public void ConfirmSelection() { ps.powerOrbs -= 1; orbCountText.text = "Orbs of Power: " + ps.powerOrbs; confirmationWindow.SetActive(false); Debug.Log("You Bought " + ability); //Adding the ability to your learned abilities list am.learnedAbilities.Add(ability.gameObject); currentPurchaseSlot.SendMessage("LearnThisAbility"); //once done adding, refresh the selection menu abUI.UpdateUiAbilities(); StartCoroutine(OnMenuOpen());//closes the window }
public void LeftInput(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { if (!ph.isDead && !talking && !pm.knockback) { if (context.performed) //This if(context.performed) seems to be required, or else the input will call started, performed, and canceled. { //This could also be useful for charging up attacks by checking both performed and canceled. abOneHold = true; if (!usingAbility && !gh.abilityEditing) { //play an animation, like the button getting pressed if (abMaskOne.enabled == false) { currentAbility = 1; abilityOne = activeAbilities[0]; abOneName =; abOneScript = abilityOne.GetComponent(abOneName); abOneScript.SendMessage("UseAbility", currentAbility); return; } } if (gh.abilityEditing) { activeAbilities[0] = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <AbilitySlot>().ability;//this find the current selected ability in the UI. Assign this to the correct active abilities slot //lastly Update abUIPanel.UpdateUiAbilities(); return; } } if (context.canceled && !gh.abilityEditing) { abOneHold = false; abOneScript.SendMessage("EndAbility"); } } }