public void EnsureApsimFileGenerationWorks() { List <APSIMSpecification> simulations = new List <APSIMSpecification>(); simulations.Add(GetDefaultSimulationSpec()); // Create a working directory. string workingDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "UnitTests"); if (Directory.Exists(workingDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(workingDirectory); // Create all the files needed to run APSIM. string apsimFileName = APSIMFiles.Create(simulations, workingDirectory, "test.apsim"); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, "NameOfPaddock.met"))); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, "test.apsim"))); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, "test.spec"))); // Get rid of working directory. Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, true); }
public void APSIMSpecificationTests_SWBoundedtoCLL() { APSIMSpecification spec = new APSIMSpecification() { Name = "NameOfPaddock", StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 4, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 1), NowDate = new DateTime(2016, 7, 1), StationNumber = 41023, RunType = APSIMSpecification.RunTypeEnum.Normal, StubbleMass = 100, StubbleType = "Wheat", Samples = new List <Sample>() { new Sample() { Thickness = new double[] { 100, 300, 300, 300 }, NO3 = new double[] { 34, 6.9, 3.1, 1.8 }, NH4 = new double[] { 5.5, 1.8, 1.8, 1.5 }, SW = new double[] { 0.13, 0.18, 0.20, 0.24 }, SWUnits = Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Gravimetric, } }, SoilPath = "Soils/Australia/Victoria/Wimmera/Clay (Rupanyup North No742)", Management = new List <Management>() { new Sow() { Crop = "Wheat", Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), } } }; string workingDirectory = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(workingDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(workingDirectory); string apsimFileName = APSIMFiles.Create(spec, workingDirectory, "test.apsim"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(apsimFileName); // The third layer SW should be changed. XmlNode swNode = XmlUtilities.Find(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Soil/Sample/SW"); double[] SW = MathUtilities.StringsToDoubles(XmlUtilities.Values(swNode, "double")); Assert.AreEqual(SW[0], 0.13, 0.0001); Assert.AreEqual(SW[1], 0.18, 0.0001); Assert.AreEqual(SW[2], 0.21880064829821716, 0.0001); // bounded to CLL Assert.AreEqual(SW[3], 0.24, 0.0001); Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, recursive: true); }
public void APSIMSpecificationTestss_ConaUCorrected() { // Using a northern soil in southern australia should change the // CONA and U values to southern australian ones. APSIMSpecification spec = new APSIMSpecification() { Name = "NameOfPaddock", StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 4, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 1), NowDate = new DateTime(2016, 7, 1), StationNumber = 77007, // Birchip post office - victoria. RunType = APSIMSpecification.RunTypeEnum.Normal, StubbleMass = 100, StubbleType = "Wheat", Samples = new List <Sample>() { new Sample() { Thickness = new double[] { 100, 300, 300, 300 }, NO3 = new double[] { 34, 6.9, 3.1, 1.8 }, NH4 = new double[] { 5.5, 1.8, 1.8, 1.5 }, SW = new double[] { 0.13, 0.18, 0.20, 0.24 }, SWUnits = Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Gravimetric, } }, SoilPath = "Soils/Australia/Queensland/Darling Downs and Granite Belt/Black Vertosol (Formartin No622-YP)", Management = new List <Management>() { new Sow() { Crop = "Wheat", Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), } } }; string workingDirectory = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(workingDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(workingDirectory); string apsimFileName = APSIMFiles.Create(spec, workingDirectory, "test.apsim"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(apsimFileName); // CONA and U should be for southern australia Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Soil/SoilWater/SummerU"), "6"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Soil/SoilWater/SummerCona"), "3.5"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Soil/SoilWater/WinterU"), "2"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Soil/SoilWater/WinterCona"), "2"); Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, recursive: true); }
/// <summary>Runs APSIM on the given xml file and makes sure no errors.</summary> /// <param name="xmlFileName">Name of the XML file.</param> private static void RunAPSIM(string xmlFileName) { // Create a YieldProphet object from our file. YieldProphet spec = YieldProphetUtility.YieldProphetFromFile(xmlFileName); foreach (Paddock paddock in spec.Paddock) { paddock.NowDate = new DateTime(2015, 3, 31); } // Create an APSIM spec List <APSIMSpec> simulations = YieldProphetToAPSIM.ToAPSIM(spec); // Now create all the files. APSIMFiles.Create(simulations, workingDirectory); // Make sure we got a .apsim file. string apsimFileName = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, "YieldProphet.apsim"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(apsimFileName); List <XmlNode> simulationNodes = Utility.Xml.ChildNodes(doc.DocumentElement, ""); Assert.AreEqual(simulationNodes.Count, 6); Assert.AreEqual(Utility.Xml.NameAttr(simulationNodes[0]), "ThisYear"); Assert.AreEqual(Utility.Xml.NameAttr(simulationNodes[1]), "Base"); Assert.AreEqual(Utility.Xml.NameAttr(simulationNodes[2]), "NUnlimited"); Assert.AreEqual(Utility.Xml.NameAttr(simulationNodes[3]), "NUnlimitedFromToday"); Assert.AreEqual(Utility.Xml.NameAttr(simulationNodes[4]), "Next10DaysDry"); Assert.AreEqual(Utility.Xml.NameAttr(simulationNodes[5]), "Factorials"); doc.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(simulationNodes[1]); doc.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(simulationNodes[2]); doc.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(simulationNodes[3]); doc.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(simulationNodes[4]); doc.Save(apsimFileName); Process p = Utility.Process.RunProcess(@"D:\APSIM\Model\Apsim.exe", apsimFileName, workingDirectory); string errors = Utility.Process.CheckProcessExitedProperly(p); Assert.IsFalse(errors.Contains("Fail")); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, "ThisYear_1.sum")); string sumFileContents = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Assert.IsFalse(sumFileContents.Contains("APSIM Fatal Error")); }
public void APSIMSpecificationTests_SoilLandscapeGrid() { // Make sure we can reference a soil and landscape grid soil. APSIMSpecification spec = new APSIMSpecification() { Name = "NameOfPaddock", StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 4, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 1), NowDate = new DateTime(2016, 7, 1), StationNumber = 77007, // Birchip post office - victoria. RunType = APSIMSpecification.RunTypeEnum.Normal, StubbleMass = 100, StubbleType = "Wheat", Samples = new List <Sample>() { new Sample() { Thickness = new double[] { 100, 300, 300, 300 }, NO3 = new double[] { 34, 6.9, 3.1, 1.8 }, NH4 = new double[] { 5.5, 1.8, 1.8, 1.5 }, SW = new double[] { 0.13, 0.18, 0.20, 0.24 }, SWUnits = Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Gravimetric, } }, SoilPath = "", Management = new List <Management>() { new Sow() { Crop = "Wheat", Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), } } }; string workingDirectory = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(workingDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(workingDirectory); string apsimFileName = APSIMFiles.Create(spec, workingDirectory, "test.apsim"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(apsimFileName); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Soil/NearestTown"), "Walgett, NSW 2400"); Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, recursive: true); }
public void APSIMSpecificationTests_MultipleSimulations() { // Do a normal single simulation and a long term patched run // This mimics a crop report. // Make sure the factorial factors are right. We have had the bug // where ThisYearDaily data isn't produced - sim wasn't run because // it wasn't in factorial factors. APSIMSpecification shortSimSpec = CreateAPSIMSpecification(); APSIMSpecification longtermPatchedSim = CreateAPSIMSpecification(); longtermPatchedSim.Name = "NameOfPaddock2"; longtermPatchedSim.RunType = APSIMSpecification.RunTypeEnum.LongTermPatched; longtermPatchedSim.LongtermStartYear = 1957; List <APSIMSpecification> simulations = new List <APSIMSpecification>() { shortSimSpec, longtermPatchedSim }; string workingDirectory = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(workingDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(workingDirectory); string apsimFileName = APSIMFiles.Create(simulations, workingDirectory, "test.apsim"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(apsimFileName); // Check the factorial factors XmlNode factorialsNode = XmlUtilities.Find(doc.DocumentElement, "Factorials"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(factorialsNode, "active"), "1"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(factorialsNode.ChildNodes[1], "targets/Target"), "/Simulations/NameOfPaddock/Met"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(factorialsNode.ChildNodes[2], "targets/Target"), "/Simulations/NameOfPaddock2/Met"); Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, recursive: true); }
public void APSIMSpecificationTests_MultiYearRunNormal() { // Do a normal multi year run APSIMSpecification spec = new APSIMSpecification() { Name = "NameOfPaddock", StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 4, 1), EndDate = new DateTime(2017, 12, 1), NowDate = new DateTime(2017, 7, 1), StationNumber = 77007, // Birchip post office - victoria. RunType = APSIMSpecification.RunTypeEnum.Normal, StubbleMass = 100, StubbleType = "Wheat", Samples = new List <Sample>() { new Sample() { Thickness = new double[] { 100, 300, 300, 300 }, NO3 = new double[] { 34, 6.9, 3.1, 1.8 }, NH4 = new double[] { 5.5, 1.8, 1.8, 1.5 }, SW = new double[] { 0.13, 0.18, 0.20, 0.24 }, SWUnits = Sample.SWUnitsEnum.Gravimetric, } }, SoilPath = "Soils/Australia/Queensland/Darling Downs and Granite Belt/Black Vertosol (Formartin No622-YP)", Management = new List <Management>() { new Sow() { Crop = "Wheat", Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), }, new Fertilise() { Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), Amount = 50 }, new ResetWater() { Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), }, new ResetNitrogen() { Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), }, new ResetSurfaceOrganicMatter() { Date = new DateTime(2016, 5, 1), }, new Fertilise() { Date = new DateTime(2016, 8, 1), Amount = 55 }, new Sow() { Crop = "Barley", Date = new DateTime(2017, 6, 1), }, new Fertilise() { Date = new DateTime(2017, 6, 1), Amount = 50 } } }; string workingDirectory = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(workingDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(workingDirectory); string apsimFileName = APSIMFiles.Create(spec, workingDirectory, "test.apsim"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(apsimFileName); // Check the start date and end date. Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Clock/start_date"), "1/04/2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Clock/end_date"), "1/12/2017"); // Check operations XmlNode operationsNode = XmlUtilities.Find(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Operations"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[0], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[0], "action"), "Wheat sow plants = 0, sowing_depth = 50, cultivar = , row_spacing = 250, crop_class = plant, skip = solid"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[1], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[1], "action"), "SurfaceOM tillage type = planter, f_incorp = 0.1, tillage_depth = 50"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[2], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[2], "action"), "Fertiliser apply amount = 50 (kg/ha), depth = 20 (mm), type = no3_n"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[3], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[3], "action"), "'Soil Water' reset"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[4], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[4], "action"), "act_mods reseting"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[5], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[5], "action"), "'Soil Nitrogen' reset"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[6], "date"), "01-May-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[6], "action"), "SurfaceOM reset"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[7], "date"), "01-Aug-2016"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[7], "action"), "Fertiliser apply amount = 55 (kg/ha), depth = 20 (mm), type = no3_n"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[8], "date"), "01-Jun-2017"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[8], "action"), "Barley sow plants = 0, sowing_depth = 50, cultivar = , row_spacing = 250, crop_class = plant, skip = solid"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[9], "date"), "01-Jun-2017"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[9], "action"), "SurfaceOM tillage type = planter, f_incorp = 0.1, tillage_depth = 50"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[10], "date"), "01-Jun-2017"); Assert.AreEqual(XmlUtilities.Value(operationsNode.ChildNodes[10], "action"), "Fertiliser apply amount = 50 (kg/ha), depth = 20 (mm), type = no3_n"); // Check that 2 crops are in the simulation Assert.IsNotNull(XmlUtilities.Find(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Wheat")); Assert.IsNotNull(XmlUtilities.Find(doc.DocumentElement, "NameOfPaddock/Paddock/Barley")); Directory.Delete(workingDirectory, recursive: true); }