void LaunchCallbacks(CharacterRay2D[] rays, RayType rayType)
        for (int i = 0; i < rays.Length; i++)
            CharacterRay2D curRay = rays[i];

            // do not send message twice for same collider & same raytype
            if (curRay.m_collider != null && !m_curHits.Contains(curRay.m_collider))
                APHitable hitable = curRay.m_collider.GetComponent <APHitable>();
                if (hitable)
                    hitable.OnCharacterTouch(m_character, rayType);
    public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D otherCollider)
        // make sure we are not touching launcher itself
        if (m_alive && (otherCollider.gameObject != m_launcher.gameObject) && (otherCollider.isTrigger != m_ignoreTrigger))
            // alert hitable if any
            APHitable hitable = otherCollider.GetComponent <APHitable>();
            if (hitable != null)
                // ignore hit if requested
                if (!hitable.OnBulletHit(m_launcher, this))

            // launch anim
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_animStateExplode))

            // stop move & destroy
            if (m_explodeOnTouch)
                if (m_stopOnExplode)
                    m_curVel = Vector2.zero;
                    if (m_rigidBody)
                        m_rigidBody.velocity = Vector2.zero;

                m_alive = false;
                Object.Destroy(gameObject, m_destroyTimer);
Exemple #3
 public virtual void OnAttackMeleeHit(APAttack attack, APHitable hitObject)
Exemple #4
    bool MoveHorizontal(ref Vector2 moveOffset, bool bFront, bool bCorrectPos)
        bool    bPenetrated      = false;
        float   fMinPenetration  = 0f;
        bool    bRayDirRight     = (m_faceRight && bFront) || (!m_faceRight && !bFront);
        Vector2 rayDir           = bRayDirRight ? transform.right : -transform.right;
        float   fMoveOffsetOnRay = Vector2.Dot(moveOffset, rayDir);
        bool    bCorrectVel      = fMoveOffsetOnRay > 0f;
        float   fMaxAllowedMove  = Mathf.Abs(fMoveOffsetOnRay);

        Vector2 v2SavedPos = transform.position;

        transform.position = m_curPos;

        // Launch ground cast from destination position
        CharacterRay2D[] rays = bFront ? m_RaysFront : m_RaysBack;
        foreach (CharacterRay2D curRay in rays)
            float fRayPen       = curRay.m_penetration * Mathf.Abs(transform.lossyScale.x) * m_scale.x;
            float fCurRayLength = fRayPen + curRay.m_extraDistance;

            // add move offset if needed
            if (bCorrectVel)
                fCurRayLength += Mathf.Abs(fMoveOffsetOnRay);

            // launch ray
            Vector2 rayOrigin = GetRayPositionWs(curRay);

            if (m_DrawRays)
                Debug.DrawLine(rayOrigin, rayOrigin + rayDir * fCurRayLength);

            int   hitCount    = Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(rayOrigin, rayDir, m_rayResults, fCurRayLength, BuildRayLayer());
            float fClosestHit = float.MaxValue;
            for (int hitId = 0; hitId < hitCount; hitId++)
                RaycastHit2D hit = m_rayResults[hitId];

                // ignore character himself
                if (hit.rigidbody == m_rigidBody)

                // ignore triggers & handle ignored colliders
                if (hit.collider != null)
                    if (hit.collider.isTrigger || IsIgnoredCollider(hit.collider))

                // compute distance of penetration
                float fHitLength = hit.fraction * fCurRayLength;
                float fPen       = fHitLength - fRayPen;

                // launch callback
                APMaterial hitMaterial = null;
                if (hit.collider != null)
                    // handle onewayground here
                    if (IsOneWayGround(hit.collider))
                        HandleOneWayGround(fPen, fRayPen, hit.collider);

                        // ignore collision in all cases

                    // handle callbacks
                    hitMaterial = hit.collider.GetComponent <APMaterial>();
                    APHitable hitable = hit.collider.GetComponent <APHitable>();
                    if (hitable && m_character)
                        // ignore hit if requested
                        if (!hitable.OnCharacterTouch(m_character, bFront ? RayType.Front : RayType.Back, hit, fPen, hitMaterial))

                // ignore insides (we don't know in which direction we should correct penetration)
                if (hit.fraction == 0f)

                // ignore non opposing normal against ray
                if (Vector2.Dot(rayDir, hit.normal) > 0f)

                if (m_DrawRays)
                    Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, hit.point + hit.normal * 0.1f, Color.red);

                // we are in skin width
                if (bFront)
                    m_touchFront = true;
                    m_touchBack = true;

                // keep hit with maximum penetration (allow small penetration to prevent djitering)
                if ((fPen + m_allowedPenetration) < fMinPenetration)
                    bPenetrated     = true;
                    fMinPenetration = fPen;

                // save collider of closest hit in skin width
                if (hit.fraction < fClosestHit)
                    fClosestHit = hit.fraction;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_collider    = hit.collider;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_normal      = hit.normal;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_penetration = fPen;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_material    = hitMaterial;

                // Compute velocity correction
                if (bCorrectVel)
                    fMaxAllowedMove = Mathf.Min(fMaxAllowedMove, fHitLength - fRayPen);
                    fMaxAllowedMove = Mathf.Max(0f, fMaxAllowedMove);                     // cannot be negative

        Vector2 fPrevPos = m_curPos;

        // correction by velocity
        if (bCorrectVel)
            moveOffset += rayDir * (fMaxAllowedMove - fMoveOffsetOnRay);

            // integrate
            m_curPos += rayDir * (fMaxAllowedMove);

            // prevent carrier velocity from adding inertia if we did not touch anything
            if (m_character.IsCarried())
                float fDot = Vector2.Dot(m_carrierVel, rayDir);
                m_posError += rayDir * fDot * Time.deltaTime;

        // correction by position
        if (bPenetrated && bCorrectPos)
            Vector2 v2PosErr = Mathf.Max(fMinPenetration, -m_PosErrorMaxVel * Time.deltaTime) * rayDir;
            m_curPos += v2PosErr;

            // keep this value
            m_posError += v2PosErr;

        // fix all rays penetration
        if (bFront)
            foreach (CharacterRay2D curRay in m_RaysFront)
                if (curRay.m_hitInfo.m_collider)
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_penetration += Vector2.Dot(fPrevPos - m_curPos, rayDir);
            foreach (CharacterRay2D curRay in m_RaysBack)
                if (curRay.m_hitInfo.m_collider)
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_penetration += Vector2.Dot(fPrevPos - m_curPos, rayDir);

        transform.position = v2SavedPos;
Exemple #5
    bool MoveVertical(ref Vector2 moveOffset, bool bDown, bool bCorrectPos)
        bool    bPenetrated       = false;
        float   fMinPenetration   = 0f;
        Vector2 rayDir            = bDown ? -transform.up : transform.up;
        float   fMoveOffsetOnRay  = Vector2.Dot(moveOffset, rayDir);
        float   fMaxAllowedMove   = Mathf.Abs(fMoveOffsetOnRay);
        bool    bCorrectVel       = fMoveOffsetOnRay > 0f;
        float   fGroundBounciness = 0f;

        float   fClosestGroundHit = float.MaxValue;
        Vector2 v2SavedPos        = transform.position;

        transform.position = m_curPos;

        if (bDown)
            m_touchGround      = false;
            m_groundGameObject = null;
            m_distToGround     = 0f;

        // Launch ground cast from destination position
        CharacterRay2D[] rays = bDown ? m_RaysGround : m_RaysUp;
        foreach (CharacterRay2D curRay in rays)
            float fRayPen       = curRay.m_penetration * Mathf.Abs(transform.lossyScale.y) * m_scale.y;
            float fCurRayLength = fRayPen + (Mathf.Max(curRay.m_extraDistance, 1f));             // make sure ground is detected far enough for slope down snapping

            // add move offset in raycast if needed
            if (bCorrectVel)
                fCurRayLength += Mathf.Abs(fMoveOffsetOnRay);

            // launch ray
            Vector2 rayOrigin = GetRayPositionWs(curRay);

            if (m_DrawRays)
                Debug.DrawLine(rayOrigin, rayOrigin + rayDir * fCurRayLength);

            int   hitCount    = Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc(rayOrigin, rayDir, m_rayResults, fCurRayLength, BuildRayLayer());
            float fClosestHit = float.MaxValue;
            for (int hitId = 0; hitId < hitCount; hitId++)
                RaycastHit2D hit = m_rayResults[hitId];

                // ignore character himself
                if (hit.rigidbody == m_rigidBody)

                // ignore triggers & handle ignored colliders
                if (hit.collider != null)
                    if (hit.collider.isTrigger || IsIgnoredCollider(hit.collider))

                // compute distance of penetration
                float fHitLength = hit.fraction * fCurRayLength;
                float fPen       = fHitLength - fRayPen;

                // launch callback
                APMaterial hitMaterial = null;
                if (hit.collider != null)
                    // Handle oneway ground here
                    if (IsOneWayGround(hit.collider))
                        HandleOneWayGround(fPen, fRayPen, hit.collider);

                        // ignore if we are colliding under or if high penetrattion occurred with this collider
                        if (!bDown || (bDown && ((hit.normal.y < 0f) || m_oneWayColliders.Exists(x => x.m_collider == hit.collider))))

                    // Handle callbacks
                    hitMaterial = hit.collider.GetComponent <APMaterial>();
                    APHitable hitable = hit.collider.GetComponent <APHitable>();
                    if (hitable && m_character)
                        if (!hitable.OnCharacterTouch(m_character, bDown ? RayType.Ground : RayType.Up, hit, fPen, hitMaterial))

                // ignore insides (we don't know in which direction we should correct penetration)
                if (hit.fraction == 0f)

                // ignore non opposing normal against ray
                if (Vector2.Dot(rayDir, hit.normal) > 0f)

                if (m_DrawRays)
                    Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, hit.point + hit.normal * 0.1f, Color.red);

                // keep hit with maximum penetration
                if ((fPen + m_allowedPenetration) < fMinPenetration)
                    bPenetrated     = true;
                    fMinPenetration = fPen;

                // Compute velocity correction
                if (bCorrectVel)
                    fMaxAllowedMove = Mathf.Min(fMaxAllowedMove, fHitLength - fRayPen);
                    fMaxAllowedMove = Mathf.Max(0f, fMaxAllowedMove);                     // cannot be negative

                // we are in skin width
                if (bDown)
                    m_touchGround = true;

                    // keep ground normal with most penetration
                    if (fPen < fClosestGroundHit)
                        m_groundNormal     = hit.normal;
                        fClosestGroundHit  = fPen;
                        m_groundGameObject = hit.collider.gameObject;
                        m_distToGround     = fPen;

                        // save ground bounciness
                        if (hitMaterial != null)
                            fGroundBounciness = Mathf.Max(fGroundBounciness, hitMaterial.m_groundBounciness);
                    m_touchHead = true;

                // save collider of closest hit for this ray
                if (hit.fraction < fClosestHit)
                    fClosestHit = hit.fraction;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_collider    = hit.collider;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_normal      = hit.normal;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_penetration = fPen;
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_material    = hitMaterial;

        Vector2 fPrevPos = m_curPos;

        // prevent velocity along ray axis
        if (bCorrectVel)
            moveOffset += rayDir * (fMaxAllowedMove - fMoveOffsetOnRay);

            // integrate
            m_curPos += rayDir * (fMaxAllowedMove);

            // prevent carrier velocity from adding inertia if we did not touch anything
            if (m_character.IsCarried())
                float fDot = Vector2.Dot(m_carrierVel, rayDir);
                m_posError += rayDir * fDot * Time.deltaTime;

        // correction by position
        if (bPenetrated && bCorrectPos)
            Vector2 v2PosErr = Mathf.Max(fMinPenetration, -m_PosErrorMaxVel * Time.deltaTime) * rayDir;
            m_curPos += v2PosErr;

            // keep this value so it is removed from velocity computing later
            m_posError += v2PosErr;

        // fix distance to ground
        if (bDown && m_touchGround)
            m_groundNormalLs = transform.InverseTransformDirection(m_groundNormal);
            m_distToGround  += Vector2.Dot(fPrevPos - m_curPos, rayDir);

        // fix all rays penetration
        if (bDown)
            foreach (CharacterRay2D curRay in m_RaysGround)
                if (curRay.m_hitInfo.m_collider)
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_penetration += Vector2.Dot(fPrevPos - m_curPos, rayDir);
            foreach (CharacterRay2D curRay in m_RaysUp)
                if (curRay.m_hitInfo.m_collider)
                    curRay.m_hitInfo.m_penetration += Vector2.Dot(fPrevPos - m_curPos, rayDir);

        // Handle ground bounciness here
        if (m_distToGround < 0.01f && fGroundBounciness > 0f)
            Vector2 v2ImpulseDir = m_groundNormal;
            m_character.AddImpulse(v2ImpulseDir * fGroundBounciness * 30f);

        transform.position = v2SavedPos;
Exemple #6
    void StateMeleeAttack(APFsmStateEvent eEvent)
        switch (eEvent)
        case APFsmStateEvent.eEnter:
            SendMessage("APOnCharacterMeleeAttack", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
            PlayAnim(m_curAttackAnimHash, 0f);

            // clear buffer of hits & disable hit zones at init
            APMeleeAttack curAttack = m_meleeAttacks.m_attacks[m_curAttackId];
            foreach (APHitZone curHitZone in curAttack.m_hitZones)

        case APFsmStateEvent.eUpdate:
            // update state

            // Compute all hits for current attack
            APMeleeAttack curAttack = m_meleeAttacks.m_attacks [m_curAttackId];
            foreach (APHitZone curHitZone in curAttack.m_hitZones)
                if (curHitZone.m_active && curHitZone.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    Vector2 wsPos    = curHitZone.transform.position;
                    int     hitCount = Physics2D.OverlapCircleNonAlloc(wsPos, curHitZone.m_radius, m_attackHitResult, m_motor.m_rayLayer);
                    for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++)
                        Collider2D curHit = m_attackHitResult[i];

                        // notify only hitable objects and not already hit by this hit zone
                        APHitable hitable = curHit.GetComponent <APHitable>();
                        if (hitable != null && !curHitZone.attackHits.Contains(hitable))

                            // alert hitable
                            hitable.OnMeleeAttackHit(this, curHitZone);

            // make sure state does not end infinitely
            if (m_fsm.GetFsmStateTime() > m_maxAttackDuration)

        case APFsmStateEvent.eLeave:
            m_curAttackId = -1;