Exemple #1
 public static int Tango3DR_update(IntPtr context, ref APIPointCloud cloud, ref APIPose cloud_pose,
                                   IntPtr image, IntPtr image_pose, IntPtr calibration,
                                   out IntPtr updated_indices)
     updated_indices = IntPtr.Zero;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the 3D Reconstruction with a new point cloud and pose.
        /// It is expected this will get called in from the Tango binder thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depth">Point cloud from Tango.</param>
        /// <param name="depthPose">Pose matrix the point cloud corresponds too.</param>
        private void _UpdateDepth(TangoXYZij depth, Matrix4x4 depthPose)
            if (m_context == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Log("Update called before creating a reconstruction context." + Environment.StackTrace);

            APIPointCloud apiCloud;

            apiCloud.numPoints = depth.xyz_count;
            apiCloud.points    = IntPtr.Zero;
            apiCloud.timestamp = depth.timestamp;

            // This copy is required until TangoXYZij stores its depth as XYZC.
            long xyzPointerVal = depth.xyz.ToInt64();

            for (int it = 0; it < depth.xyz_count; ++it)
                int xyzIndex         = it * 3;
                int depthPointsIndex = it * 4;
                Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(xyzPointerVal + (xyzIndex * 4)), m_mostRecentDepthPoints, depthPointsIndex, 3);
                m_mostRecentDepthPoints[depthPointsIndex + 3] = 1;

            APIPose apiDepthPose = APIPose.FromMatrix4x4(ref depthPose);

            if (!m_sendColorToUpdate)
                GCHandle mostRecentDepthPointsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_mostRecentDepthPoints, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                apiCloud.points = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_mostRecentDepthPoints, 0);

                // No need to wait for a color image, update reconstruction immediately.
                IntPtr rawUpdatedIndices;
                Status result = (Status)API.Tango3DR_update(
                    m_context, ref apiCloud, ref apiDepthPose, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                    out rawUpdatedIndices);
                if (result != Status.SUCCESS)
                    Debug.Log("Tango3DR_update returned non-success." + Environment.StackTrace);


                lock (m_lockObject)
                    // We need both a color image and a depth cloud to update reconstruction.  Cache the depth cloud
                    // because there are much less depth points than pixels.
                    m_mostRecentDepth        = apiCloud;
                    m_mostRecentDepthPose    = apiDepthPose;
                    m_mostRecentDepthIsValid = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the 3D Reconstruction with a new point cloud and pose.
        /// It is expected this will get called in from the Tango binder thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depth">Point cloud from Tango.</param>
        /// <param name="depthPose">Pose matrix the point cloud corresponds too.</param>
        private void _UpdateDepth(TangoXYZij depth, Matrix4x4 depthPose)
            if (m_context == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Log("Update called before creating a reconstruction context." + Environment.StackTrace);

            APIPointCloud apiCloud;

            apiCloud.numPoints = depth.xyz_count;
            apiCloud.points    = depth.xyz;
            apiCloud.timestamp = depth.timestamp;

            APIPose apiDepthPose = APIPose.FromMatrix4x4(ref depthPose);

            if (!m_sendColorToUpdate)
                // No need to wait for a color image, update reconstruction immediately.
                IntPtr rawUpdatedIndices;
                Status result = (Status)API.Tango3DR_update(
                    m_context, ref apiCloud, ref apiDepthPose, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                    out rawUpdatedIndices);
                if (result != Status.SUCCESS)
                    Debug.Log("Tango3DR_update returned non-success." + Environment.StackTrace);

                lock (m_lockObject)
                    // We need both a color image and a depth cloud to update reconstruction.  Cache the depth cloud
                    // because there are much less depth points than pixels.
                    m_mostRecentDepth        = apiCloud;
                    m_mostRecentDepth.points = IntPtr.Zero;
                    m_mostRecentDepthPose    = apiDepthPose;

                    Marshal.Copy(apiCloud.points, m_mostRecentDepthPoints, 0, apiCloud.numPoints * 3);
                    m_mostRecentDepthIsValid = true;
Exemple #4
 public static extern int Tango3DR_update(IntPtr context, ref APIPointCloud cloud, ref APIPose cloud_pose,
                                          IntPtr image, IntPtr image_pose, IntPtr calibration,
                                          out IntPtr updated_indices);
Exemple #5
 public static extern int Tango3DR_update(IntPtr context, ref APIPointCloud cloud, ref APIPose cloud_pose,
                                          ref APIImageBuffer image, ref APIPose image_pose,
                                          ref APICameraCalibration calibration, out IntPtr updated_indices);
 public static int Tango3DR_update(IntPtr context, ref APIPointCloud cloud, ref APIPose cloud_pose,
                                   IntPtr image, IntPtr image_pose, IntPtr calibration,
                                   out IntPtr updated_indices)
     updated_indices = IntPtr.Zero;
     return (int)Status.SUCCESS;
 public static extern int Tango3DR_update(IntPtr context, ref APIPointCloud cloud, ref APIPose cloud_pose,
                                          IntPtr image, IntPtr image_pose, IntPtr calibration, 
                                          out IntPtr updated_indices);
 public static extern int Tango3DR_update(IntPtr context, ref APIPointCloud cloud, ref APIPose cloud_pose,
                                          ref APIImageBuffer image, ref APIPose image_pose,
                                          ref APICameraCalibration calibration, out IntPtr updated_indices);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the 3D Reconstruction with a new point cloud and pose.
        /// It is expected this will get called in from the Tango binder thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depth">Point cloud from Tango.</param>
        /// <param name="depthPose">Pose matrix the point cloud corresponds too.</param>
        private void _UpdateDepth(TangoXYZij depth, Matrix4x4 depthPose)
            if (m_context == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Log("Update called before creating a reconstruction context." + Environment.StackTrace);

            APIPointCloud apiCloud;
            apiCloud.numPoints = depth.xyz_count;
            apiCloud.points = depth.xyz;
            apiCloud.timestamp = depth.timestamp;

            APIPose apiDepthPose = APIPose.FromMatrix4x4(ref depthPose);

            if (!m_sendColorToUpdate)
                // No need to wait for a color image, update reconstruction immediately.
                IntPtr rawUpdatedIndices;
                Status result = (Status)API.Tango3DR_update(
                    m_context, ref apiCloud, ref apiDepthPose, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                    out rawUpdatedIndices);
                if (result != Status.SUCCESS)
                    Debug.Log("Tango3DR_update returned non-success." + Environment.StackTrace);

                lock (m_lockObject)
                    // We need both a color image and a depth cloud to update reconstruction.  Cache the depth cloud
                    // because there are much less depth points than pixels.
                    m_mostRecentDepth = apiCloud;
                    m_mostRecentDepth.points = IntPtr.Zero;
                    m_mostRecentDepthPose = apiDepthPose;

                    Marshal.Copy(apiCloud.points, m_mostRecentDepthPoints, 0, apiCloud.numPoints * 3);
                    m_mostRecentDepthIsValid = true;