private void InitializeReportDesigner() { string reportParameterName = "reportParameter1"; // The data source parameter name should match the name of the variable passed to the data source constructor. string dataSourceParameterName = "p1"; var objectDS = GenerateObjectDataSource(reportParameterName, dataSourceParameterName); // Uncomment the following line to register the object data source // (if end-users are allowed to create new reports bound to this data source). // ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add("ObjectDataSource1", objectDS); ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(GenerateReport("reportParameter1", objectDS)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var name = Request.QueryString["name"]; var reportNames = ReportStorageWithAccessRules.GetEditableReportNamesForCurrentUser(); if (reportNames.Contains(name)) { ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(name); } else { Response.Redirect("~/Authorization/Reports/ReportViewerPage.aspx"); } }
void BindToData() { // Create a SQL data source with the specified connection string. SqlDataSource ds = new SqlDataSource("NWindConnectionString"); // Create a SQL query to access the Products data table. SelectQuery query = SelectQueryFluentBuilder.AddTable("Products").SelectAllColumnsFromTable().Build("Products"); ds.Queries.Add(query); ds.RebuildResultSchema(); // Add the created data source to the list of default data sources. ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add("Northwind", ds); ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport("Report"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DevExpress.DataAccess.Sql.SqlDataSource sqlDataSource = GenerateSqlDataSource(); DevExpress.DataAccess.ObjectBinding.ObjectDataSource objDataSource = GenerateObjectDataSource(); DevExpress.DataAccess.EntityFramework.EFDataSource efDataSource = GenerateEFDataSource(); DevExpress.DataAccess.Excel.ExcelDataSource excelDataSource = GenerateExcelDataSource(); DevExpress.DataAccess.Json.JsonDataSource jsonDataSource = GenerateJsonDataSource(); ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add(sqlDataSource.Name, sqlDataSource); ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add(objDataSource.Name, objDataSource); ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add(efDataSource.Name, efDataSource); ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add(excelDataSource.Name, excelDataSource); ASPxReportDesigner1.DataSources.Add(jsonDataSource.Name, jsonDataSource); ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport("XtraReportTest"); }
private void InitDesignerPage(DesignerTask task) { BindToData(); switch (task.mode) { case ReportEdditingMode.NewReport: // Create a new report from the template. ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(new ReportTemplate()); break; case ReportEdditingMode.ModifyReport: // Load a report from the report storage. ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(task.reportID); break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(new XtraReport1()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport("Invoice"); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("/Account/Giris"); } //aqyery stringle tipe göre fatura makbuz vb bütün tasarım kayıtları burada yapılacak if (!IsPostBack) { string tip = Request.QueryString["tip"]; string firma = KullaniciIslem.firma(); if (tip.Equals("fatura")) { //fatura yolunu bulalım bool?tek = false; using (Radius.radiusEntities dc = Radius.MyContext.Context(KullaniciIslem.firma())) { AyarCurrent ay = new AyarCurrent(dc); tek = ay.get().cift_taraf; } if (tek == true) { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "fatura.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new faturaX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "faturaTek.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new faturaTekX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } } else if (tip.Equals("makbuz")) { //fatura yolunu bulalım string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "makbuz.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new makbuzX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("servis")) { //fatura yolunu bulalım string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "servis.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new baslamaX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("servis_maliyet")) { //fatura yolunu bulalım string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "servis_maliyet.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); ServisDAL.Raporlama.ServisMaliyetlerX report = new ServisDAL.Raporlama.ServisMaliyetlerX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("extre")) { //fatura yolunu bulalım string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "extre.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new extreX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("gelirgider")) { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "gelirgider.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new GelirGiderX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("gelirgiderozet")) { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "gelirgiderozet.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new GelirGiderOzetX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("gelirgidergruplu")) { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "gelirgidergruplu.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new GelirGiderGrupluX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("gelirgideraylik")) { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "gelirgideraylik.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new GelirGiderAylikX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } else if (tip.Equals("makineanaliz")) { string path = "/Raporlar/" + KullaniciIslem.firma() + "makine.repx"; string yol = Server.MapPath(path); XtraReport report = new makineX(); if (File.Exists(yol)) { report.LoadLayout(yol); } ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["MyVaraible"] = tbSessionVariableValue.Text; ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport("SampleReportUrl"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { XtraReport report = GetReport(); ASPxReportDesigner1.OpenReport(report); }