public static bool insertPaymentToSupplier(APCEntities APCContext, SupplierInvoice supplierInvoice, decimal paymentAmount, DateTime paymentDate) { PaymentToSupplier paymentToSupplier = new PaymentToSupplier(); paymentToSupplier.SupplierInvoice = supplierInvoice; paymentToSupplier.PaymentAmount = paymentAmount; paymentToSupplier.PaymentDate = paymentDate; APCContext.AddToPaymentToSupplier(paymentToSupplier); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; }
public static PO insertPO(APCEntities APCContext, Supplier supplier, Project project) { PO po = new PO(); po.Supplier = supplier; po.Project = project; po.DateCreated = DateTime.Today; po.Invoiced = false; APCContext.AddToPO(po); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return po; }
public static PaymentFromClient insertPaymentFromClient(APCEntities APCContext, Invoice invoice, decimal paymentAmount, DateTime paymentDate) { PaymentFromClient paymentFromClient = new PaymentFromClient(); paymentFromClient.Invoice = invoice; paymentFromClient.PaymentAmount = paymentAmount; paymentFromClient.PaymentDate = paymentDate; APCContext.AddToPaymentFromClient(paymentFromClient); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return paymentFromClient; }
public static bool insertSupplier(APCEntities APCContext, string name) { if (name.Trim() != "") { Supplier supplier = new Supplier(); supplier.Name = name; APCContext.AddToSupplier(supplier); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } else return false; }
public static bool insertClient(APCEntities APCContext, string name) { if (name.Trim() != "") { Client client = new Client(); client.Name = name; APCContext.AddToClient(client); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } else return false; }
public static bool insertCategory(APCEntities APCContext, string name) { if (name.Trim() != "") { Category category = new Category(); category.Name = name; //category.ServiceCharge = serviceCharge; APCContext.AddToCategory(category); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } else return false; }
public static bool insertWorkers(APCEntities APCContext, string name, decimal salary) { if (name.Trim() != "") { Workers workers = new Workers(); workers.Name = name; workers.Salary = salary; APCContext.AddToWorkers(workers); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } else return false; }
public static bool insertProject(APCEntities APCContext, string name, Client client) { if (name.Trim() != "") { Project project = new Project(); project.Name = name; project.Client = client; APCContext.AddToProject(project); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } else return false; }
public static bool insertPO_Product(APCEntities APCContext, PO po, Category category, string description, int quantity, decimal price, decimal serviceCharge, decimal totalPrice, bool subcon) { PO_Product po_product = new PO_Product(); po_product.PO = po; po_product.Category = category; po_product.Description = description; po_product.Quantity = quantity; po_product.Price = price; po_product.ServiceCharge = serviceCharge; po_product.PriceTotal = totalPrice; po_product.SubCon = subcon; APCContext.AddToPO_Product(po_product); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; }
public static bool insertInvoice_Product(APCEntities APCContext, Invoice invoice, Category category, string description, int quantity, string unit, decimal price, Kurs kurs, decimal serviceCharge, decimal totalPrice, bool subcon) { Invoice_Product invoice_product = new Invoice_Product(); invoice_product.Invoice = invoice; invoice_product.Category = category; invoice_product.Description = description; invoice_product.Quantity = quantity; invoice_product.Unit = unit; invoice_product.Price = price; invoice_product.Kurs = kurs; invoice_product.ServiceCharge = serviceCharge; invoice_product.PriceTotal = totalPrice; invoice_product.SubCon = subcon; APCContext.AddToInvoice_Product(invoice_product); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; }
public static bool insertSupplierInvoice(APCEntities APCContext, string supplierOriNo, decimal paymentDue, DateTime dueDate, PO po) { if (supplierOriNo.Trim() != "") { SupplierInvoice supplierInvoice = new SupplierInvoice(); supplierInvoice.SupplierOriNo = supplierOriNo; supplierInvoice.PaymentDue = paymentDue; supplierInvoice.DueDate = dueDate; supplierInvoice.PO = po; supplierInvoice.Paid = false; APCContext.AddToSupplierInvoice(supplierInvoice); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static bool insertInvoicePO(APCEntities APCContext, Invoice invoice, PO po) { try { Invoice_PO invoicePO = new Invoice_PO(); invoicePO.Invoice = invoice; invoicePO.PO = po; APCContext.AddToInvoice_PO(invoicePO); po.Invoiced = true; APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch(Exception e) { return false; } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = 0; int.TryParse(tbId.Text, out id); if (id != 0) { Invoice currentInvoice = BLInvoice.GetInvoiceById(APCContext, id); if (currentInvoice != null) { decimal paymentDue = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(tbPaymentDue.Text, out paymentDue)) { if (calDueDate.Value != null) { //if (ddlPO.SelectedValue != null) //{ if (ddlProject.SelectedValue != null) { PO selectedPO = BLPO.GetPOById(APCContext, int.Parse(ddlPO.SelectedValue.ToString())); Project selectedProject = BLProject.GetProjectById(APCContext, int.Parse(ddlProject.SelectedValue.ToString())); currentInvoice.TotalDue = paymentDue; currentInvoice.DueDate = calDueDate.Value; currentInvoice.ScannedDoc = tbScannedDoc.Text; currentInvoice.Project = selectedProject; APCContext.SaveChanges(); DeleteInvoicePO(currentInvoice); InsertInvoicePO(currentInvoice); deleteInvoice_Product(currentInvoice); insertInvoice_Product(currentInvoice); MessageBox.Show("Invoice Details Successfully Updated"); ClearContent(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select the associated Project"); } //} //else // MessageBox.Show("Please select the associated PO Number"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please specify a correct due date"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please specify correct amount of Payment Due"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invoice Id not found"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invoice Id not found"); } }
public void Atualizar(TEntity obj) { db.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); }
public static Invoice insertInvoice(APCEntities APCContext, DateTime dateCreated, decimal TotalDue, DateTime dueDate, string scannedDoc, Project project) { Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); invoice.DateCreated = dateCreated; invoice.TotalDue = TotalDue; invoice.DueDate = dueDate; invoice.ScannedDoc = scannedDoc; invoice.Project = project; APCContext.AddToInvoice(invoice); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return invoice; }
public static bool insertProject_Workers(APCEntities APCContext, Project project, Workers worker, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, decimal totalHours, decimal salary) { Project_Workers project_workers = new Project_Workers(); project_workers.Project = project; project_workers.Workers = worker; project_workers.StartDate = startDate; project_workers.EndDate = endDate; project_workers.TotalHours = totalHours; project_workers.Salary = salary; project_workers.TotalSalary = salary * totalHours; project_workers.Invoiced = false; APCContext.AddToProject_Workers(project_workers); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; }
public static bool insertSupplierInvoice(APCEntities APCContext, string supplierOriNo, decimal paymentDue, DateTime dueDate, PO po) { if (supplierOriNo.Trim() != "") { SupplierInvoice supplierInvoice = new SupplierInvoice(); supplierInvoice.SupplierOriNo = supplierOriNo; supplierInvoice.PaymentDue = paymentDue; supplierInvoice.DueDate = dueDate; supplierInvoice.PO = po; supplierInvoice.Paid = false; APCContext.AddToSupplierInvoice(supplierInvoice); APCContext.SaveChanges(); return true; } else return false; }