Exemple #1
            public static void Parse(AStructDecl str, AStructDecl clone, List <PType> types, SharedData data)
                FixGenericLinks fixer = new FixGenericLinks(clone, types, data)
                    original = str, clone = clone

Exemple #2
        public override void OutAEnumDecl(AEnumDecl node)
            AStructDecl replacer = new AStructDecl(node.GetVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, node.GetEndToken(),
                                                   node.GetName(), new ArrayList(), null, new ArrayList());

            int intVal = 0;

            //int min = int.MaxValue;
            //int max = int.MinValue;
            //List<TIdentifier> types = new List<TIdentifier>();
            foreach (AAEnumLocal value in node.GetValues())
                AIntConstExp intConst;
                if (value.GetValue() != null)
                    intConst = (AIntConstExp)value.GetValue();
                    intVal   = int.Parse(intConst.GetIntegerLiteral().Text) + 1;
                    intConst = new AIntConstExp(new TIntegerLiteral(intVal.ToString(), value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos));
                //    min = Math.Min(intVal - 1, min);
                //    max = Math.Max(intVal - 1, max);
                TIdentifier typeIdentifier = new TIdentifier(replacer.GetName().Text, value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos);
                // types.Add(typeIdentifier);
                AALocalDecl localDecl = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(),
                                                        new TStatic("static", value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos),
                                                        null, null,
                                                        new TConst("const", value.GetName().Line, value.GetName().Pos),
                                                        new ANamedType(typeIdentifier, null), value.GetName(), intConst);

            /*   if (min < 0 || max > 255)
             *     foreach (TIdentifier identifier in types)
             *     {
             *         identifier.Text = "int";
             *     }*/

            replacer.GetName().Text = "enum " + replacer.GetName().Text;
Exemple #3
        public override void OutAAProgram(AAProgram node)
            foreach (var pair in Refferences)
                if (structsWithGenerics.Contains(pair.Key) && pair.Value.Count > 0)
                    needAnotherPass = true;
            foreach (var pair in Refferences)
                AStructDecl str = pair.Key;
                if (!copies.ContainsKey(str))
                    copies[str] = new List <List <PType> >();
                IList declList;
                Node  parent = str.Parent();
                if (parent is AASourceFile)
                    declList = ((AASourceFile)parent).GetDecl();
                    declList = ((ANamespaceDecl)parent).GetDecl();
                //AASourceFile pFile = (AASourceFile) str.Parent();
                foreach (AGenericType refference in pair.Value)
                    AStructDecl clone   = null;
                    bool        addList = true;
                    foreach (List <PType> list in copies[str])
                        bool listEqual = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                            if (!Util.TypesEqual(list[i], (PType)refference.GetGenericTypes()[i], data))
                                listEqual = false;
                        if (listEqual)
                            addList = false;
                            clone   = clones[list];
                    if (addList)
                        List <PType> list = new List <PType>();
                        foreach (PType type in refference.GetGenericTypes())

                        clone = (AStructDecl)str.Clone();
                        declList.Insert(declList.IndexOf(str), clone);

                        clone.Apply(new EnviromentBuilding(errors, data));
                        clone.Apply(new EnviromentChecking(errors, data, false));
                        clone.Apply(new LinkNamedTypes(errors, data));

                         * data.Structs.Add(new SharedData.DeclItem<AStructDecl>(pFile, clone));
                         * data.StructFields[clone] = new List<AALocalDecl>();
                         * data.StructMethods[clone] = new List<AMethodDecl>();
                         * data.StructProperties[clone] = new List<APropertyDecl>();
                         * data.StructConstructors[clone] = new List<AConstructorDecl>();
                         * foreach (PLocalDecl localDecl in clone.GetLocals())
                         * {
                         *  if (localDecl is AALocalDecl)
                         *  {
                         *      data.StructFields[clone].Add((AALocalDecl)localDecl);
                         *  }
                         *  else
                         *  {
                         *      PDecl decl = ((ADeclLocalDecl) localDecl).GetDecl();
                         *      if (decl is AMethodDecl)
                         *      {
                         *          data.StructMethods[clone].Add((AMethodDecl) decl);
                         *      }
                         *      else if (decl is APropertyDecl)
                         *      {
                         *          data.StructProperties[clone].Add((APropertyDecl)decl);
                         *      }
                         *      else
                         *      {
                         *          data.StructConstructors[clone].Add((AConstructorDecl) decl);
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         * }*/

                        clones[list] = clone;

                        clone.setGenericVars(new ArrayList());

                        FixGenericLinks.Parse(str, clone, list, data);
                        clone.GetName().Text = Util.TypeToIdentifierString(refference);
                    //Change refference to clone
                    ANamedType    baseRef = (ANamedType)refference.GetBase();
                    List <string> cloneNs = Util.GetFullNamespace(clone);
                    AAName aName = (AAName)baseRef.GetName();
                    foreach (var n in cloneNs)
                        aName.GetIdentifier().Add(new TIdentifier(n));
                    data.StructTypeLinks[baseRef] = clone;

                if (!needAnotherPass)
            if (needAnotherPass)
                needAnotherPass = false;
Exemple #4
 public Parser(AStructDecl structDecl)
        /*private class IsThisOnLeftSide : DepthFirstAdapter
         * {
         *  private PType type;
         *  private SharedData data;
         *  public bool IsAssignedTo;
         *  private List<AMethodDecl> investigatedMethods = new List<AMethodDecl>();
         *  public IsThisOnLeftSide(PType type, SharedData data)
         *  {
         *      this.type = type;
         *      this.data = data;
         *  }
         *  //Check assignments, method invocations and nonstatic method invocations.
         *  public override void CaseAMethodDecl(AMethodDecl node)
         *  {
         *      investigatedMethods.Add(node);
         *  }
         *  public override void CaseAThisLvalue(AThisLvalue node)
         *  {
         *      if (IsAssignedTo)
         *          return;
         *      Node iParent = GetClosestNodeOfType(node, typeof (AAssignmentExp),
         *                                          typeof (ASimpleInvokeExp),
         *                                          typeof (ANonstaticInvokeExp),
         *                                          typeof (AAsyncInvokeStm),
         *                                          typeof (ASyncInvokeExp),
         *                                          typeof(AArrayLvalue),
         *                                          typeof(APointerLvalue),
         *                                          typeof(APropertyLvalue),
         *                                          typeof(AStructLvalue));
         *      if (iParent == null)
         *          return;
         *      if (iParent is AAssignmentExp)
         *      {
         *          AAssignmentExp aParent = (AAssignmentExp) iParent;
         *          if (Util.IsAncestor(node, aParent.GetLvalue()))
         *          {
         *              IsAssignedTo = true;
         *          }
         *          return;
         *      }
         *      if (iParent is ASimpleInvokeExp)
         *      {
         *          ASimpleInvokeExp aParent = (ASimpleInvokeExp) iParent;
         *          AMethodDecl method = data.SimpleMethodLinks[aParent];
         *          if (investigatedMethods.Contains(method))
         *              return;
         *          if (Util.IsAncestor(node, aParent.GetLvalue()))
         *          {
         *              IsAssignedTo = true;
         *          }
         *          return;
         *      }
         *  }
         *  private Node GetClosestNodeOfType(Node node, params Type[] types)
         *  {
         *      if (node == null)
         *          return null;
         *      if (types.Contains(node.GetType()))
         *          return node;
         *      return GetClosestNodeOfType(node.Parent(), types);
         *  }
         * }*/

        public override void CaseADeconstructorDecl(ADeconstructorDecl node)
            AStructDecl     str        = Util.GetAncestor <AStructDecl>(node);
            AEnrichmentDecl enrichment = Util.GetAncestor <AEnrichmentDecl>(node);
            AMethodDecl     replacer   = new AMethodDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, null, new AVoidType(new TVoid("void")),
                                                         node.GetName(), new ArrayList(), node.GetBlock());

            replacer.GetName().Text += "_Deconstructor";

            //Move the method outside the struct
            AASourceFile file = Util.GetAncestor <AASourceFile>(node);

            if (str != null)

             *  enrichment.RemoveChild(node);*/
            int i = file.GetDecl().IndexOf(str ?? (PDecl)enrichment);

            file.GetDecl().Insert(i /* + 1*/, replacer);
            //Add the struct as a parameter
            PType type;

            if (str != null)
                ANamedType structType = new ANamedType(new TIdentifier(str.GetName().Text), null);
                finalTrans.data.StructTypeLinks[structType] = str;
                type = structType;
                type = Util.MakeClone(enrichment.GetType(), finalTrans.data);
            finalTrans.data.DeconstructorMap[node] = replacer;
            AALocalDecl structFormal = new AALocalDecl(new APublicVisibilityModifier(), null, null, null, null, new APointerType(new TStar("*"), type), new TIdentifier("currentStruct", replacer.GetName().Line, replacer.GetName().Pos), null);

            finalTrans.data.Methods.Add(new SharedData.DeclItem <AMethodDecl>(file, replacer));

            //Call base deconstructor before each return
            if (str != null && str.GetBase() != null)
                AStructDecl baseStruct = data.StructTypeLinks[(ANamedType)str.GetBase()];
                if (data.StructDeconstructor.ContainsKey(baseStruct))
                    replacer.Apply(new CallDeconstructors(baseStruct, structFormal, data));

                    /*AMethodDecl baseDeconstructor = data.DeconstructorMap[data.StructDeconstructor[baseStruct]];
                     * ALocalLvalue structFormalRef = new ALocalLvalue(new TIdentifier("currentStruct"));
                     * ALvalueExp structFormalRefExp = new ALvalueExp(structFormalRef);
                     * ASimpleInvokeExp invoke = new ASimpleInvokeExp(new TIdentifier("baseDeconstructor"),
                     *                                             new ArrayList() {structFormalRefExp});
                     * AABlock block = (AABlock) replacer.GetBlock();
                     * block.GetStatements().Insert(0, new AExpStm(new TSemicolon(";"), invoke));
                     * data.LocalLinks[structFormalRef] = structFormal;
                     * data.SimpleMethodLinks[invoke] = baseDeconstructor;
                     * data.LvalueTypes[structFormalRef] = data.ExpTypes[structFormalRefExp] = structFormal.GetType();
                     * data.ExpTypes[invoke] = baseDeconstructor.GetReturnType();*/
            this.structFormal = structFormal;