Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody] APPACalculationRequestModel data)
                if (data == null)
                                             "Bad payload provided; unable to parse the request , please review request data and try again");
                    _logger.LogError(400, $"Bad payload " +
                                     $"{ModelState}\n Request Data is null and could not be parsed");

                var validator = new APPACalculationRequestValidator();
                if (!ModelState.IsValid || !validator.Validate(data).IsValid)
                    _logger.LogError((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"Request model not valid " +
                                     $"{ModelState}\n Request Data {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)} \n Errors : " +
                                     $"{validator.Validate(data).Errors.GetErrorsAsString()} ");

                var result = await _appaService.PerformCalculationAsync(data, _options);

                                       $"Calculation performed successfully for the request data provided \n Request Data: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)}");
            catch (MissingConfigurationException exp)
                                 $"Calculation was not performed for the request data provided \n Request Data: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)} Bad payload provided; {exp.Message}, please review request data and try again");
                return(BadRequest($"Bad payload provided; {exp.Message}, please review request data and try again"));
        public async Task PostAsync_Succeeds_WithNoAPData()
            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel
                Ap = new List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel>(),
                Pa = new ProtectiveAwardCalculationRequestModel()
                    InsolvencyDate           = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    EmploymentStartDate      = new DateTime(2016, 4, 6),
                    DismissalDate            = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    TribunalAwardDate        = new DateTime(2018, 10, 21),
                    ProtectiveAwardStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 22),
                    ProtectiveAwardDays      = 90,
                    PayDay       = 6,
                    WeeklyWage   = 400M,
                    ShiftPattern = new List <string> {
                        "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
            var response = new APPACalculationResponseDTO();

            _service.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _confOptions)).ReturnsAsync(response);
            var controller = new APPAController(_service.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _confOptions);

            var result = await controller.PostAsync(request);

            var okObjectRequest = result.Should().BeOfType <OkObjectResult>().Subject;

        public async Task PostAsync_FailsWithBadRequest_WhenThereIsAPAValidationError(ProtectiveAwardCalculationRequestModel paRequest, string expectedErrorMessage)
            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel()
                Pa = paRequest

            var controller = new APPAController(_service.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _confOptions);

            var result = await controller.PostAsync(request);

            var badRequestObjectRequest = result.Should().BeOfType <BadRequestObjectResult>().Subject;


            _mockLogger.Verify(x => x.Log(
                                   It.IsAny <EventId>(),
                                   It.Is <object>(v => v.ToString().Contains(expectedErrorMessage)),
                                   It.IsAny <Func <object, Exception, string> >()
        public async Task PerformCalculationAsync_PerformsAPAndPACalculationsWithOnlyPAInput()
            // Arrange
            var shiftPattern = new List <string> {
                "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"

            var paRequest = new ProtectiveAwardCalculationRequestModel()
                InsolvencyDate           = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                EmploymentStartDate      = new DateTime(2016, 4, 6),
                DismissalDate            = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                TribunalAwardDate        = new DateTime(2018, 10, 21),
                ProtectiveAwardStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 22),
                ProtectiveAwardDays      = 90,
                PayDay       = 6,
                WeeklyWage   = 400M,
                ShiftPattern = shiftPattern,

            var paResponse = new ProtectiveAwardResponseDTO()
                IsTaxable    = true,
                StatutoryMax = 508m,
                PayLines     = new List <ProtectiveAwardPayLine>()
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(1, new DateTime(2018, 10, 27), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(2, new DateTime(2018, 11, 3), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(3, new DateTime(2018, 11, 10), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(4, new DateTime(2018, 11, 17), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(5, new DateTime(2018, 11, 24), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(6, new DateTime(2018, 12, 1), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(7, new DateTime(2018, 12, 8), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(8, new DateTime(2018, 12, 15), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(9, new DateTime(2018, 12, 22), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(10, new DateTime(2018, 12, 29), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(11, new DateTime(2019, 1, 5), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(12, new DateTime(2019, 1, 12), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(13, new DateTime(2019, 1, 12), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M)

            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel()
                Ap = null,
                Pa = paRequest

            _paService.Setup(m => m.PerformProtectiveAwardCalculationAsync(paRequest, _options)).ReturnsAsync(paResponse);

            // Act
            var results = await _service.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _options);

            // Assert
            results.Pa.PayLines.Count(x => x.IsSelected).Should().Be(8);
        public async Task PostAsync_SucceedsWithOverlappingPeriodsInDifferentInputSources()
            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel()
                Ap = new List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel>()
                    new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel
                        InputSource         = InputSource.Rp1,
                        InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2017, 03, 22),
                        EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19),
                        DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2017, 01, 03),
                        DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19),
                        UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19),
                        UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2017, 01, 03),
                        ApClaimAmount       = 150,
                        IsTaxable           = true,
                        PayDay       = (int)DayOfWeek.Saturday,
                        ShiftPattern = new List <string> {
                            "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"
                        WeeklyWage = 243.25m
                    new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel
                        InputSource         = InputSource.Rp14a,
                        InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2017, 03, 22),
                        EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19),
                        DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2017, 01, 03),
                        DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19),
                        UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2017, 1, 3),
                        UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2017, 01, 4),
                        ApClaimAmount       = 150,
                        IsTaxable           = true,
                        PayDay       = (int)DayOfWeek.Saturday,
                        ShiftPattern = new List <string> {
                            "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"
                        WeeklyWage = 243.25m
                Pa = null
            var response = APPAControllerTestsDataGenerator.GetValidResponseData();

            _service.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _confOptions)).ReturnsAsync(response);
            var controller = new APPAController(_service.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _confOptions);

            var result = await controller.PostAsync(request);

            var okObjectRequest = result.Should().BeOfType <OkObjectResult>().Subject;

Exemple #6
        public async Task <APPACalculationResponseDTO> PerformCalculationAsync(APPACalculationRequestModel data, IOptions <ConfigLookupRoot> options)
            var allWeeks      = new List <IWeeklyResult>();
            var result        = new APPACalculationResponseDTO();
            var rp1TraceInfo  = new TraceInfo();
            var rp14TraceInfo = new TraceInfo();

            if (data.Ap != null && data.Ap.Any())
                result.Ap = new ArrearsOfPayAggregateOutput();
                result.Ap.RP1ResultsList = await _apService.PerformCalculationAsync(data.Ap, InputSource.Rp1, options, rp1TraceInfo);

                result.Ap.RP14aResultsList = await _apService.PerformCalculationAsync(data.Ap, InputSource.Rp14a, options, rp14TraceInfo);

                var rp1Any = result.Ap.RP1ResultsList != null && result.Ap.RP1ResultsList.WeeklyResult.Any();
                var rp1Sum = rp1Any ? result.Ap.RP1ResultsList.WeeklyResult.Sum(x => x.NetEntitlement) : 0M;

                var rp14aAny = result.Ap.RP14aResultsList != null && result.Ap.RP14aResultsList.WeeklyResult.Any();
                var rp14aSum = rp14aAny ? result.Ap.RP14aResultsList.WeeklyResult.Sum(x => x.NetEntitlement) : 0M;

                if ((rp1Any && rp1Sum == 0) || (rp1Sum > 0 && rp1Sum < rp14aSum) || (rp1Any && !rp14aAny))
                    result.Ap.SelectedInputSource = InputSource.Rp1;
                    result.Ap.TraceInfo = await rp1TraceInfo.ConvertToJson();
                    result.Ap.SelectedInputSource = InputSource.Rp14a;
                    result.Ap.TraceInfo = await rp14TraceInfo.ConvertToJson();

            if (data.Pa != null)
                result.Pa = await _paService.PerformProtectiveAwardCalculationAsync(data.Pa, options);


            allWeeks.OrderByDescending(x => x.NetEntitlement)
            .ThenByDescending(x => x.GrossEntitlementIn4Months)
            .ForEach(x => x.IsSelected = true);

        public async Task PerformCalculationAsync_PerformsNoCalculationsWhenAPIsEmptyAndPAIsNull()
            // Arrange
            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel()
                Ap = new List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel>(),
                Pa = null

            // Act
            var results = await _service.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _options);

            // Assert

            _apService.Verify(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(
                                  It.IsAny <List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel> >(),
                                  It.IsAny <string>(),
                                  It.IsAny <IOptions <ConfigLookupRoot> >(), null), Times.Never);
            _paService.Verify(m => m.PerformProtectiveAwardCalculationAsync(
                                  It.IsAny <ProtectiveAwardCalculationRequestModel>(),
                                  It.IsAny <IOptions <ConfigLookupRoot> >()), Times.Never);
        public async Task PostAsync_Succeeds_WithRP14aDataAndRp1NotRequiredOverride()
            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel
                Rp1NotRequired   = true,
                Rp14aNotRequired = false,
                Ap = new List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel>()
                    new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel()
                        InputSource         = InputSource.Rp14a,
                        InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                        EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 04, 06),
                        DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                        DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2018, 10, 6),
                        UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2018, 10, 1),
                        UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 9),
                        ApClaimAmount       = 700M,
                        IsTaxable           = true,
                        PayDay       = 6,
                        ShiftPattern = new List <string> {
                            "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
                        WeeklyWage = 400m
                    new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel()
                        InputSource         = InputSource.Rp14a,
                        InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                        EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 04, 06),
                        DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                        DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2018, 10, 14),
                        UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2018, 10, 10),
                        UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 18),
                        ApClaimAmount       = 600M,
                        IsTaxable           = true,
                        PayDay       = 6,
                        ShiftPattern = new List <string> {
                            "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
                        WeeklyWage = 400m
                Pa = new ProtectiveAwardCalculationRequestModel()
                    InsolvencyDate           = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    EmploymentStartDate      = new DateTime(2016, 4, 6),
                    DismissalDate            = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    TribunalAwardDate        = new DateTime(2018, 10, 21),
                    ProtectiveAwardStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 22),
                    ProtectiveAwardDays      = 90,
                    PayDay       = 6,
                    WeeklyWage   = 400M,
                    ShiftPattern = new List <string> {
                        "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
            var response = new APPACalculationResponseDTO();

            _service.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _confOptions)).ReturnsAsync(response);
            var controller = new APPAController(_service.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _confOptions);

            var result = await controller.PostAsync(request);

            var okObjectRequest = result.Should().BeOfType <OkObjectResult>().Subject;

        public async Task PerformCalculationAsync_SelectRp1WhenNoRp14()
            // Arrange
            var shiftPattern = new List <string> {
                "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"

            var apRequests = new List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel>()
                new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel()
                    InputSource         = InputSource.Rp1,
                    InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 04, 06),
                    DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2018, 10, 14),
                    UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2018, 10, 10),
                    UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 18),
                    ApClaimAmount       = 600M,
                    IsTaxable           = true,
                    PayDay       = 6,
                    ShiftPattern = shiftPattern,
                    WeeklyWage   = 400m

            var apResponseRP1 = new ArrearsOfPayResponseDTO()
                StatutoryMax = 508m,
                InputSource  = InputSource.Rp1,
                DngApplied   = true,
                RunNWNP      = true,
                WeeklyResult = new List <ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult>()
                    new ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult(1, new DateTime(2018, 10, 13), 428.57M, 508M, 257.14M, 257.14M, true, 51.43M, 11.42M, 194.29M, 7, 3, 508M, 257.14M, 257.14M),
                    new ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult(2, new DateTime(2018, 10, 20), 428.57M, 508M, 22.86M, 22.86M, true, 4.57M, 0M, 18.29M, 7, 4, 508M, 22.86M, 22.86M),

            var apResponseRP14a = new ArrearsOfPayResponseDTO()
                StatutoryMax = 508m,
                InputSource  = InputSource.Rp14a,
                DngApplied   = true,
                RunNWNP      = true,
                WeeklyResult = new List <ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult>()

            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel()
                Ap = apRequests,
                Pa = null

            _apService.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(apRequests, InputSource.Rp1, _options, It.IsAny <TraceInfo>())).ReturnsAsync(apResponseRP1);
            _apService.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(apRequests, InputSource.Rp14a, _options, It.IsAny <TraceInfo>())).ReturnsAsync(apResponseRP14a);

            // Act
            var results = await _service.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _options);

            // Assert

            results.Ap.RP1ResultsList.WeeklyResult.Count(x => x.IsSelected).Should().Be(2);
            results.Ap.RP14aResultsList.WeeklyResult.Count(x => x.IsSelected).Should().Be(0);
        public async Task PerformCalculationAsync_PerformsAPAndPACalculationsWithRp1Selected()
            // Arrange
            var shiftPattern = new List <string> {
                "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"

            var apRequests = new List <ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel>()
                new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel()
                    InputSource         = InputSource.Rp1,
                    InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 04, 06),
                    DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2018, 10, 6),
                    UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2018, 10, 1),
                    UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 9),
                    ApClaimAmount       = 350M,
                    IsTaxable           = true,
                    PayDay       = 6,
                    ShiftPattern = shiftPattern,
                    WeeklyWage   = 200m
                new ArrearsOfPayCalculationRequestModel()
                    InputSource         = InputSource.Rp14a,
                    InsolvencyDate      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    EmploymentStartDate = new DateTime(2016, 04, 06),
                    DismissalDate       = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                    DateNoticeGiven     = new DateTime(2018, 10, 14),
                    UnpaidPeriodFrom    = new DateTime(2018, 10, 10),
                    UnpaidPeriodTo      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 18),
                    ApClaimAmount       = 600M,
                    IsTaxable           = true,
                    PayDay       = 6,
                    ShiftPattern = shiftPattern,
                    WeeklyWage   = 400m

            var apResponseRP1 = new ArrearsOfPayResponseDTO()
                StatutoryMax = 508m,
                InputSource  = InputSource.Rp1,
                DngApplied   = true,
                RunNWNP      = false,
                WeeklyResult = new List <ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult>()
                    new ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult(1, new DateTime(2018, 10, 6), 250m, 508M, 350, 350M, true, 50M, 30M, 300M, 7, 5, 508M, 300M, 300M),
                    new ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult(2, new DateTime(2018, 10, 13), 250m, 508M, 20M, 20M, true, 4M, 0M, 16M, 7, 2, 508M, 20M, 20M),

            var apResponseRP14a = new ArrearsOfPayResponseDTO()
                StatutoryMax = 508m,
                InputSource  = InputSource.Rp14a,
                DngApplied   = true,
                RunNWNP      = true,
                WeeklyResult = new List <ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult>()
                    new ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult(1, new DateTime(2018, 10, 13), 428.57M, 508M, 257.14M, 357.14M, true, 51.43M, 11.42M, 294.29M, 7, 3, 508M, 357.14M, 357.14M),
                    new ArrearsOfPayWeeklyResult(2, new DateTime(2018, 10, 20), 428.57M, 508M, 22.86M, 22.86M, true, 4.57M, 0M, 28.29M, 7, 4, 508M, 22.86M, 22.86M),

            var paRequest = new ProtectiveAwardCalculationRequestModel()
                InsolvencyDate           = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                EmploymentStartDate      = new DateTime(2016, 4, 6),
                DismissalDate            = new DateTime(2018, 10, 20),
                TribunalAwardDate        = new DateTime(2018, 10, 21),
                ProtectiveAwardStartDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 22),
                ProtectiveAwardDays      = 90,
                PayDay       = 6,
                WeeklyWage   = 400M,
                ShiftPattern = shiftPattern,

            var paResponse = new ProtectiveAwardResponseDTO()
                IsTaxable    = true,
                StatutoryMax = 508m,
                PayLines     = new List <ProtectiveAwardPayLine>()
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(1, new DateTime(2018, 10, 27), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(2, new DateTime(2018, 11, 3), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(3, new DateTime(2018, 11, 10), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(4, new DateTime(2018, 11, 17), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(5, new DateTime(2018, 11, 24), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(6, new DateTime(2018, 12, 1), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(7, new DateTime(2018, 12, 8), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(8, new DateTime(2018, 12, 15), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(9, new DateTime(2018, 12, 22), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(10, new DateTime(2018, 12, 29), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(11, new DateTime(2019, 1, 5), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(12, new DateTime(2019, 1, 12), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M),
                    new ProtectiveAwardPayLine(13, new DateTime(2019, 1, 12), 0M, 400M, 80M, 28.56M, 291.44M, 0M, 0M, 0M)

            var request = new APPACalculationRequestModel()
                Ap = apRequests,
                Pa = paRequest

            _apService.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(apRequests, InputSource.Rp1, _options, It.IsAny <TraceInfo>())).ReturnsAsync(apResponseRP1);
            _apService.Setup(m => m.PerformCalculationAsync(apRequests, InputSource.Rp14a, _options, It.IsAny <TraceInfo>())).ReturnsAsync(apResponseRP14a);
            _paService.Setup(m => m.PerformProtectiveAwardCalculationAsync(paRequest, _options)).ReturnsAsync(paResponse);

            // Act
            var results = await _service.PerformCalculationAsync(request, _options);

            // Assert

            results.Ap.RP1ResultsList.WeeklyResult.Count(x => x.IsSelected).Should().Be(1);
            results.Ap.RP14aResultsList.WeeklyResult.Count(x => x.IsSelected).Should().Be(0);
            results.Pa.PayLines.Count(x => x.IsSelected).Should().Be(7);