// Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopLeft(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomLeft(ref end);
        left = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, 1, numCastsVertical);

        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopRight(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomRight(ref end);
        right = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, -1, numCastsVertical);

        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopLeft(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopRight(ref end);
        top = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, -1, numCastsHorizontal);

        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomLeft(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomRight(ref end);
        grounded = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, 1, numCastsHorizontal);

Exemple #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (facing == Direction.Left && spriteRenderer.flipX == false)
            spriteRenderer.flipX = true;
        else if (facing == Direction.Right && spriteRenderer.flipX == true)
            spriteRenderer.flipX = false;

        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopLeft(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomLeft(ref end);
        left = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, 1, numCastsVertical);

        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopRight(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomRight(ref end);
        right = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, -1, numCastsVertical);

        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopLeft(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetTopRight(ref end);
        top = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, -1, numCastsHorizontal);

        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomLeft(ref start);
        boxCollider.bounds.GetBottomRight(ref end);
        bottomHit = ParallelCast(hits, start, end, 1, numCastsHorizontal);

        if (bottomHit)
            canDash = true;

        if (debug)
            GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = currentState.DebugColor;

        if (rigidbody2d.velocity.x != 0)
            facing = rigidbody2d.velocity.x > 0 ? Direction.Right : Direction.Left;

        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0))
            animator.SetBool("Attack", true);
            Vector2 direction = facing == Direction.Left ? Vector2.left : Vector2.right;

            Debug.DrawRay(rigidbody2d.position, direction * maxAttackDistance, Color.red);

            RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.BoxCastAll(rigidbody2d.position, attackBoxSize, 0, direction, maxAttackDistance, attackLayerMask);

            foreach (RaycastHit2D hit in hits)
                //maintain a list of objects that can be attacked in a scriptable object?
                //and a scriptable object?
                BreakableTileInstance bti = hit.collider.GetComponent <BreakableTileInstance>();
                if (bti == null || bti.spriteRenderer.sprite != bti.tileRef.sprites[0])
