//checks if a file already exists, uploads it if not
        private static void CheckOrUploadFile(string localFolder, string cmsDestinationPath, AccessAsset accessAsset, string file)
            string cmsPathToCheck = "";
              //1 - check if file already exists
              cmsPathToCheck = file.ToLower().Replace(localFolder, cmsDestinationPath).Replace("\\", "/");
              var existsResponse = accessAsset.Exists(new AssetExistsRequest(cmsPathToCheck));
              if (existsResponse.exists)
            Console.WriteLine("Skipping, asset {0} already exists.  (id: {1})", cmsPathToCheck, existsResponse.assetId);
            //file was not found in the CMS instance, so we will upload it, but first make sure we do have an existing folder structure in the CMS
            //2 - check if folder exists, create otherwise
            string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
            int folderId = -1;
            if (folderCache.ContainsKey(path))
              folderId = folderCache[path];
              //attempt to create folder and cache new assetId as the folderId
              cmsPathToCheck = path.ToLower().Replace(localFolder, cmsDestinationPath).Replace("\\", "/");
              existsResponse = accessAsset.Exists(new AssetExistsRequest(cmsPathToCheck));
              if (existsResponse.exists)
            folderId = existsResponse.assetId;
            folderCache.Add(path, folderId);
            //could not find folder, split and build path
            folderId = BuildFolderTree(cmsPathToCheck);
            if (folderId < 0)
              //something went wrong, exit app, so we don't upload files to wrong folders, or have excessive # of errors.
              Console.WriteLine("Error, Unable to create folder {0} ", cmsPathToCheck);
            folderCache.Add(path, folderId);

            //upload asset here
            AssetUploadRequest req = new AssetUploadRequest(Path.GetFileName(file), folderId);
            req.bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
            var resp = accessAsset.Upload(req);
            if (resp.IsSuccessful)
              Console.WriteLine("upload successful: {0} in {1}", file, path, resp.asset.id);
              Console.WriteLine("Error uploading file: {0} in {1}: {2}", file, path, resp.ErrorMessage);
        private static AccessAsset accessAsset;                                               //for accessability, used in multiple methods

        static void Main(string[] args)
                #region handle arguments and validation
                if (args.Length < 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage: syncFolder [local folder to synchronize] [destination CMS folder]");
                string localFolder = args[0];
                string destFolder  = args[1];

                if (!Directory.Exists(localFolder))
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not find local folder: {0}", localFolder);

                #region get password
                string username = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["username"];
                Console.Write("Enter pw for {0}: ", username);
                string pw = getSecuredString();
                Console.WriteLine("Authenticating: {0} ", username);

                Console.WriteLine("Communicating with {0}/{1}", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["host"], ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["instance"]);
                var session = new AccessSession(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["host"],
                accessAsset = new AccessAsset(session.Client);
                processFolder(localFolder.ToLower(), destFolder);
                var accessAuth = new AccessAuth(session.Client);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
            Console.Write("Press, almost, any key to continue...");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a collection of assets residing in the specified CMS path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetPath">Path relative to the configured image browsing path</param>
        /// <param name="currentPage"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="searchText"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AssetCollection ListAssets(string assetPath, int currentPage, int pageSize, string searchText)

            var assets = new List<AssetInfo>();
            var accessAsset = new AccessAsset(_session.Client);
            var listPath = (_settings.ImageBrowsePath + assetPath).Replace("\\", "//");
            var folderAssetId = GetAssetId(accessAsset, listPath);
            var hasFilter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText);

            // Get assets
            var totalAssetCount = 0;

            // Add asset for navigating up a level in folder structure
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath) && currentPage == 1)
                var parentAssetPath = assetPath.Substring(0, assetPath.LastIndexOf("/"));
                assets.Add(new AssetInfo() { Id = 0, Label = ". . .", PublishedUrl = parentAssetPath, IsFolder = true });

            if (hasFilter)
                // Api doesn't support filtering, so we must fetch all assets and filter/page manually
                AddAssetsToList(assets, accessAsset, assetPath, folderAssetId, 1, -1);

                assets = assets.Where(a => a.Label.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(searchText.ToUpperInvariant())).ToList();

                totalAssetCount = assets.Count;

                assets = assets
                    .Skip(pageSize * (currentPage - 1))
                totalAssetCount = AddAssetsToList(assets, accessAsset, assetPath, folderAssetId, currentPage, pageSize);

            return new AssetCollection(assets, totalAssetCount);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region handle arguments and validation
            if (args.Length < 2)
              Console.WriteLine("Usage: syncFolder [local folder to synchronize] [destination CMS folder]");
            string localFolder = args[0];
            string destFolder = args[1];

            if (!Directory.Exists(localFolder))
              Console.WriteLine("Could not find local folder: {0}", localFolder);

            #region get password
            string username = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["username"];
            Console.Write("Enter pw for {0}: ", username);
            string pw = getSecuredString();
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating: {0} ", username);

            Console.WriteLine("Communicating with {0}/{1}", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["host"], ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["instance"]);
            var session = new AccessSession( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["host"],
              accessAsset = new AccessAsset(session.Client);
              processFolder(localFolder.ToLower(), destFolder);
              var accessAuth = new AccessAuth(session.Client);

              catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
              Console.Write("Press, almost, any key to continue...");
        //checks if a file already exists, uploads it if not
        private static void CheckOrUploadFile(string localFolder, string cmsDestinationPath, AccessAsset accessAsset, string file)
            string cmsPathToCheck = "";

            //1 - check if file already exists
            cmsPathToCheck = file.ToLower().Replace(localFolder, cmsDestinationPath).Replace("\\", "/");
            var existsResponse = accessAsset.Exists(new AssetExistsRequest(cmsPathToCheck));

            if (existsResponse.exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Skipping, asset {0} already exists.  (id: {1})", cmsPathToCheck, existsResponse.assetId);
                //file was not found in the CMS instance, so we will upload it, but first make sure we do have an existing folder structure in the CMS
                //2 - check if folder exists, create otherwise
                string path     = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
                int    folderId = -1;
                if (folderCache.ContainsKey(path))
                    folderId = folderCache[path];
                    //attempt to create folder and cache new assetId as the folderId
                    cmsPathToCheck = path.ToLower().Replace(localFolder, cmsDestinationPath).Replace("\\", "/");
                    existsResponse = accessAsset.Exists(new AssetExistsRequest(cmsPathToCheck));
                    if (existsResponse.exists)
                        folderId = existsResponse.assetId;
                        folderCache.Add(path, folderId);
                        //could not find folder, split and build path
                        folderId = BuildFolderTree(cmsPathToCheck);
                        if (folderId < 0)
                            //something went wrong, exit app, so we don't upload files to wrong folders, or have excessive # of errors.
                            Console.WriteLine("Error, Unable to create folder {0} ", cmsPathToCheck);
                        folderCache.Add(path, folderId);

                //upload asset here
                AssetUploadRequest req = new AssetUploadRequest(Path.GetFileName(file), folderId);
                req.bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
                var resp = accessAsset.Upload(req);
                if (resp.IsSuccessful)
                    Console.WriteLine("upload successful: {0} in {1}", file, path, resp.asset.id);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error uploading file: {0} in {1}: {2}", file, path, resp.ErrorMessage);
Exemple #6
        public string UploadAsset(string assetPath, string base64StringData)

            var accessAsset = new AccessAsset(_session.Client);
            var uploadPath = _settings.ImageBrowsePath + assetPath;

            // Remove existing asset if exists
            if (!DeleteAsset(accessAsset, uploadPath))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to remove existing asset: " + uploadPath);

            // Get target folder
            var folderId = GetAssetId(accessAsset, Path.GetDirectoryName(uploadPath).Replace("\\", "//"));

            if (folderId <= 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Specified upload path does not exist: " + uploadPath);

            // Upload new asset to target folder
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(uploadPath);
            var assetDataParts = base64StringData.Split(",".ToCharArray());

            AssetUploadRequest request = new AssetUploadRequest(fileName, folderId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.ImageUploadWorkflowId))
                request.workflowId = int.Parse(_settings.ImageUploadWorkflowId);

            request.bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(assetDataParts.Length > 1 ? assetDataParts[1] : assetDataParts[0]);

            var response = accessAsset.Upload(request);

            if (!response.IsSuccessful)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to upload asset: " + uploadPath + " (" + response.ErrorMessage ?? string.Empty + ")");

            // Return published relative path of asset
            var publishedPath = _settings.ImageBrowsePublishServerPath + assetPath;

            return publishedPath;
Exemple #7
 private int GetAssetId(AccessAsset accessAsset, string assetPath)
     var existsResponse = accessAsset.Exists(new AssetExistsRequest(assetPath));
     return existsResponse.assetId;
Exemple #8
        private void EnsureAccessApiSession()
            lock (_threadLock)
                var sessionMinutes = (DateTime.Now - _sessionRenewDate).TotalMinutes;

                if (_session == null || (sessionMinutes >= _maxSessionMinutes))
                    _session = Authenticator.CreateSession(_settings.ApiHostUrl, _settings.ApiInstanceName, _settings.ApiUserName, _settings.ApiPassword, _settings.ApiKey);
                    _sessionRenewDate = DateTime.Now;

            // Make test call to ensure session hasn't timed out
                var accessAsset = new AccessAsset(_session.Client);
                accessAsset.Exists(new AssetExistsRequest("/"));
                _session = null;
Exemple #9
        private bool DeleteAsset(AccessAsset accessAsset, string assetPath)
            var assetId = GetAssetId(accessAsset, assetPath);

            if (assetId > 0)
                var deleteResponse = accessAsset.Delete(assetId);
                return deleteResponse.IsSuccessful;

            return true;
Exemple #10
        private int AddAssetsToList(List<AssetInfo> assets, AccessAsset accessAsset, string assetPath, int folderAssetId, int currentPage, int pageSize)
            var returnAllPages = pageSize == -1;

            // Fetch specified page of data
            var request = new AssetPagedRequest
                assetId = folderAssetId,
                currentPage = currentPage - 1,
                pageSize = returnAllPages ? _maxSupportedPageSize : pageSize,
                sortColumn = "",
                orderType = cpAssetOrderType.Ascending,
                visibilityType = cpAssetVisibilityType.Normal,
                ignoreFilter = true,
                ignoreSort = true

            var response = accessAsset.Paged(request);

            if (response != null && response.assets != null)
                foreach (var worklistAsset in response.assets)
                    if (worklistAsset.type == (int)AssetType.File || worklistAsset.type == (int)AssetType.Folder)
                        var publishedUrl = _settings.PublishSiteRootUrl + _settings.ImageBrowsePublishServerPath + assetPath + "/" + worklistAsset.label;
                        assets.Add(new AssetInfo
                            Id = worklistAsset.id,
                            Label = worklistAsset.label,
                            CmsPath = worklistAsset.FullPath,
                            PublishedUrl = publishedUrl,
                            IsFolder = worklistAsset.type == (int)AssetType.Folder

            // If returning all results, determine if additional pages of data need to be loaded
            if (returnAllPages && (response.normalCount > (currentPage * _maxSupportedPageSize)))
                return AddAssetsToList(assets, accessAsset, assetPath, folderAssetId, currentPage, pageSize);

            return response.normalCount;