void Update() { if (skin.isVisible) { acceleration = Input.acceleration; lowPassValue = Vector3.Lerp(lowPassValue, acceleration, updateAcceleration); deltaAcceleration = acceleration - lowPassValue; // If shake magnitude threshold hit, reduce obj if (deltaAcceleration.sqrMagnitude >= minShake) { obj.transform.localScale -= new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f); shakeCount++; if (shakeCount > 10) { Destroy(obj); hint.SetActive(true); sphere.SetActive(true); } } if (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny().Equals(sphere.name)) { Destroy(hint); Destroy(sphere); ARHandler.GetAchievement("King of the slimes"); } } }
void Update() { // levelMax equals to the highest normalized value power 2, a small number because < 1 // pass the value to a static var so we can access it from anywhere if (obj.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().isVisible) { volume = MicrophoneLevelMax(); if (volume > 0.04 && !complete && skin.isVisible) { anim.SetTrigger(scare); obj.transform.Rotate(0, 180, 0); obj.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(obj.transform.position, obj.transform.position - moveTo, Time.deltaTime * 1200); complete = true; hint.SetActive(true); hintsphere.SetActive(true); } if (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny().Equals(hintsphere.name)) { // Waiting for finalised achievement list Destroy(hint); ARHandler.GetAchievement("TNT I'm Zygomite!"); } } }
void Update() { if (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny().Equals(hint.name)) { Destroy(hint); ARHandler.GetAchievement("What a steal!"); } else if (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny().Equals(collide.name)) { // Rotate 'obj' to face the camera (only in the y axis) obj.transform.forward = (Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(-Camera.main.transform.forward, new Vector3(0, 1, 0))); } }
void Update() { // TODO: fix directions if (obj.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().isVisible) { string item = ARHandler.GetHitIfAny(); moveTo = Vector3.zero; // Based on swipe, manipulate transform vector if (swipe.GetUp()) { moveTo += new Vector3(0, 0, 0.001f); } if (swipe.GetDown()) { moveTo += new Vector3(0, 0, -0.001f); } if (swipe.GetLeft()) { moveTo += new Vector3(0.001f, 0, 0); } if (swipe.GetRight()) { moveTo += new Vector3(-0.001f, 0, 0); } //moveTo = new Vector3(-0.001f, 0, 0); if ((planks[which].transform.position - hint.transform.position).magnitude < 0.3f) { planks[which].transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(planks[which].transform.position, planks[which].transform.position + 5 * moveTo, 20 * Time.deltaTime); } else { if (which < 4) { which++; } } if (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny().Equals(hintsphere.name)) { Destroy(hint); Destroy(hintsphere); ARHandler.GetAchievement("Yak whisperer"); } } }
void Update() { if (meshRenderer.isVisible) { if (swipe.GetLeft() || swipe.GetRight()) { swipeCount++; } if (swipeCount == 2) { Destroy(resource); ARHandler.GetAchievement("It's treeson!"); } } }
void Update() { if (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny().Equals(resource.name)) { hitCounter++; } if (hitCounter == 3) { Destroy(resource); resourceCollected.SetActive(true); Destroy(obj); ARHandler.GetAchievement("Grumpy"); } }
void Update() { // If fish are toggled if (reactionFrames > 0) { reactionFrames--; string hit = ARHandler.GetHitIfAny(); if (hit.Equals(hitSphere[0].transform.name)) { Destroy(fish[0]); Destroy(hitSphere[0]); feedbackMarker[0].SetActive(true); ARHandler.GetAchievement("Finding Nome"); } if (hit.Equals(hitSphere[0].transform.name)) { Destroy(fish[1]); Destroy(hitSphere[1]); feedbackMarker[1].SetActive(true); ARHandler.GetAchievement("Finding Dyro"); } } else { // Toggle one fish at a time float selector = Random.value; if (selector < 0.5f) { if (fish[0] != null && hitSphere[0] != null) { fish[0].SetActive(false); hitSphere[0].SetActive(false); } } else { if (fish[0] != null && hitSphere[0] != null) { fish[1].SetActive(false); hitSphere[1].SetActive(false); } } float rand = Random.value; if (rand < probability) { // Show sphere for 1 second at a time reactionFrames = (int)(0.5f / Time.deltaTime); if (selector < 0.5f) { if (fish[0] != null && hitSphere[0] != null) { fish[0].SetActive(true); hitSphere[0].SetActive(true); } } else { if (fish[0] != null && hitSphere[0] != null) { fish[1].SetActive(true); hitSphere[1].SetActive(true); } } } } }
void Update() { // If 4 values have been entered, reset the counter, check if correct, act accordingly if (pushCount == 4) { pushCount = 0; // Change values for custom code if (inputCode[0] == 1 && inputCode[1] == 2 && inputCode[2] == 3 && inputCode[3] == 4) { for (int i = 0; i < numpad.Length; i++) { Destroy(numpad[i]); Destroy(shells[i]); Destroy(feedbackMarker[i]); } hint.SetActive(true); hintsphere.SetActive(true); } else { // Reset feedbackMarker materials for (int i = 0; i < feedbackMarker.Length; i++) { SimpleChangeMaterial(feedbackMarker[i], feedbackMaterial[0]); } } } // Find which button was pressed switch (ARHandler.GetHitIfAny()) { case "key1": inputCode[pushCount] = 1; SimpleChangeMaterial(feedbackMarker[pushCount], feedbackMaterial[1]); pushCount++; break; case "key2": inputCode[pushCount] = 2; SimpleChangeMaterial(feedbackMarker[pushCount], feedbackMaterial[1]); pushCount++; break; case "key3": inputCode[pushCount] = 3; SimpleChangeMaterial(feedbackMarker[pushCount], feedbackMaterial[1]); pushCount++; break; case "key4": inputCode[pushCount] = 4; SimpleChangeMaterial(feedbackMarker[pushCount], feedbackMaterial[1]); pushCount++; break; case "hintsphere": Destroy(hint); Destroy(hintsphere); ARHandler.GetAchievement("Crab rave"); break; default: break; } }