Exemple #1
        public bool isInside(float i, float j)
            Paths boundingSolids = P_Plan.getTransformedSubjPaths();
            Paths boundingHoles  = P_Plan.getTransformedHolePaths();

            bool pointIsInside = false;

            IntPoint ip = new IntPoint(i * AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision, j * AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision);

            if (boundingSolids != null)
                if (boundingSolids != null)
                    foreach (Path path in boundingSolids)
                        if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(ip, path) == 1 && Clipper.Orientation(path))
                            pointIsInside = true;

                if (boundingHoles != null)
                    foreach (Path hole in boundingHoles)
                        if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(ip, hole) == 1)
                            pointIsInside = false;

            //exclude = (boundingIsVoid) ? ! exclude : exclude;

            //if (pointIsInside)

Exemple #2
        public void carveTerrain()
            Terrain terrain = parametricObject.terrain;

            if (terrain != null)
                if (parametricObject.heightsOrig == null)

                // BOUNDING_SHAPE

                if (P_Plan != null && P_Plan.DependsOn != null)
                    if (planSrc_po != null)
                        AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref P_Plan, planSrc_p);
                        // now boundin_p has offset and thickened polytree or paths.

                int hmWidth  = terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
                int hmHeight = terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight;

                Paths subjPaths = P_Plan.getTransformedSubjPaths();
                Paths holePaths = P_Plan.getTransformedHolePaths();


                if (subjPaths == null)

                IntRect bounds = Clipper.GetBounds(subjPaths);

//				if (prevBounds.right > 0)
//				{
//					bounds.left     = ( prevBounds.left < bounds.left )         ? prevBounds.left   : bounds.left;
//					bounds.right    = ( prevBounds.right > bounds.right )       ? prevBounds.right  : bounds.right;
//					bounds.top      = ( prevBounds.top < bounds.top )           ? prevBounds.top : bounds.top;
//					bounds.bottom   = ( prevBounds.bottom > bounds.bottom )     ? prevBounds.bottom     : bounds.bottom;
//				}

                float percentHgt = height / terrain.terrainData.size.y;

                //Debug.Log(bounds.left +"->"+bounds.right+" :: " + bounds.top+ "->"+bounds.bottom);
                int padding = 50000;

                bounds.left   -= padding;
                bounds.right  += padding;
                bounds.top    -= padding;
                bounds.bottom += padding;

                int from_i = (int)((bounds.left / AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision) * hmWidth / terrain.terrainData.size.x);
                int to_i   = (int)((bounds.right / AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision) * hmWidth / terrain.terrainData.size.x);

                int from_j = (int)((bounds.top / AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision) * hmHeight / terrain.terrainData.size.z);
                int to_j   = (int)((bounds.bottom / AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision) * hmHeight / terrain.terrainData.size.z);

                //Debug.Log(from_i +"->"+to_i+" :: " + from_j+ "->"+to_j);

                from_i = Mathf.Max(0, from_i);
                to_i   = Mathf.Min(to_i, hmWidth);

                from_j = Mathf.Max(0, from_j);
                to_j   = Mathf.Min(to_j, hmHeight);

                //Debug.Log(from_i +"->"+to_i+" :: " + from_j+ "->"+to_j);

                // patch to be redrawn
                float[,] heights = new float[(to_j - from_j), (to_i - from_i)];

                //Debug.Log(heights.GetLength(0) +" -- " + heights.GetLength(1));
                if (from_i < to_i && from_j < to_j)
                    // we set each sample of the terrain in the size to the desired height
                    for (int i = from_i; i < to_i; i++)
                        for (int j = from_j; j < to_j; j++)
                            // GET i, j in realworld coords
                            float x = terrain.terrainData.size.x * i / hmWidth;
                            float y = terrain.terrainData.size.z * j / hmHeight;

                            //Debug.Log("[" + i + ", " + j + "] :: " + x +", " + y);
                            if (isInside(x, y, subjPaths, holePaths))
                                heights [j - from_j, i - from_i] = percentHgt;
                                heights [j - from_j, i - from_i] = parametricObject.heightsOrig [j, i];
                    // set the new height
                    terrain.terrainData.SetHeights(from_i, from_j, heights);

                //prevBounds = bounds;