Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Orbit foo, this finds the nodes of two orbits
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The true anomaly of the ascending node(descing node is 180degrees off)
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='orbit'>
        /// Orbit.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='tgtorbit'>
        /// Target Orbit
        /// </param>
        public static double FindAN(this Orbit orbit, Orbit tgtorbit)
            Vector3d normal       = ARUtils.swapYZ(orbit.GetOrbitNormal());
            Vector3d targetNormal = ARUtils.swapYZ(tgtorbit.GetOrbitNormal());
            Vector3d vectorToAN   = Vector3d.Cross(normal, targetNormal);
            Vector3d vectorToPe   = ARUtils.swapYZ(orbit.eccVec);
            double   angleFromPe  = Vector3d.Angle(vectorToPe, vectorToAN);

            //If the AN is actually during the infalling part of the orbit then we need to add 180 to
            //angle from Pe to get the true anomaly. Test this by taking the the cross product of the
            //orbit normal and vector to the periapsis. This gives a vector that points to center of the
            //outgoing side of the orbit. If vectorToAN is more than 90 degrees from this vector, it occurs
            //during the infalling part of the orbit.
            if (Math.Abs(Vector3d.Angle(vectorToAN, Vector3d.Cross(vectorToPe, normal))) < 90)
                return(360 - angleFromPe);

/*            double rad = Math.PI/180;
 *          double Lan1 = orbit.LAN;
 *          double inc1 = orbit.inclination;
 *          double Lan2 = tgtorbit.LAN;
 *          double inc2 = tgtorbit.inclination;
 *          //see braeunig.us/space... cross product of two orbital planes gives the node location
 *          var a = new Vector3d(Math.Sin(inc1*rad)*Math.Cos(Lan1*rad), Math.Sin(inc1*rad)*Math.Sin(Lan1*rad),
 *                               Math.Cos(inc1*rad));
 *          var b = new Vector3d(Math.Sin(inc2*rad)*Math.Cos(Lan2*rad), Math.Sin(inc2*rad)*Math.Sin(Lan2*rad),
 *                               Math.Cos(inc2*rad));
 *          var c = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
 *          c = Vector3d.Cross(a, b);
 *          var coord = new double[] {0, 0};
 *          coord = LatLonofVector(c); //get the coordinates lat/lon of the ascending node
 *          double lat = coord[0];
 *          double lon = coord[1];
 *          //go look at the diagrams at braeunig.us/space
 *          double α = lon - Lan1; //its all greek to me
 *          if (α < 0) α += 360;
 *          double λ = Math.Atan(Math.Tan(α*rad)/Math.Cos(inc1*rad))/rad;
 *          double x = 180 + (λ - orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis);
 *          if (x > 360) return 360 - x;
 *          else return x;*/