Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ngược lại, sử dụng millisecondsPerFrame từ Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public Enemy
            GameplayScreen gameplayScreen, Texture2D botTexture, Texture2D topTexture, Color color, AItype AItypeID,
            WeaponSet weaponSet, Vector2 position, float rotationAngle, Vector2 maximumSpeed,
            int hitPoints, Point frameSize, Point sheetSize, Point frameSizeTop,
            Point sheetSizeTop, int millisecondsPerFrame
            : base
                gameplayScreen, botTexture, topTexture, color, position, rotationAngle, maximumSpeed,
                hitPoints, frameSize, sheetSize, frameSizeTop, sheetSizeTop,
            this.AItypeID  = AItypeID;
            this.typeID    = 89;
            this.weaponSet = weaponSet;
            this.typeIndex = GameplayScreen.EnemyList.Count;

            AIrotate          = RotationAngle;
            AIcommingposition = CurrentMapPosition;

            CurrentMapPosition = PreviousMapPosition =
            CurrentMapPositionIndex = PreviousMapPositionIndex = 1;
            [(int)CurrentMapPosition.X, (int)CurrentMapPosition.Y]
            [CurrentMapPositionIndex, 0] = typeID;
            [(int)CurrentMapPosition.X, (int)CurrentMapPosition.Y]
            [CurrentMapPositionIndex, 1] = typeIndex;
Exemple #2
        // Ngược lại, sử dụng custom millisecondsPerFrame
        public Enemy
            Texture2D botTexture, Texture2D topTexture, Color color, AItype AItypeID,
            Vector2 position, float rotationAngle, Vector2 maximumSpeed,
            int hitPoints, Point frameSize, Point sheetSize,
            int millisecondsPerFrame
            : base
                botTexture, topTexture, color, position, rotationAngle, maximumSpeed,
                hitPoints, frameSize, sheetSize, millisecondsPerFrame
            // Test, cho Tank một movingSpeed xác định, rồi tính toán direction
            // dựa vào movingSpeed này
            movingSpeed = new Vector2(1, 0);             // Tốc độ đi tới = 1

            this.AItypeID = AItypeID;

            currentMapPosition = TileMap.GetSquareAtPixel(position);
            AIcommingposition  = new Point((int)currentMapPosition.X, (int)currentMapPosition.Y);
            AIrotate           = 0.0;
            TileMap.MapSquares[(int)currentMapPosition.X, (int)currentMapPosition.Y][2, 0] = 89;
            TileMap.MapSquares[(int)currentMapPosition.X, (int)currentMapPosition.Y][2, 1] = GameplayScreen.EnemyList.Count;
            currentMapPositionIndex = 2;
Exemple #3
 private int AIfireatwill = 0;                // no need: always = 0 (not need to fire)
 #region Constructors
 // Nếu ko truyền vào tham số millisecondsPerFrame
 // Sử dụng defaultMillisecondsPerFrame = 16 (mặc định)
 public Enemy
     Texture2D botTexture, Texture2D topTexture, Color color, AItype AItypeID,
     Vector2 position, float rotationAngle, Vector2 maximumSpeed,
     int hitPoints, Point frameSize, Point sheetSize
     : this
         botTexture, topTexture, color, AItypeID, position, rotationAngle, maximumSpeed,
         hitPoints, frameSize, sheetSize, defaultMillisecondsPerFrame
 /// <summary>
 /// finds a target of specific type 
 /// then it moves toward it until it is close enought
 /// fails if no units in detection range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agent"></param>
 /// <param name="_range"></param>
 /// <param name="ArriveRadius"></param>
 /// <param name="_type"></param>
 public Node_Seek_Modular(IMoveToNode MoveNode, float _range, float ArriveRadius, AItype _type = AItype.none)
     m_range = _range;
     m_child1 = MoveNode;
     m_child2 = new Node_FindClosestTarget(m_range, _type);
 public Node_Find_Closest_Target_BB(Dictionary<string, System.Object> blackBoard, string bb_key, float radius, AItype type = AItype.none)
     m_radius = radius;
     m_typeToLookFor = type;
     m_dict = blackBoard;
     m_key = bb_key;
Exemple #6
    public List <Foe> readFoes(GameProgress.jankFile input)
        // Determine number of unique foes
        string s = input.ReadLine();

        string[] split  = s.Split(' ');
        int      foeAmt = 0;

        int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out foeAmt);

        // Read in each foe in the ecosystem
        Foe[] community = new Foe[foeAmt];
        for (int i = 0; i < foeAmt; i++)
            string       foeName   = "";
            string       path      = "";
            int[]        stats     = new int[7];
            List <Skill> skillList = new List <Skill>();

            // Read in name
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            for (int j = 1; j < split.Length; j++)
                foeName += split[j];
                if (j != split.Length - 1)
                    foeName += " ";
            // Read in path
            path = input.ReadLine();
            // Read in stats
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            for (int j = 1; j < split.Length; j++)
                int.TryParse(split[j], out stats[j - 1]);
            // Open up the sprites in the path file
            Sprite[] source = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>(@path);

            // Read in items
            int itemAmt;
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out itemAmt);
            Item[] drops    = new Item[itemAmt];
            int[]  dropRate = new int[itemAmt];

            for (int j = 0; j < itemAmt; j++)
                int itemID, itemCount, itemOdds;
                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                int.TryParse(split[0], out itemID);
                int.TryParse(split[1], out itemCount);
                int.TryParse(split[2], out itemOdds);

                Item theDrop = (Item)TitleManager.curFile.getItemList()[itemID];
                drops[j]    = theDrop.copy(itemCount);
                dropRate[j] = itemOdds;

            // Read in skills
            int skillAmt;
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out skillAmt);

            int[]    skillOdds = new int[skillAmt];
            AItype[] ai        = new AItype[skillAmt];
            for (int j = 0; j < skillAmt; j++)
                skillType       skill;
                string          atkName, des, skillSFX;
                element         atkEle;
                int             basePower, mpCost, range, effectChance;
                bool            isMagical, animLoop;
                float           start, end, fps;
                SpriteAnimation anim;

                battleType support    = battleType.NULL;
                status     statusMod  = status.NULL;
                int        scalar     = 0;
                stat       statBoost  = stat.NULL;
                bool       selfTarget = false;
                bool       targetAlly = false;

                s       = input.ReadLine();
                split   = s.Split('-');
                atkName = split[1];
                des     = input.ReadLine();

                // Read in odds then ai type
                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out skillOdds[j]);
                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                ai[j] = decideAI(split[split.Length - 1]);

                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                if (split[split.Length - 1].CompareTo("Offensive") == 0)
                    skill = skillType.OFFENSIVE;

                    // Attack element
                    s      = input.ReadLine();
                    split  = s.Split(' ');
                    atkEle = decideEle(split[split.Length - 1]);

                    // base power
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out basePower);

                    // mp cost
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out mpCost);

                    // is magical
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    bool.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out isMagical);

                    // effect chance
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out effectChance);
                    if (effectChance > 0)
                         * implement me eventually

                    // range
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out range);

                    // positions
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out start);
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out end);

                    // FPS
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out fps);

                    // Sprite animation
                    int spriteAmt;
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    if (split.Length > 2)
                        int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 2], out spriteAmt);
                        animLoop = true;
                        int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out spriteAmt);
                        animLoop = false;
                    Sprite[] sprites = new Sprite[spriteAmt];
                    for (int k = 0; k < spriteAmt; k++)
                        s          = input.ReadLine();
                        sprites[k] = getSprite(source, s);
                    anim = new SpriteAnimation(sprites, new int[0], fps, animLoop);
                    skill        = skillType.SUPPORT;
                    basePower    = 0;
                    effectChance = 0;
                    isMagical    = true;

                    // Attack element
                    s      = input.ReadLine();
                    split  = s.Split(' ');
                    atkEle = decideEle(split[split.Length - 1]);

                    // mp cost
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out mpCost);

                    // range
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out range);

                    // positions
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out start);
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out end);

                    // status variables
                    s         = input.ReadLine();
                    split     = s.Split(' ');
                    support   = decideSupport(split[split.Length - 1]);
                    s         = input.ReadLine();
                    split     = s.Split(' ');
                    statusMod = decideStatus(split[split.Length - 1]);
                    s         = input.ReadLine();
                    split     = s.Split(' ');
                    statBoost = decideStat(split[split.Length - 1]);
                    s         = input.ReadLine();
                    split     = s.Split(' ');
                    int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out scalar);
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    bool.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out selfTarget);
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    bool.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out targetAlly);

                    // FPS
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out fps);

                    // Sprite animation
                    int spriteAmt;
                    s     = input.ReadLine();
                    split = s.Split(' ');
                    if (split.Length > 2)
                        int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 2], out spriteAmt);
                        animLoop = true;
                        int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out spriteAmt);
                        animLoop = false;
                    Sprite[] sprites = new Sprite[spriteAmt];
                    for (int k = 0; k < spriteAmt; k++)
                        s          = input.ReadLine();
                        sprites[k] = getSprite(source, s);
                    anim = new SpriteAnimation(sprites, new int[0], fps, animLoop);
                // Get SFX path
                skillSFX = input.ReadLine();

                Skill move = new Skill(skill, atkName, des, atkEle, mpCost, range, start, end, anim, skillSFX);
                move.setAttack(basePower, isMagical, effectChance);
                if (skill == skillType.SUPPORT)
                    move.setSupport(support, statusMod, statBoost, scalar, selfTarget, targetAlly);
            // Hitboxes
            int hitboxAmt;
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out hitboxAmt);
            HitBox[] boxes = new HitBox[hitboxAmt];
            for (int j = 0; j < hitboxAmt; j++)
                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                float x, y, xs, ys;
                float.TryParse(split[0], out x);
                float.TryParse(split[1], out y);
                float.TryParse(split[2], out xs);
                float.TryParse(split[3], out ys);

                boxes[j] = new HitBox((x / 2) + xs, (y / 2) + ys, (-x / 2) + xs, (-y / 2) + ys);
            // Gravity
            float gravity;
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out gravity);

            // Read in standard animations
            string facePath = input.ReadLine();
            Sprite face     = getSprite(Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>(@facePath), input.ReadLine());
            List <SpriteAnimation> anims = new List <SpriteAnimation>();
            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                // FPS
                float fps;
                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                float.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out fps);

                // Sprite animation
                int spriteAmt;
                s     = input.ReadLine();
                split = s.Split(' ');
                int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out spriteAmt);

                Sprite[] sprites = new Sprite[spriteAmt];
                for (int k = 0; k < spriteAmt; k++)
                    s          = input.ReadLine();
                    sprites[k] = getSprite(source, s);
                SpriteAnimation anim = new SpriteAnimation(sprites, new int[0], fps, true);

            Foe inhabitant = new Foe(foeName, stats, skillList, skillOdds, ai, drops, dropRate, boxes, gravity);
            inhabitant.setAnimations(face, anims[0], anims[1], anims[2], anims[3], anims[4]);
            community[i] = inhabitant;

        // Create an empty foe set so you don't have to use NULL
        int[] nothing = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        Foe   empty   = new Foe("", nothing, new List <Skill>(), new int[0], new AItype[0], new Item[0], new int[0], new HitBox[0], 0);

        // Read in sets of enemies
        int setAmt;

        s     = input.ReadLine();
        split = s.Split(' ');
        int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out setAmt);
        List <Foe> foeList = new List <Foe>();

        for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
            // Read in rate
            s = input.ReadLine();
            // Read in foes
            int foeCount;
            s     = input.ReadLine();
            split = s.Split(' ');
            int.TryParse(split[split.Length - 1], out foeCount);
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                if (k < foeCount)
                    int foeNum;
                    s = input.ReadLine();
                    int.TryParse(s, out foeNum);
 /// <summary>
 /// finds the closest target and turns toward it 
 /// fails if it cant find a target
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agent"></param>
 /// <param name="_range"></param>
 /// <param name="ArriveRadius"></param>
 /// <param name="_type"></param>
 public Node_AlignToTarget(UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent agent, float _range, float ArriveRadius, AItype _type = AItype.none, float TurnSpeed = 3)
     m_child1 = new Node_FindClosestTarget(_range, _type);
     m_child2 = new Node_Align(TurnSpeed);
 /// <summary>
 /// finds a target of specific type 
 /// then it moves toward it until it is close enought
 /// fails if no units in detection range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agent"></param>
 /// <param name="_range"></param>
 /// <param name="ArriveRadius"></param>
 /// <param name="_type"></param>
 public Node_Seek(UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent agent, float _range, float ArriveRadius, AItype _type = AItype.none)
     m_range = _range;
     m_child1 = new Node_MoveTo_With_Avoid(agent);
     m_child2 = new Node_FindClosestTarget(m_range, _type);
 public Node_FindClosestTarget(float radius, AItype type = AItype.none)
     m_radius = radius;
     m_typeToLookFor = type;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Nếu ko truyền vào tham số millisecondsPerFrame thì sử dụng
 /// defaultMillisecondsPerFrame = 16 (mặc định)
 /// </summary>
 public Enemy
     GameplayScreen gameplayScreen, Texture2D botTexture, Texture2D topTexture, Color color, AItype AItypeID,
     WeaponSet weaponSet, Vector2 position, float rotationAngle, Vector2 maximumSpeed,
     int hitPoints, Point frameSize, Point sheetSize, Point frameSizeTop,
     Point sheetSizeTop
     : this
         gameplayScreen, botTexture, topTexture, color, AItypeID, weaponSet, position, rotationAngle, maximumSpeed,
         hitPoints, frameSize, sheetSize, frameSizeTop, sheetSizeTop,