "空桶";

                        DataTable dtSetUp = accessDapperDber.ExecuteDataTable("select * from 系统参数");
                        if (dtSetUp != null && dtSetUp.Rows.Count > 0)
                            int count = Convert.ToInt32(dtSetUp.Rows[0]["盛样点数"].ToString());
                            if (oldEquInfSampleBarrel.SampleCount == count)
                                oldEquInfSampleBarrel.BarrelStatus = "已满";

                        //oldEquInfSampleBarrel.InFactoryBatchId = equInfSampleBarrel.InFactoryBatchId;

                        string dqth = commonDAO.GetSignalDataValue(MachineCode, "当前桶号");
                        if (oldEquInfSampleBarrel.BarrelNumber == dqth)
                            oldEquInfSampleBarrel.IsCurrent = 1;
                            oldEquInfSampleBarrel.IsCurrent = 0;

                        oldEquInfSampleBarrel.SampleCode = infpdcybarrels.Rows[i]["单位"].ToString();
                        oldEquInfSampleBarrel.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
                        //oldEquInfSampleBarrel.DataFlag = equInfSampleBarrel.DataFlag;

                        if (Dbers.GetInstance().SelfDber.Update(oldEquInfSampleBarrel) > 0)


                    //	entity.DataFlag = 1;
                    //	DcDbers.GetInstance().CarJXSampler_Dber.Update(entity);

                    //	res++;

            output(string.Format("同步集样罐记录 {0} 条", res), eOutputType.Normal);