protected URLBuilder(String version, AVList parameters) { Double d = (Double)parameters.getValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL); this.layerNames = parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.LAYER_NAMES); this.styleNames = parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.STYLE_NAMES); this.imageFormat = parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT); String coordSystemKey; String defaultCS; if (version == null || WWUtil.compareVersion(version, "1.3.0") >= 0) // version 1.3.0 or greater { this.wmsVersion = MAX_VERSION; coordSystemKey = "&crs="; defaultCS = "CRS:84"; // would like to do EPSG:4326 but that's incompatible with our old WMS server, see WWJ-474 } else { this.wmsVersion = version; coordSystemKey = "&srs="; defaultCS = "EPSG:4326"; } String coordinateSystem = parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.COORDINATE_SYSTEM); = coordSystemKey + (coordinateSystem != null ? coordinateSystem : defaultCS); }
public static bool?getBooleanValue(AVList avList, string key) { object o = avList.getValue(key); if (o == null) { return(null); } if (o is bool) { return((bool)o); } if (!(o is string)) { return(null); } string text = (string)o; bool result; if (bool.TryParse(text, out result)) { return(result); } Logging.logger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Configuration.ConversionError", new Exception().Message); return(null); }
public static double?getDoubleValue(AVList avList, string key) { object o = avList.getValue(key); if (o == null) { return(null); } if (o is double) { return((double)o); } string v = getStringValue(avList, key); if (v == null) { return(null); } try { return(double.Parse(v)); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Configuration.ConversionError", v); return(null); } }
public static DataRaster wrap(BufferedImage image, AVList parameters) { if (null == image) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ImageIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } if (null == parameters) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AVListIsNull"); Logging.logger().finest(msg); throw new ArgumentException(msg); } if (params.hasKey(AVKey.WIDTH)) { int width = (Integer)parameters.getValue(AVKey.WIDTH); if (width != image.getWidth()) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.InvalidWidth", "" + width + "!=" + image.getWidth()); Logging.logger().finest(msg); throw new ArgumentException(msg); } }
protected static AVList wcsGetParamsFromCapsDoc(WCS100Capabilities caps, AVList parameters) { if (caps == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WCSCapabilities"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } if (parameters == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ElevationModelConfigParams"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } WCS100DescribeCoverage coverage = (WCS100DescribeCoverage)parameters.getValue(AVKey.DOCUMENT); if (coverage == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WCSDescribeCoverage"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } getWCSElevationModelConfigParams(caps, coverage, parameters); wcsSetFallbacks(parameters); determineNumLevels(coverage, parameters); parameters.setValue(AVKey.TILE_URL_BUILDER, new URLBuilder(caps.getVersion(), parameters)); if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE) == null) { // Use the default extremes file if there are at least as many levels in this new elevation model as the // level of the extremes file, which is level 5. int numLevels = (int)parameters.getValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS); if (numLevels >= 6) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE, "config/SRTM30Plus_ExtremeElevations_5.bil"); } } return(parameters); }
protected static void wcsSetFallbacks(AVList parameters) { if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA) == null) { Angle delta = Angle.fromDegrees(20); parameters.setValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA, new LatLon(delta, delta)); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH, 150); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT, 150); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX, ".tif"); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL, -9999d); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, 18); // approximately 20 cm per pixel } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS, 0); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN, -11000.0); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX, 8850.0); } }
protected static void determineNumLevels(WCS100DescribeCoverage coverage, AVList parameters) { List <GMLRectifiedGrid> grids = coverage.getCoverageOfferings().get(0).getDomainSet().getSpatialDomain().getRectifiedGrids(); if (grids.Count < 1 || grids[0].getOffsetVectors().Count < 2) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, 18); return; } double xRes = Math.Abs(grids[0].getOffsetVectors().get(0).x); double yRes = Math.Abs(grids[0].getOffsetVectors().get(1).y); double dataResolution = Math.Min(xRes, yRes); int tileSize = (int)parameters.getValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH); LatLon level0Delta = (LatLon)parameters.getValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA); double n = Math.Log(level0Delta.getLatitude().degrees / (dataResolution * tileSize)) / Math.Log(2); parameters.setValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, (int)(Math.Ceiling(n) + 1)); }
public static AVList getWCSElevationModelConfigParams(WCS100Capabilities caps, WCS100DescribeCoverage coverage, AVList parameters) { DataConfigurationUtils.getWCSConfigParameters(caps, coverage, parameters); // checks for null args // Ensure that we found all the necessary information. if (parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME) == null) { Logging.logger().warning(Logging.getMessage("WCS.NoCoverageName")); throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WCS.NoCoverageName")); } if (parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE) == null) { Logging.logger().warning(Logging.getMessage("WCS.NoGetCoverageURL")); throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WCS.NoGetCoverageURL")); } if (parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME) == null) { Logging.logger().warning(Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DataCacheIsNull")); throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DataCacheIsNull")); } if (parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT) == null) { Logging.logger().severe("WCS.NoImageFormats"); throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WCS.NoImageFormats")); } if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR) == null) { Logging.logger().severe("WCS.NoLonLatEnvelope"); throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WCS.NoLonLatEnvelope")); } if (parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.COORDINATE_SYSTEM) == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("WCS.RequiredCRSNotSupported", "EPSG:4326"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new WWRuntimeException(msg); } return(parameters); }
protected bool doCanRead(Object source, AVList parameters) { File file = this.getFile(source); if (null == file) { return(false); } // Assume that a proper suffix reliably identifies a DTED file. Otherwise the file will have to be loaded // to determine that, and there are often tens of thousands of DTED files, which causes raster server start-up // times to be excessive. if (this.canReadSuffix(source)) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.PIXEL_FORMAT, AVKey.ELEVATION); // we know that DTED is elevation data return(true); } bool canRead = false; try { AVList metadata = DTED.readMetadata(file); if (null != metadata) { if (null != parameters) { parameters.setValues(metadata); } canRead = AVKey.ELEVATION.Equals(metadata.getValue(AVKey.PIXEL_FORMAT)); } } catch (Throwable t) { Logging.logger().finest(t.getMessage()); canRead = false; } return(canRead); }
//**************************************************************// //******************** Configuration *************************// //**************************************************************// /** * Parses WMSBasicElevationModel configuration parameters from a specified WMS Capabilities source. This writes * output as key-value pairs to parameters. Supported key and parameter names are: <table> * <th><td>Parameter</td><td>Value</td><td>Type</td></th> <tr><td>{@link AVKey#ELEVATION_MAX}</td><td>WMS layer's * maximum extreme elevation</td><td>Double</td></tr> <tr><td>{@link AVKey#ELEVATION_MIN}</td><td>WMS layer's * minimum extreme elevation</td><td>Double</td></tr> <tr><td>{@link AVKey#DATA_TYPE}</td><td>Translate WMS layer's * image format to a matching data type</td><td>String</td></tr> </table> This also parses common WMS layer * parameters by invoking {@link DataConfigurationUtils#getWMSLayerConfigParams(gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSCapabilities, * String[], SharpEarth.avlist.AVList)}. * * @param caps the WMS Capabilities source to parse for WMSBasicElevationModel configuration * parameters. * @param formatOrderPreference an ordered array of preferred image formats, or null to use the default format. * @param parameters the output key-value pairs which recieve the WMSBasicElevationModel configuration * parameters. * * @return a reference to parameters. * * @throws ArgumentException if either the document or parameters are null, or if parameters does not contain the * required key-value pairs. * @throws SharpEarth.exception.WWRuntimeException * if the Capabilities document does not contain any of the required information. */ public static AVList getWMSElevationModelConfigParams(WMSCapabilities caps, String[] formatOrderPreference, AVList parameters) { if (caps == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSCapabilities"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } if (parameters == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ElevationModelConfigParams"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } // Get common WMS layer parameters. DataConfigurationUtils.getWMSLayerConfigParams(caps, formatOrderPreference, parameters); // Attempt to extract the WMS layer names from the specified parameters. String layerNames = parameters.getStringValue(AVKey.LAYER_NAMES); if (layerNames == null || layerNames.Length == 0) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSLayerNames"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } String[] names = layerNames.Split(','); if (names == null || names.Length == 0) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSLayerNames"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } // Get the layer's extreme elevations. Double[] extremes = caps.getLayerExtremeElevations(names); Double d = (Double)parameters.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN); if (d == null && extremes != null && extremes[0] != null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN, extremes[0]); } d = (Double)parameters.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX); if (d == null && extremes != null && extremes[1] != null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX, extremes[1]); } // Compute the internal pixel type from the image format. if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE) == null && parameters.getValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT) != null) { String s = WWIO.makeDataTypeForMimeType(parameters.getValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT).ToString()); if (s != null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, s); } } // Use the default data type. if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, AVKey.INT16); } // Use the default byte order. if (parameters.getValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER) == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER, AVKey.LITTLE_ENDIAN); } return(parameters); }
public LevelSet(AVList parameters) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Object o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA); if (o == null || !(o is LatLon)) { sb.append(Logging.getMessage("term.tileDelta")).append(" "); } o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR); if (o == null || !(o is Sector)) { sb.append(Logging.getMessage("term.sector")).append(" "); } int numLevels = 0; o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS); if (o == null || !(o is Integer) || (numLevels = (Integer)o) < 1) { sb.append(Logging.getMessage("term.numLevels")).append(" "); } int numEmptyLevels = 0; o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS); if (o != null && o is Integer && (Integer)o > 0) { numEmptyLevels = (Integer)o; } String[] inactiveLevels = null; o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.INACTIVE_LEVELS); if (o != null && !(o is String)) { sb.append(Logging.getMessage("term.inactiveLevels")).append(" "); } else if (o != null) { inactiveLevels = ((String)o).split(","); } SectorResolution[] sectorLimits = null; o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR_RESOLUTION_LIMITS); if (o != null && !(o is SectorResolution[])) { sb.append(Logging.getMessage("term.sectorResolutionLimits")).append(" "); } else if (o != null) { sectorLimits = (SectorResolution[])o; foreach (SectorResolution sr in sectorLimits) { if (sr.levelNumber > numLevels - 1) { String message = Logging.getMessage("LevelSet.sectorResolutionLimitsTooHigh", sr.levelNumber, numLevels - 1); Logging.logger().warning(message); break; } } } this.sectorLevelLimits = sectorLimits; if (sb.length() > 0) { String message = Logging.getMessage("layers.LevelSet.InvalidLevelDescriptorFields", sb.ToString()); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new ArgumentException(message); } this.sector = (Sector)parameters.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR); this.levelZeroTileDelta = (LatLon)parameters.getValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA); o = parameters.getValue(AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN); if (o != null && o is LatLon) { this.tileOrigin = (LatLon)o; } else { this.tileOrigin = new LatLon(Angle.NEG90, Angle.NEG180); } parameters = parameters.copy(); // copy so as not to modify the user's parameters TileUrlBuilder tub = (TileUrlBuilder)parameters.getValue(AVKey.TILE_URL_BUILDER); if (tub == null) { parameters.setValue(AVKey.TILE_URL_BUILDER, new TileUrlBuilder() {