Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return an AbstractConnection to the pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cxn">The connection to return to the pool</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object checkIn(AbstractResource cxn)
            AbstractConnection theCxn = (AbstractConnection)cxn; // first get a new reference

            if (!theCxn.IsConnected || !theCxn.isAlive())        // don't add disconnected connections to the pool
            theCxn.LastUsed = DateTime.Now;

            if (cxn is VistaPoolConnection)
                if (this.PoolSource.Credentials == null)      // if not an authenticated connection
                    ((VistaPoolConnection)theCxn).resetRaw(); // reset the symbol table so we're always receiving fresh from pool
                    ((VistaAccount)((VistaConnection)theCxn).Account).setContext(new MenuOption("XUS SIGNON"));
            else if (cxn is VistaConnection)
                if (this.PoolSource.Credentials == null) // if not an authenticated connection
                    ((VistaAccount)((VistaConnection)theCxn).Account).setContext(new MenuOption("XUS SIGNON"));
            //System.Console.WriteLine("A connection was returned to the pool. {0} available", _pooledCxns.Count);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check out an object from the pool and call isAlive to guarantee state. Decrement resource count
        /// on pool if object is not alive and discard it by removing references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns>AbstractResource</returns>
        public override AbstractResource checkOutAlive(object obj)
            AbstractResource resource = checkOut(obj);

            while (!resource.isAlive())
                //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Found disconnected/timed out connection... Fetching another: " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);
                resource = checkOut(obj);
            if (resource is VistaPoolConnection && this.PoolSource.RecycleCount > 0) // only need to step in here if the recycle count was actually set
                VistaPoolConnection cxn = (VistaPoolConnection)resource;
                if (cxn.QueryCount >= this.PoolSource.RecycleCount) // if we've used cxn more times than specified before recycle, we should disconnect this connection and return another
                    //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Max number of queries exceeded for connection - disconnecting and discarding: " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);
                    new System.Threading.Tasks.Task(() => cxn.disconnect()).Start();
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Return an AbstractConnection to the pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cxn">The connection to return to the pool</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object checkIn(AbstractResource cxn)
            AbstractConnection theCxn = (AbstractConnection)cxn; // first get a new reference
            if (!theCxn.IsConnected || !theCxn.isAlive()) // don't add disconnected connections to the pool
                return null;
            theCxn.LastUsed = DateTime.Now;

            if (cxn is VistaPoolConnection)
                if (this.PoolSource.Credentials == null) // if not an authenticated connection
                    ((VistaPoolConnection)theCxn).resetRaw(); // reset the symbol table so we're always receiving fresh from pool
                    ((VistaAccount)((VistaConnection)theCxn).Account).setContext(new MenuOption("XUS SIGNON"));
            else if (cxn is VistaConnection)
                if (this.PoolSource.Credentials == null) // if not an authenticated connection
                    ((VistaAccount)((VistaConnection)theCxn).Account).setContext(new MenuOption("XUS SIGNON"));
            //System.Console.WriteLine("A connection was returned to the pool. {0} available", _pooledCxns.Count);
            return null;
Exemple #4
        private object SanitizeValue(AbstractResource resource, string propertyName, object rawValue)
            var asEmbedded = rawValue as IEmbeddedProperty;

            if (asEmbedded != null)
                return(new { href = asEmbedded.Href });

            var asEnumeration = rawValue as StringEnumeration;

            if (asEnumeration != null)

            var asEmbeddedResource = rawValue as AbstractResource;

            if (asEmbeddedResource != null)

            // Already a primitive-like type, no need to sanitize
 public CodecContainer(RestClient client)
     this.Codec = new CodecResource <CodecConfig>(client, ApiUrls.CodecConfig);
     this.H264  = new AbstractResource <H264VideoConfiguration>(client, ApiUrls.CodecConfigH264);
     this.H265  = new AbstractResource <H265VideoConfiguration>(client, ApiUrls.CodecConfigH265);
     this.VP9   = new AbstractResource <VP9VideoConfiguration>(client, ApiUrls.CodecConfigVP9);
     this.Aac   = new AbstractResource <AACAudioConfiguration>(client, ApiUrls.CodecConfigAac);
 public bool isMoreThanOrEqual(AbstractResource otherResource)
     if (sameResourceType(otherResource))
         IntResource other = otherResource as IntResource;
         return value >= other.value;
     return false;
Exemple #7
        public ResourceWPF(Point position, AbstractResource resource) : base(position, resource.Description)
            this.resPuts       = new List <ResConnectionWPF>();
            this.ResourceModel = resource;
            Foreground         = Brushes.Black;


            // установить ZIndex
 private bool sameResourceType(AbstractResource otherResource)
     if (otherResource is IntResource)
         IntResource other = otherResource as IntResource;
         if (other.id == id)
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #9
        public override AbstractResource checkOutAlive(object obj)
            AbstractResource resource = checkOut(obj);

            while (!resource.isAlive())
                // System.Console.WriteLine("Found a disconnected resource from ConnectionPools");
                LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Found a disconnected resource from ConnectionPools... decrementing resource count and checking out another");
                _pools[(String)obj].decrementResourceCount(); // we decrement resource count for this pool here because checkOut doesn't do it
                resource = checkOut(obj);
        Map IResourceConverter.ToMap(AbstractResource resource)
            var propertyNames = resource.GetUpdatedPropertyNames();

            var resultMap = propertyNames.Select(name =>
                var rawValue = resource.GetProperty(name);
                var value = this.SanitizeValue(resource, name, rawValue);
                return new { name, value };
                map => map.name,
                map => map.value);

            return resultMap;
Exemple #11
        Map IResourceConverter.ToMap(AbstractResource resource)
            var propertyNames = resource.GetUpdatedPropertyNames();

            var resultMap = propertyNames.Select(name =>
                var rawValue = resource.GetProperty(name);
                var value    = this.SanitizeValue(resource, name, rawValue);
                return(new { name, value });
                map => map.name,
                map => map.value);

Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Check a connection in to the pool
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objToReturn">The AbstractConnection to check in</param>
 /// <returns>null</returns>
 public override object checkIn(AbstractResource objToReturn)
     if (objToReturn == null || !(objToReturn is AbstractConnection))
         throw new ArgumentException("Invalid object for checkin");
     AbstractConnection theCxn = (AbstractConnection)objToReturn;
     if (theCxn.DataSource == null || theCxn.DataSource.SiteId == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(theCxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id))
         throw new ArgumentException("The connection source is incomplete");
     if (!_pools.ContainsKey(theCxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id))
         throw new ArgumentException("No pool found for that connection");
     return null;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Check a connection in to the pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objToReturn">The AbstractConnection to check in</param>
        /// <returns>null</returns>
        public override object checkIn(AbstractResource objToReturn)
            if (objToReturn == null || !(objToReturn is AbstractConnection))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid object for checkin");
            AbstractConnection theCxn = (AbstractConnection)objToReturn;

            if (theCxn.DataSource == null || theCxn.DataSource.SiteId == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(theCxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id))
                throw new ArgumentException("The connection source is incomplete");
            if (!_pools.ContainsKey(theCxn.DataSource.SiteId.Id))
                throw new ArgumentException("No pool found for that connection");
        private object SanitizeValue(AbstractResource resource, string propertyName, object rawValue)
            var asEmbedded = rawValue as IEmbeddedProperty;
            if (asEmbedded != null)
                return new { href = asEmbedded.Href };

            var asEnumeration = rawValue as StringEnumeration;
            if (asEnumeration != null)
                return asEnumeration.Value.ToLower();

            var asEmbeddedResource = rawValue as AbstractResource;
            if (asEmbeddedResource != null)
                return this.AsInterface.ToMap(asEmbeddedResource);

            // Already a primitive-like type, no need to sanitize
            return rawValue;
 public void addResourceConstraint(AbstractResource resource)
 public void addResource(AbstractResource resource)