void StartMonitorFps() { try { vTraceEventSession = new TraceEventSession("FpsOverlayer"); vTraceEventSession.EnableProvider(vProvider_DxgKrnl.ToString()); vTraceEventSession.Source.AllEvents += ProcessEvents; AVActions.TaskStart(TaskTraceEventSource); AVActions.TaskStartLoop(LoopTraceEventOutput, vTask_TraceEventOutput); Debug.WriteLine("Started monitoring fps."); } catch { } }
//Install the required drivers async void button_Driver_Install_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { async void TaskAction() { try { await InstallRequiredDrivers(); } catch { } } await AVActions.TaskStart(TaskAction); } catch { } }
//Handle received socket data public static async Task ReceivedSocketHandler(TcpClient tcpClient, UdpEndPointDetails endPoint, byte[] receivedBytes) { try { async void TaskAction() { try { await ReceivedSocketHandlerThread(tcpClient, receivedBytes); } catch { } } await AVActions.TaskStart(TaskAction); } catch { } }
//Stop the desired controller in task void StopControllerTask(ControllerStatus Controller, string disconnectTag) { try { //Start the controller stop task async void TaskAction() { try { await StopControllerAsync(Controller, disconnectTag); } catch { } } AVActions.TaskStart(TaskAction); } catch { } }
//Empty the Windows Recycle Bin async Task RecycleBin_Empty() { try { List <DataBindString> messageAnswers = new List <DataBindString>(); DataBindString answerEmpty = new DataBindString(); answerEmpty.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Remove.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerEmpty.Name = "Empty the recycle bin"; messageAnswers.Add(answerEmpty); DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("Empty the recycle bin?", "", "This will permanently remove all the files and folders from your recycle bin.", messageAnswers); if (messageResult != null && messageResult == answerEmpty) { await Notification_Send_Status("Remove", "Emptying recycle bin"); Debug.WriteLine("Emptying the Windows recycle bin."); //Play recycle bin empty sound PlayInterfaceSound(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "RecycleBinEmpty", false); //Prepare the recycle bin task void TaskAction() { try { SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr.Zero, null, RecycleBin_FLAGS.SHRB_NOCONFIRMATION | RecycleBin_FLAGS.SHRB_NOSOUND); } catch { } } //Empty the windows recycle bin await AVActions.TaskStart(TaskAction); } } catch { } }
//File and folder actions private async Task FilePicker_Actions() { try { //Get the selected list item DataBindFile selectedItem = (DataBindFile)lb_FilePicker.SelectedItem; //Check if actions are available if (vFilePickerCurrentPath == "PC" && selectedItem.FileType != FileType.FolderDisc) { Debug.WriteLine("File and folders action cancelled, no actions available."); await Notification_Send_Status("Close", "No actions available"); return; } //Check the selected file type if (selectedItem.FileType == FileType.UwpApp) { //Add answers for messagebox List <DataBindString> Answers = new List <DataBindString>(); DataBindString answerUpdate = new DataBindString(); answerUpdate.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Refresh.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerUpdate.Name = "Check application update"; Answers.Add(answerUpdate); DataBindString answerRemove = new DataBindString(); answerRemove.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/RemoveCross.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerRemove.Name = "Remove the application"; Answers.Add(answerRemove); //Show the messagebox prompt DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("Application actions", "", "Please select an action that you want to use on: " + selectedItem.Name, Answers); if (messageResult != null) { //Update application if (messageResult == answerUpdate) { await UwpListUpdateApplication(selectedItem); } //Remove application else if (messageResult == answerRemove) { await UwpListRemoveApplication(selectedItem); } } } else if (selectedItem.FileType == FileType.FolderDisc) { //Add answers for messagebox List <DataBindString> Answers = new List <DataBindString>(); DataBindString answerEjectDisc = new DataBindString(); answerEjectDisc.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Eject.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerEjectDisc.Name = "Eject disc or unmount the image"; Answers.Add(answerEjectDisc); //Show the messagebox prompt DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("Application actions", "", "Please select an action that you want to use on: " + selectedItem.Name, Answers); if (messageResult != null && messageResult == answerEjectDisc) { await FilePicker_EjectDrive(selectedItem, selectedItem.PathFile); } } else { //Add answers for messagebox List <DataBindString> Answers = new List <DataBindString>(); //Check the file type bool preFile = selectedItem.FileType == FileType.FolderPre || selectedItem.FileType == FileType.FilePre || selectedItem.FileType == FileType.GoUpPre; //Count checked items int checkedItems = List_FilePicker.Count(x => x.Checked == Visibility.Visible); //Check the sorting type string sortType = string.Empty; if (vFilePickerSortType == SortingType.Name) { sortType = "Sort files and folders by date"; } else { sortType = "Sort files and folders by name"; } DataBindString answerSort = new DataBindString(); answerSort.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Sorting.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerSort.Name = sortType; Answers.Add(answerSort); DataBindString answerCopySingle = new DataBindString(); if (!preFile) { answerCopySingle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Copy.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerCopySingle.Name = "Copy the file or folder"; Answers.Add(answerCopySingle); } DataBindString answerCopyChecked = new DataBindString(); if (checkedItems > 0) { answerCopyChecked.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Copy.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerCopyChecked.Name = "Copy selected files and folders"; Answers.Add(answerCopyChecked); } DataBindString answerCutSingle = new DataBindString(); if (!preFile) { answerCutSingle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Cut.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerCutSingle.Name = "Cut the file or folder"; Answers.Add(answerCutSingle); } DataBindString answerCutChecked = new DataBindString(); if (checkedItems > 0) { answerCutChecked.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Cut.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerCutChecked.Name = "Cut selected files and folders"; Answers.Add(answerCutChecked); } DataBindString answerPaste = new DataBindString(); if (vClipboardFiles.Count == 1) { DataBindFile clipboardFile = vClipboardFiles.FirstOrDefault(); answerPaste.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Paste.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerPaste.Name = "Paste (" + clipboardFile.FileType.ToString() + " " + clipboardFile.ClipboardType.ToString() + ") " + clipboardFile.Name; Answers.Add(answerPaste); } else if (vClipboardFiles.Count > 1) { int copyCount = vClipboardFiles.Count(x => x.ClipboardType == ClipboardType.Copy); int cutCount = vClipboardFiles.Count(x => x.ClipboardType == ClipboardType.Cut); string statusCount = string.Empty; if (copyCount > cutCount) { statusCount = "(" + copyCount + "x copy)"; } else { statusCount = "(" + cutCount + "x cut)"; } answerPaste.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Paste.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerPaste.Name = "Paste " + statusCount + " files or folders"; Answers.Add(answerPaste); } DataBindString answerRename = new DataBindString(); if (!preFile) { answerRename.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Rename.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerRename.Name = "Rename the file or folder"; Answers.Add(answerRename); } DataBindString answerRemoveSingle = new DataBindString(); if (!preFile) { answerRemoveSingle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Remove.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerRemoveSingle.Name = "Remove the file or folder"; Answers.Add(answerRemoveSingle); } DataBindString answerRemoveChecked = new DataBindString(); if (checkedItems > 0) { answerRemoveChecked.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Remove.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerRemoveChecked.Name = "Remove selected files and folders"; Answers.Add(answerRemoveChecked); } DataBindString answerDownloadRomInfo = new DataBindString(); if (!preFile && vFilePickerShowRoms) { answerDownloadRomInfo.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Download.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerDownloadRomInfo.Name = "Download game information"; Answers.Add(answerDownloadRomInfo); } DataBindString answerDownloadConsoleInfo = new DataBindString(); if (!preFile && vFilePickerShowRoms) { answerDownloadConsoleInfo.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Download.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerDownloadConsoleInfo.Name = "Download console information"; Answers.Add(answerDownloadConsoleInfo); } DataBindString answerCreateFolder = new DataBindString(); answerCreateFolder.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/FolderAdd.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerCreateFolder.Name = "Create a new folder here"; Answers.Add(answerCreateFolder); DataBindString answerCreateTextFile = new DataBindString(); answerCreateTextFile.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Extensions/Txt.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0); answerCreateTextFile.Name = "Create a new text file here"; Answers.Add(answerCreateTextFile); //Show the messagebox prompt DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("File and folder actions", "", "Please select an action that you want to use on: " + selectedItem.Name, Answers); if (messageResult != null) { //Sort files and folders if (messageResult == answerSort) { await FilePicker_SortFilesFoldersSwitch(false); } //Copy file or folder else if (messageResult == answerCopySingle) { await FilePicker_FileCopy_Single(selectedItem); } else if (messageResult == answerCopyChecked) { await FilePicker_FileCopy_Checked(); } //Cut file or folder else if (messageResult == answerCutSingle) { await FilePicker_FileCut_Single(selectedItem); } else if (messageResult == answerCutChecked) { await FilePicker_FileCut_Checked(); } //Paste file or folder else if (messageResult == answerPaste) { async void TaskAction() { try { await FilePicker_FilePaste(); } catch { } } await AVActions.TaskStart(TaskAction); } //Rename file or folder else if (messageResult == answerRename) { await FilePicker_FileRename(selectedItem); } //Create a new folder else if (messageResult == answerCreateFolder) { await FilePicker_CreateFolder(); } //Create a new text file else if (messageResult == answerCreateTextFile) { await FilePicker_CreateTextFile(); } //Remove file or folder else if (messageResult == answerRemoveSingle) { await FilePicker_FileRemove_Single(selectedItem); } else if (messageResult == answerRemoveChecked) { await FilePicker_FileRemove_Checked(); } //Download game information else if (messageResult == answerDownloadRomInfo) { DownloadInfoGame informationDownloaded = await DownloadInfoGame(selectedItem.Name, 210, false); if (informationDownloaded != null) { selectedItem.Description = ApiIGDB_GameSummaryString(informationDownloaded.Details); if (informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap != null) { selectedItem.ImageBitmap = informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap; } } } //Download console information else if (messageResult == answerDownloadConsoleInfo) { DownloadInfoConsole informationDownloaded = await DownloadInfoConsole(selectedItem.Name, 210); if (informationDownloaded != null) { selectedItem.Description = ApiIGDB_ConsoleSummaryString(informationDownloaded.Details); if (informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap != null) { selectedItem.ImageBitmap = informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap; } } } } } } catch { } }