private async void ExploitDetection_FakeMuteExploitDetected(AbuseTracker _, DiscordUser user)
            if (user is null)
                await Logger.Error("Log Channel", "User who attempted exploit is somehow null; cannot continue logging.");


            var logChannel = await client.GetChannelAsync(logChannelID);

            if (logChannel is null)
                await Logger.Error("Log Channel", "Logging channel is null; cannot continue logging.");


            var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                        .WithTitle("🔊 Fake Mute/Deaf Exploit Detected")
                        .WithAuthor($"{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator} [{user.Id}]", null, user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Auto))
                        .WithColor(new DiscordColor(config.LogChannelEmbedColor))
                        .WithFooter(logChannel.Guild?.Name ?? "null (hmmm - this shouldn't happen)")
                        .AddField("Voice Channel", $"<#{config.ChannelID}>", true)
                        .AddField("Action Taken", config.BanDetectedUsers ? "This user was banned." : "No action taken.", true)

            await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed);
        private async void Detection_FakeMuteExploitDetected(AbuseTracker detectedUser, DiscordUser user)
            if (!resetTask?.IsCompleted ?? false)

            await Logger.Warning("Exploit", $"Detected {detectedUser.UserID} speaking while muted for {(DateTime.Now - detectedUser.FirstHit)?.TotalSeconds} seconds.");

            // We put this on its own thread since it shouldn't interrupt any of this code
            resetTask = Task.Run(async() => await Cooldown(detectedUser));

            if (!config.BanDetectedUsers)

            var member = await guild.GetMemberAsync(detectedUser.UserID);

                await member.SendMessageAsync($"You have been banned from {guild.Name} because you were detected using a voice chat exploit.\n\n" +
                                              "If you believe this is an error, please contact the server administrators.");
            catch (Exception e)
                await Logger.Warning("Exploit", $"Unable to send a DM to {member.DisplayName}#{member.Discriminator} [{detectedUser.UserID}]: {e.Message}");

                await guild.BanMemberAsync(member, 0, $"{client.CurrentUser.Username}: Detected abuse of the Fake Mute exploit");
            catch (Exception e)
                await Logger.Error("Exploit", $"Unable to ban {member.DisplayName}#{member.Discriminator} [{detectedUser.UserID}]: {e.Message}");
        private static async Task Cooldown(AbuseTracker detectedUser)
            await Task.Delay(1000);
