// Constructor
        public MainPage()

            // set up page's view model
            this.DefaultViewModel = new MainPageViewModel()
            this.DataContext = this.DefaultViewModel;

            // handle callback from change to ViewModel ObservableCollection to synchronize with map pins
            this.DefaultViewModel.ApiViewModel = _tomTomApi.TomTomViewModel;
            _tomTomApi.TomTomViewModel.Results.CollectionChanged += Results_CollectionChanged;

            // tap into view model containing settings data
            _settingsViewModel = App.Current.Resources["SettingsViewModel"] as SettingsViewModel;

            // get reference to APIMonitor for handling progress bar state
            _apiMonitor = App.Current.Resources["ApiMonitor"] as APIMASH.ApiMonitor;

            // initialize map when page is done loading
            this.Loaded += Map_LoadedForFirstTime;
        // Constructor
        public MainPage()

            // set up page's view model
            this.DefaultViewModel = new MainPageViewModel() { };
            this.DataContext = this.DefaultViewModel;

            // handle callback from change to ViewModel ObservableCollection to synchronize with map pins
            this.DefaultViewModel.ApiViewModel = _tomTomApi.TomTomViewModel;
            _tomTomApi.TomTomViewModel.Results.CollectionChanged += Results_CollectionChanged;

            // tap into view model containing settings data
            _settingsViewModel = App.Current.Resources["SettingsViewModel"] as SettingsViewModel;

            // get reference to APIMonitor for handling progress bar state
            _apiMonitor = App.Current.Resources["ApiMonitor"] as APIMASH.ApiMonitor;

            // initialize map when page is done loading
            this.Loaded += Map_LoadedForFirstTime;  