Exemple #1
 public Transform()
     this.disposedValue = false;
     this.TL            = new TraceLogger("", "Transform");
     this.TL.Enabled    = RegistryCommonCode.GetBool("Trace Transform", false);
     this.TL.LogMessage("New", "Trace logger created OK");
     this.Utl                 = new Util();
     this.Sw                  = new Stopwatch();
     this.SwRecalculate       = new Stopwatch();
     this.AstroUtl            = new ASCOM.Astrometry.AstroUtils.AstroUtils();
     this.SOFA                = new ASCOM.Astrometry.SOFA.SOFA();
     this.RAJ2000Value        = double.NaN;
     this.DECJ2000Value       = double.NaN;
     this.RATopoValue         = double.NaN;
     this.DECTopoValue        = double.NaN;
     this.SiteElevValue       = double.NaN;
     this.SiteLatValue        = double.NaN;
     this.SiteLongValue       = double.NaN;
     this.RefracValue         = false;
     this.LastSetBy           = ASCOM.Astrometry.Transform.Transform.SetBy.Never;
     this.RequiresRecalculate = true;
     this.JulianDateTTValue   = 0.0;
     this.TL.LogMessage("New", "NOVAS initialised OK");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a struct with alt & az coordinates of an object given it's Ra & Dec from a specific lat & lon on a specific date (jd)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Lat"></param>
        /// <param name="Lon"></param>
        /// <param name="Ra"></param>
        /// <param name="Dec"></param>
        /// <param name="Prof"></param>
        /// <param name="jd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static structAltAz GetAltAz(double Lat, double Lon, double Ra, double Dec, clsSharedData Prof, double jd)
            //Lat = Current Observing Latitude
            //Lon = Current Observing Longitude
            //Ra = Right Ascention of Object
            //Dec = Declination of object
            //jd = Julian Date
            //GSTime = GMT Sidereal Time

            structAltAz ret_value = default(structAltAz);
            double      ASCOMAlt  = 0;
            double      ASCOMAz   = 0;

            ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.Site           Site      = default(ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.Site);
            ASCOM.Utilities.Util                     utl       = default(ASCOM.Utilities.Util);
            ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.Star           Obj       = default(ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.Star);
            ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.PositionVector PosVector = default(ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.PositionVector);
            //ASCOM.Astrometry.SiteInfo Site = default(ASCOM.Astrometry.SiteInfo);
            //ASCOM.Astrometry.PosVector PVector = default(ASCOM.Astrometry.PosVector);
            ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVAS.NOVAS31 N         = new ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVAS.NOVAS31();
            ASCOM.Astrometry.SOFA.SOFA     S         = new ASCOM.Astrometry.SOFA.SOFA();
            ASCOM.Astrometry.OnSurface     onSurface = default(ASCOM.Astrometry.OnSurface);
            onSurface           = new ASCOM.Astrometry.OnSurface();
            onSurface.Latitude  = Lat;
            onSurface.Longitude = Lon;
            onSurface.Height    = Properties.Settings.Default.site_altitude;
            onSurface.Pressure  = Properties.Settings.Default.site_pressure;
            onSurface.Pressure  = Properties.Settings.Default.site_temperature;

            Site      = new ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.Site();
            utl       = new ASCOM.Utilities.Util();
            Obj       = new ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.Star();
            PosVector = new ASCOM.Astrometry.NOVASCOM.PositionVector();
            //Site = new ASCOM.Astrometry.SiteInfo();
            //PVector = new ASCOM.Astrometry.PosVector();

            //double jd = JDNow();
            double GSTime = GMSTime();

            Site.Latitude    = Lat;
            Site.Longitude   = Lon;
            Site.Height      = Properties.Settings.Default.site_altitude;
            Site.Pressure    = Properties.Settings.Default.site_pressure;
            Site.Temperature = Properties.Settings.Default.site_temperature;

            PosVector.SetFromSite(Site, GSTime);
            Obj.Set(Ra, Dec, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            PosVector = Obj.GetTopocentricPosition(jd, Site, false);

            ASCOMAlt = PosVector.Elevation;
            ASCOMAz  = PosVector.Azimuth;

            ret_value.Alt = ASCOMAlt;
            ret_value.Az  = ASCOMAz;
