Exemple #1
        // ---------------------- CreateTable2ChildControls -------------------------
        // create the controls in the "create a new account" table.
        private void CreateTable2ChildControls(AcHtmlTable InTable)
            InTable.AddNewRow( )
            .AddNewCell( )

            InTable.AddNewRow( )
            .AddNewCell( )
            .AddNewLinkButton( )
            .SetText("Create a new account")
            .AddClickHandler(new System.EventHandler(this.Link2_Click));
Exemple #2
        // --------------------------- CreateChildControls -------------------------
        // called after OnInit, but before LoadPostData.
        // After this method returns, asp.net will apply the posted values of the controls
        // from viewstate. ( so only if not postback do control value have to be set )
        protected override void CreateChildControls( )
            // main table to hold two sub area tables. ( want the sub area tables to align
            // one under the other. )
            AcHtmlTable     alignTable = AddNewTableControl( );
            AcHtmlTableCell slot1      = alignTable.AddNewRow( )
                                         .AddNewCell( );
            AcHtmlTable subTable1 = slot1.AddNewTable( )

            AcHtmlTableCell slot2 = alignTable.AddNewRow( )
                                    .AddNewCell( );
            AcHtmlTable subTable2 = slot2.AddNewTable( )

            // create the HtmlTable control which will hold all the login controls.
            if (LoginCssClass == "")
                subTable1.AddStyle("border", "1px black solid");

            // prompt to create a new account in the second table ( below the first ).
            if (NewAccountCssClass == "")
                subTable2.AddStyle("border", "1px black solid");

            // apply the prompt error message text to the error message controls.
            ApplyPromptErrorMessage( );
            ApplyPromptTitle( );
            ApplyNewAccountText( );
Exemple #3
        // ---------------------- CreateTable1ChildControls -------------------------
        // called after OnInit, but before LoadPostData.
        // After this method returns, asp.net will apply the posted values of the controls
        // from viewstate. ( so only if not postback do control value have to be set )
        private void CreateTable1ChildControls(AcHtmlTable InTable)
            AcHtmlTableRow     row;
            AcHtmlTableCell    cell;
            AcHtmlSubmitButton button;

            // prompt title
            InTable.AddNewRow( )
            .AddNewCell( )
            .AddStyle("text-align", "center");

            // account number prompt
            row = InTable.AddNewRow( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("Account number:")
            .AddStyle("text-align", "right");
            row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewInputText( )

            // email address prompt
            row = InTable.AddNewRow( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("or Email address:")
            .AddStyle("text-align", "right");
            row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewInputText( )

            // password prompt
            row = InTable.AddNewRow( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("Password:"******"text-align", "right");
            row.AddNewCell( )

            // Error message row.  Later on will set as visible or not depending on if there
            // is a message to display.
            row = InTable.AddNewRow( )
            row.AddNewBlankCell( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .AddStyle("color", "red");

            // Remember password check box.
            row = InTable.AddNewRow( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .AddStyle("text-align", "right")
            .AddNewInputCheckBox( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("Remember me on this computer.");

            // "login" submit button
            row = InTable.AddNewRow( )
            row.AddNewCell( )
            button = row.AddNewCell( )
                     .AddNewSubmitButton( )
            button.ServerClick += new System.EventHandler(this.Button1_Click);

            // "forgot your password" asp:LinkButton in a row of its own below the
            // login button.
            cell = InTable.AddNewRow( )
                   .AddNewCell( )
            LinkButton link = new LinkButton( );

            link.Text   = "Forgot your password?";
            link.ID     = "Link1";
            link.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Link1_Click);
Exemple #4
        // --------------------------- CreateChildControls -------------------------
        // called after OnInit, but before LoadPostData.
        // After this method returns, asp.net will apply the posted values of the controls
        // from viewstate. ( so only if not postback do control value have to be set )
        protected override void CreateChildControls( )
            AcHtmlTableRow     row;
            AcHtmlSubmitButton button;

            // create the HtmlTable control which will hold all the login controls.
            AcHtmlTable main = new AcHtmlTable( );


            main.AddStyle("border", "1px black solid");

            // title
            main.AddNewRow( ).AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("New Account")
            .AddStyle("text-align", "center");

            // account name prompt
            row = main.AddNewRow( );
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("Account name");
            row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewInputText( )

            // email address prompt
            row = main.AddNewRow( );
            row.AddNewCell( )
            .SetInnerText("Email address");
            row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewInputText( )

            // password prompt
            row = main.AddNewRow( );
            row.AddNewCell( )
            row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewInputText("password")

            // confirm password prompt
            row = main.AddNewRow( );
            row.AddNewCell( )
            row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewInputText("password")

            // "Create account" submit button
            row    = main.AddNewRow( );
            button = row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewSubmitButton( )
                     .SetValue("Create Account")
            button.ServerClick += new System.EventHandler(this.Button1_Click);

            // "cancel" submit button
            button = row.AddNewCell( ).AddNewSubmitButton( )
            button.ServerClick += new System.EventHandler(this.Button2_Click);

            // error message line.
            AddNewLiteralControl( )
            AddNewSpanControl( )
            .AddStyle("color", "red");

            // apply the prompt error message text to the error message controls.
            ApplyPromptErrorMessage( );