Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs some checks to see if the network uses features that are not supported by the CPP render
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network">The network to validate.</param>
        private static void ValidateNetwork(AST.Network network)
            var sp = network.Processes.SelectMany(x => x.InternalBusses).FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsTopLevelInput || x.IsTopLevelOutput);

            if (sp != null)
                throw new Exception($"Cannot have an internal bus that is also toplevel input or output: {sp.Name}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs all transformations on a the given network
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network">The network to transform.</param>
        /// <param name="directapply">A sequence of visitor classes that are applied without restarting the transformation. This can be used to add metdata or control logic before the actual transformations</param>
        /// <param name="preapply">Method that returns a sequence of transformations to perform before the main transformations</param>
        /// <param name="apply">Method that returns a sequence of transformations to perform</param>
        /// <param name="preapply">Method that returns a sequence of transformations to perform after the main transformations</param>
        public static void Transform(
            this AST.Network network,
            IEnumerable <IASTTransform> directapply  = null,
            Func <Method, IASTTransform[]> preapply  = null,
            Func <Method, IASTTransform[]> apply     = null,
            Func <Method, IASTTransform[]> postapply = null
            directapply = directapply ?? new IASTTransform[0];
            preapply    = preapply ?? (x => new IASTTransform[0]);
            apply       = apply ?? (x => new IASTTransform[0]);
            postapply   = postapply ?? (x => new IASTTransform[0]);

            var methods = new List <Method>();

            foreach (var n in network.All((el, direction) =>
                if (direction == VisitorState.Enter && el is Method)
                    methods.Add(el as Method);

                foreach (var f in directapply)

            // Pre-transforms are in Pre-Order
            foreach (var m in methods)
                RepeatedApply(preapply(m), () => m.All());

            // Main transforms are  in Post-Order
            foreach (var m in methods)
                RepeatedApply(apply(m), () => m.DepthFirstPostOrder());

            // Post transforms are in Pre-order
            foreach (var m in methods)
                RepeatedApply(postapply(m), () => m.All());
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all sub-instances for a network
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state to use</param>
        /// <param name="network">The parent network instance</param>
        private Instance.Network CreateAndRegisterInstance(ValidationState state, AST.InstanceDeclaration instDecl, AST.Network network)
            // Create the network instance
            var netinstance = new Instance.Network(instDecl, network);

            // We have registered the network by this name already
            //state.TryAddSymbol(netinstance.Name, netinstance);

            using (state.StartScope(network, netinstance))
                CreateAndRegisterInstances(state, netinstance.NetworkDefinition.Declarations, netinstance.Instances);

Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of the bus
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The process declaration</param>
 /// <param name="network">The resolved network definition</param>
 public Network(AST.InstanceDeclaration source, AST.Network network)
     Source            = source ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
     NetworkDefinition = network ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(network));
Exemple #5
 public BusImplementations(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
Exemple #6
 public ProcessHeader(RenderState rs, RenderStateProcess process)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
     RSP     = process;
Exemple #7
 public SimulationImplementation(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
     Graph   = new DependencyGraph(RS.Simulation.Processes.Select(x => x.Instance));
Exemple #8
 public BusDefinitions(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
Exemple #9
 public SimulationHeader(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
Exemple #10
 public SharedTypes(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
Exemple #11
 public Makefile(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;
Exemple #12
 public CustomTypes(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = RS.Network;
Exemple #13
 public TopLevel(RenderState rs)
     RS      = rs;
     Network = rs.Network;