private void trackHandler(APICmd cmd, Action <CmdId, object> handler)
        var seqNr = unusedSequenceNumbers.Dequeue();

        actionTracker[seqNr] = handler;
        GameAPI.Game_Request(cmd.cmd, seqNr,;
        private Action <IdList> generateActivePlayerListHandler(
            AccountEffectList activeCrewAccountEffects,
            LedgerEffectList activePlayerAccountEffects,
            bool resetCrews = false)
            Action <IdList> handler = playerIdList =>
                var incrementedFactions = new HashSet <int>();
                var updatedCrewInfos    = new Dictionary <int, CrewInfo>();
                var count = 0;

                foreach (var item in playerIdList.list)
                    var id  = new Id(item);
                    var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Player_Info) + id;

                    broker.ExecuteCommand <PlayerInfo>(cmd, player =>
                        updatedCrewInfos = UpdatedCrewManifest(updatedCrewInfos, player);

                        var factionAccount = SafeGetAccount(AccountType.Crew, player.factionId, player);
                        var playerAccount  = SafeGetAccount(AccountType.Player, player.entityId, player);

                        var factionExp = factionAccount.balances[ResourceType.Experience];
                        factionAccount.balances[ResourceType.Experience] = factionExp < player.exp ? player.exp : factionExp;

                        if (!incrementedFactions.Contains(player.factionId))
                            var factionAccountKey = Account.IdKeyFromInfo(AccountType.Crew, player.factionId);
                            var tmpAcct           = factionAccount;
                            factionAccount        = activeCrewAccountEffects.Aggregate(tmpAcct, (acc, x) => x(acc));

                        var baseLedger     = new PlayerLedger(player, factionAccount, playerAccount);
                        var adjustedLedger = activePlayerAccountEffects.Aggregate(baseLedger, (memo, effect) => effect(memo));
                        playerAccount      = adjustedLedger.PersonalAccount;
                        factionAccount     = adjustedLedger.FactionAccount;


                        log(() => $"normalized {count}/{ playerIdList.list.Count}: {player.playerName}");

                        if (count == playerIdList.list.Count)
                            log(() => $"updating crews to: {Serializer.Serialize(CrewInfoTracker)}");
                            CrewInfoTracker = updatedCrewInfos;

        public void transferBalance(int playerId, int amount, TransactionType type, Action <BalanceActionResult> callback)
            var id  = new Id(playerId);
            var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Player_Info) + id;

            broker.ExecuteCommand <PlayerInfo>(cmd, (x, y) => {
                log(() => "****player info received");
                BalanceActionResult result;
                var factionAccount = SafeGetAccount(AccountType.Crew, y.factionId, y);
                var playerAccount  = SafeGetAccount(AccountType.Player, y.entityId, y);

                result = new BalanceActionResult()
                    crewBalance     = factionAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points],
                    playerBalance   = playerAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points],
                    amountRequested = amount,
                    playerAccount   = playerId,
                    crewAccount     = y.factionId,
                    transactionType = type,
                    playerName      = y.playerName

                var requestedCrewBalance   = result.crewBalance - amount;
                var requestedPlayerBalance = result.playerBalance + amount;

                if (requestedCrewBalance < 0)
                    result.reason    = "insufficient crew balance";
                    result.succeeded = false;
                else if (requestedPlayerBalance < 0)
                    result.reason    = "insufficient player balance";
                    result.succeeded = false;
                    result.crewBalance   = requestedCrewBalance;
                    result.playerBalance = requestedPlayerBalance;
                    result.succeeded     = true;

                log(() => $"***transaction: {Serializer.Serialize(result)}");

                playerAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points] = result.playerBalance;
                factionAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points] = result.crewBalance;
                var ledger = new PlayerLedger(y, factionAccount, playerAccount);

        private void getHelp(ChatInfo data, PString subcommand)
            var msg = new IdMsgPrio()
                msg  = helpMessage,
                id   = data.playerId,
                prio = 1
            var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_ShowDialog_SinglePlayer, msg);

        private void normalizePlayerPoints(int playerId, Account playerAccount)
            var infoSet = new PlayerInfoSet()
                entityId      = playerId,
                upgradePoints = playerAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points],

            var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Player_SetPlayerInfo, infoSet);

        private Account incrementPointOnActiveFaction(Account factionAccount)
            var key = int.Parse(;

            log(() => $"*** incrementing faction points for {key}");
            CrewInfo info;

            log(() => $"current crews: {Serializer.Serialize(CrewInfoTracker)}");
            info = CrewInfoTracker.TryGetValue(key, out info) ? info : new CrewInfo();

            var points = (info.crewMembers.Keys.Count + info.researchTeam.members.Count + (info.researchTeam.leader != null?1:0));

            log(() => $"*** points: { points}");
            log(() => $"*** members: { info.crewMembers.Keys.Count}");
            log(() => $"*** cluster size: { info.researchTeam.members.Count}");

            factionAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points] += points;
            var message = generateFactionPointMessage(info, points);

            if (info.crewMembers.Keys.Count == 0)
                log(() => $"crew has no active members {Serializer.Serialize(info)}");

            var singlePlayerCrew = info.crewMembers.Keys.Count == 1;

            var singlePlayerId = info.crewMembers.Values.First().entityId;
            var factionId      = int.Parse(;

            var msg = new IdMsgPrio()
                id   = singlePlayerCrew ? singlePlayerId: factionId,
                msg  = message,
                prio = 1

            log(() => $"factionMessage: {message}");
            log(() => $"crewInfo: {Serializer.Serialize(info)}");
            var cmdId = singlePlayerCrew ? CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_SinglePlayer : CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_Faction;
            var cmd   = new APICmd(cmdId, msg);

            info.researchTeam    = new ResearchTeam();
            CrewInfoTracker[key] = info;
        private void normalizePlayer(PlayerLedger ledger)
            var infoSet = new PlayerInfoSet()
                entityId         =,
                experiencePoints = ledger.FactionAccount.balances[ResourceType.Experience],
                upgradePoints    = ledger.PersonalAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points],

            log(() => $"normalizing player: {} with points: { infoSet.upgradePoints}");
            log(() => $"factionAccount: {Serializer.Serialize(ledger.FactionAccount)} playerAccount: {Serializer.Serialize(ledger.PersonalAccount)}");

            var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Player_SetPlayerInfo, infoSet);

Exemple #8
    private static void debugEntitySpawning(PString prefabName)
        EntitySpawnInfo info = new EntitySpawnInfo
            playfield    = "Akua",
            pos          = new PVector3(11.5354891F, 58.5829468F, -11.8831434F),
            rot          = new PVector3(0F, 139.371F, 0F),
            name         = "BA_Alien",
            type         = 2,
            factionGroup = 2,
            factionId    = 0,
            prefabName   = "Infested-Test"
        var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Entity_Spawn, info);

        private void withdrawUpgradePoints(ChatInfo data, PString subcommand)
            int value;

            value = int.TryParse(subcommand.pstr, out value) ? value : -1;
            if (value < 0)
            log(() => $"*** beginning transfer of {value}");
            this.transferBalance(data.playerId, value, TransactionType.UpgradePoints, x => {
                log(() => "***** transfer response");

                string balanceMessage;
                string factionMessage;
                if (x.succeeded)
                    balanceMessage = $"withdrawal successful\nyour crew has a balance of {x.crewBalance} points;\nyour personal balance is {x.playerBalance} points";
                    factionMessage = $"{x.playerName} has withdrawn {value} points from the crew bank";

                    var facmsg = new IdMsgPrio()
                        id   = x.crewAccount,
                        msg  = factionMessage,
                        prio = (byte)(x.succeeded ? 1 : 0)

                    var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_Faction, facmsg);
                    balanceMessage = $"withdrawal failed: {x.reason}";

                var msg = new IdMsgPrio()
                    id   = data.playerId,
                    msg  = balanceMessage,
                    prio = (byte)(x.succeeded ? 1:0)
                var outmsg = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_SinglePlayer, msg);
Exemple #10
    private static void testBroker(PString pstr)
        GameAPI.Console_Write($"**** executing broker test");
        var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_ConsoleCommand, new Eleon.Modding.PString("SAY 'broker test'"));

        broker.HandleCall <object>(cmd, (x, y) => {
            switch (x)
            case CmdId.Event_Ok:
                GameAPI.Console_Write("test successful");

            case CmdId.Event_Error:
                GameAPI.Console_Write("test error");
        private void convertCredits(ChatInfo data, PString subcommand)
            int value;

            value = int.TryParse(subcommand.pstr, out value) ? value : -1;
            if (value < 0)
            var result = convertPointsToCredits(data.playerId, value);
            var msg    = new IdMsgPrio()
                id   = data.playerId,
                msg  = $"you converted {result.amountRequested} points to credits",
                prio = 1
            var outmsg = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_SinglePlayer, msg);

        private BalanceActionResult convertPointsToCredits(int playerId, int points)
            var account = SafeGetAccount(AccountType.Player, playerId, null);

            log(() => $"*** before account: {Serializer.Serialize(account)}");
            var result = new BalanceActionResult()
                amountRequested = points,
                playerAccount   = playerId,
                transactionType = TransactionType.Credits,
                playerBalance   = account.balances[ResourceType.Points]

            if (result.playerBalance >= points)
                var credits = points * settings.creditExchangeRate;
                account.balances[ResourceType.Points] -= points;
                result.playerBalance = account.balances[ResourceType.Points];

                normalizePlayerPoints(playerId, account);

                log(() => $"*** after account: {Serializer.Serialize(account)}");
                var idCredits = new IdCredits()
                    id      = playerId,
                    credits = credits

                var cmd = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Player_AddCredits, idCredits);
                result.succeeded = true;
                result.succeeded = false;
                result.reason    = "insuffucient point balance";
        private void checkCrewBalance(ChatInfo data, PString subcommand)
            var playerId = new Id(data.playerId);
            var cmd      = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_Player_Info, playerId);

            broker.ExecuteCommand <PlayerInfo>(cmd, (cmdId, playerInfo) =>
                var crewAccount     = SafeGetAccount(AccountType.Crew, playerInfo.factionId, playerInfo);
                var crewBalance     = crewAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points];
                var personalAccount = SafeGetAccount(playerInfo);
                var personalBalance = personalAccount.balances[ResourceType.Points];
                var balanceMessage  = $"your crew has a balance of {crewBalance} points;\nyour personal balance is {personalBalance} points";
                var msg             = new IdMsgPrio()
                    id   = playerInfo.entityId,
                    msg  = balanceMessage,
                    prio = 1
                var outmsg = new APICmd(CmdId.Request_InGameMessage_SinglePlayer, msg);
    public void HandleCall <ResponseType>(APICmd cmd, Action <CmdId, ResponseType> handler)
        Action <CmdId, object> outerHandler = (x, y) => handler(x, (ResponseType)y);

        trackHandler(cmd, outerHandler);
 public void HandleCall(APICmd cmd)
     this.HandleCall <Object>(cmd, defaultHandler);