/// <summary>
        /// 自动重连
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task AutoReconnect()
            return(OpenAsync(_wss).ContinueWith(t =>
                state = Status.Reconnecting;
                var cmd = new SessionCommand()

                return AttachSignature(cmd, this.SignatureFactory.CreateConnectSignature(_clientId)).OnSuccess(_ =>
                    return AVIMCommandRunner.RunCommandAsync(cmd);
            }).Unwrap().OnSuccess(s =>
                var result = s.Result;
                if (result.Item1 == 0)
                    state = Status.Online;
                    state = Status.Offline;
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建 Client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientId"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceId">设备唯一的 Id。如果是 iOS 设备,需要将 iOS 推送使用的 DeviceToken 作为 deviceId 传入</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task <AVIMClient> CreateClient(
            string clientId,
            string tag      = null,
            string deviceId = null,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            _clientId = clientId;
            _tag      = tag;
            if (_tag != null)
                if (deviceId == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(deviceId, "当 tag 不为空时,必须传入当前设备不变的唯一 id(deviceId)");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId))
                throw new Exception("当前 ClientId 为空,无法登录服务器。");
            return(OpenAsync(cancellationToken).OnSuccess(t =>

                var cmd = new SessionCommand()
                          .Argument("deviceId", deviceId)

                return AttachSignature(cmd, this.SignatureFactory.CreateConnectSignature(clientId)).OnSuccess(_ =>
                    return AVIMCommandRunner.RunCommandAsync(cmd);
            }).Unwrap().OnSuccess(s =>
                if (s.Exception != null)
                    var imException = s.Exception.InnerException as AVIMException;
                state = Status.Online;
                var response = s.Result.Item2;
                if (response.ContainsKey("st"))
                    _sesstionToken = response["st"] as string;
                if (response.ContainsKey("stTtl"))
                    var stTtl = long.Parse(response["stTtl"].ToString());
                    _sesstionTokenExpire = DateTime.Now.UnixTimeStampSeconds() + stTtl;
                var client = new AVIMClient(clientId, tag, this);
                return client;
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建 Client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientId"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceId">设备唯一的 Id。如果是 iOS 设备,需要将 iOS 推送使用的 DeviceToken 作为 deviceId 传入</param>
        /// <param name="secure">是否强制加密 wss 链接</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task <AVIMClient> CreateClientAsync(string clientId,
                                                   string tag      = null,
                                                   string deviceId = null,
                                                   bool secure     = true,
                                                   CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            lock (mutex)
                var client = PreLogIn(clientId, tag, deviceId);

                AVRealtime.PrintLog("begin OpenAsync.");
                return(OpenAsync(secure, Subprotocol, cancellationToken).OnSuccess(t =>
                    AVRealtime.PrintLog("OpenAsync OnSuccess. begin send open sesstion cmd.");

                    var cmd = new SessionCommand()

                    return AttachSignature(cmd, this.SignatureFactory.CreateConnectSignature(clientId));
                }).Unwrap().OnSuccess(x =>
                    var cmd = x.Result;
                    return AVIMCommandRunner.RunCommandAsync(cmd);
                }).Unwrap().OnSuccess(s =>
                    AVRealtime.PrintLog("sesstion opened.");
                    state = Status.Online;
                    var response = s.Result.Item2;
                    if (response.ContainsKey("st"))
                        _sesstionToken = response["st"] as string;
                    if (response.ContainsKey("stTtl"))
                        var stTtl = long.Parse(response["stTtl"].ToString());
                        _sesstionTokenExpire = DateTime.Now.UnixTimeStampSeconds() + stTtl;
                    return client;
        internal Task LogInAsync(string clientId,
                                 string tag      = null,
                                 string deviceId = null,
                                 bool secure     = true,
                                 CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            lock (mutex)
                var cmd = new SessionCommand()

                var result = AttachSignature(cmd, this.SignatureFactory.CreateConnectSignature(clientId)).OnSuccess(_ =>
                }).Unwrap().OnSuccess(t =>
                    AVRealtime.PrintLog("sesstion opened.");
                    if (t.Exception != null)
                        var imException = t.Exception.InnerException as AVIMException;
                        throw imException;
                    state        = Status.Online;
                    var response = t.Result.Item2;
                    if (response.ContainsKey("st"))
                        _sesstionToken = response["st"] as string;
                    if (response.ContainsKey("stTtl"))
                        var stTtl            = long.Parse(response["stTtl"].ToString());
                        _sesstionTokenExpire = DateTime.Now.UnixTimeStampSeconds() + stTtl;

        internal Task OpenSessionAsync(string clientId,
                                       string tag       = null,
                                       string deviceId  = null,
                                       string nonce     = null,
                                       long timestamp   = 0,
                                       string signature = null,
                                       bool secure      = true)
            var cmd = new SessionCommand()
                      .Argument("n", nonce)
                      .Argument("t", timestamp)
                      .Argument("s", signature);

            return(AVIMCommandRunner.RunCommandAsync(cmd).OnSuccess(t =>
                AVRealtime.PrintLog("sesstion opened.");
                if (t.Exception != null)
                    var imException = t.Exception.InnerException as AVIMException;
                    throw imException;
                state = Status.Online;
                var response = t.Result.Item2;
                if (response.ContainsKey("st"))
                    _sesstionToken = response["st"] as string;
                if (response.ContainsKey("stTtl"))
                    var stTtl = long.Parse(response["stTtl"].ToString());
                    _sesstionTokenExpire = DateTime.Now.UnixTimeStampSeconds() + stTtl;
                return t.Result;
        /// <summary>
        /// 自动重连
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task AutoReconnect()
            var reconnectingArgs = new AVIMReconnectingEventArgs()
                ClientId     = _clientId,
                IsAuto       = true,
                SessionToken = _sesstionToken

            m_OnReconnecting?.Invoke(this, reconnectingArgs);

            return(OpenAsync(_wss, Subprotocol).ContinueWith(t =>
                if (t.IsFaulted || t.Exception != null)
                    state = Status.Reconnecting;
                    var reconnectFailedArgs = new AVIMReconnectFailedArgs()
                        ClientId = _clientId,
                        IsAuto = true,
                        SessionToken = _sesstionToken,
                        FailedCode = 0  // network broken.
                    m_OnReconnectFailed?.Invoke(this, reconnectFailedArgs);
                    state = Status.Offline;
                    return Task.FromResult(false);
                    if (t.Result)
                        state = Status.Opened;

                        if (this.IsSesstionTokenExpired)
                            AVRealtime.PrintLog("sesstion is expired, auto relogin with clientId :" + _clientId);
                            return this.LogInAsync(_clientId, this._tag, this._deviceId, this._secure).OnSuccess(o =>
                                return true;
                            var sessionCMD = new SessionCommand().UA(VersionString).R(1);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_tag))
                                sessionCMD = sessionCMD.Tag(_tag).SessionToken(this._sesstionToken);

                            var cmd = sessionCMD.Option("open")

                            AVRealtime.PrintLog("reopen sesstion with sesstion token :" + _sesstionToken);
                            return AVIMCommandRunner.RunCommandAsync(cmd).OnSuccess(c =>
                                return true;
                        return Task.FromResult(false);
            }).Unwrap().ContinueWith(s =>
                if (s.IsFaulted || s.Exception != null)
                    var reconnectFailedArgs = new AVIMReconnectFailedArgs()
                        ClientId = _clientId,
                        IsAuto = true,
                        SessionToken = _sesstionToken,
                        FailedCode = 1
                    m_OnReconnectFailed?.Invoke(this, reconnectFailedArgs);
                    state = Status.Offline;
                    if (s.Result)
                        autoReconnectionStarted = false;
                        reconnectTimer = null;
                        var reconnectedArgs = new AVIMReconnectedEventArgs()
                            ClientId = _clientId,
                            IsAuto = true,
                            SessionToken = _sesstionToken,
                        state = Status.Online;
                        m_OnReconnected?.Invoke(this, reconnectedArgs);