Exemple #1
 public ParkingProvider()
     context = new AISCT();
        //public IEnumerable<IdealResultClass> getResult(string query)
        //    Rootobject result = luissearchprovider.GetIntent(query);
        //    IEnumerable<IdealResultClass> Idealresults;
        //    if (result.topScoringIntent.intent == "Parking")
        //    {
        //        IEnumerable<ParkingPlace> places = this.context.ParkingPlaces;
        //        Idealresults = places.Select(this.populateIdealClass);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        Idealresults = Enumerable.Empty<IdealResultClass>();
        //    }

        //    return Idealresults;

        public IdealIntentResult getResult(string query)
            IdealIntentResult idealIntentResults = new IdealIntentResult();
            Rootobject        result             = luissearchprovider.GetIntent(query);
            IEnumerable <IdealResultClass> Idealresults;

            if (result.topScoringIntent.intent == "Parking")
                using (context = new AISCT())
                    IEnumerable <ParkingPlace> places = this.context.ParkingPlaces;
                    Idealresults = places.Select(this.populateIdealClass).ToList();
                Idealresults = Enumerable.Empty <IdealResultClass>();

            idealIntentResults.IdealResult = Idealresults;
            idealIntentResults.Intent      = result.topScoringIntent.intent;

            foreach (var item in idealIntentResults.IdealResult)
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    var scoreRequest = new
                        Inputs = new Dictionary <string, StringTable>()
                                new StringTable()
                                    ColumnNames = new string[] { "Id", "Name", "Time" },
                                    Values      = new string[, ] {
                                        { item.Id.ToString(), item.Name, "2" }
                        GlobalParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>()

                    const string apiKey = "Alu4X4UkwsdnPYzFm7SlV7aNU+JWu/ccaOpkE3id8nE2Y5s9bcZXSZ4v2KeCnPb5V29qTKYs9JiIMB586EOYfw=="; // Replace this with the API key for the web service
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", apiKey);

                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://ussouthcentral.services.azureml.net/workspaces/5b72fd27c4344fd2bb1e8e475b5dcd4c/services/92d784fe2890403c960091cca99913c0/execute?api-version=2.0&details=true");

                    // WARNING: The 'await' statement below can result in a deadlock if you are calling this code from the UI thread of an ASP.Net application.
                    // One way to address this would be to call ConfigureAwait(false) so that the execution does not attempt to resume on the original context.
                    // For instance, replace code such as:
                    //      result = await DoSomeTask()
                    // with the following:
                    //      result = await DoSomeTask().ConfigureAwait(false)

                    var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("", scoreRequest);

                    if (response.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var rst = response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rootobject2>(rst.Result);

                        string pridctVal = obj.Results.output1.value.Values.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault();
                        item.PredictionPerc = double.Parse(pridctVal) * 100;
