Exemple #1
        private void addToGroundList(AIPlaneInfo plane)
            var database = FSUIPCConnection.AirportsDatabase;
            // Add this plane to the list
            // Create a new list item
            ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem();

            // ATC Callsign
            newItem.Text = $"{plane.Airline} {plane.FlightNumber}";
            // status
            if (plane.State.ToString() == "TaxiingIn")
                newItem.SubItems[1].Text = $"Taxiing in to {plane.GateInfo.ID}";
            if (plane.State.ToString() == "TaxiingOut")
                newItem.SubItems[1].Text = $"Taxiing out to {plane.RunwayAssigned.ToString()}";

            // aircraft type
            newItem.SubItems.Add($"{plane.AircraftType} {plane.AircraftModel}");
            // from ICAO
            // to ICAO
            if (plane.IsAtGate == true)
            else if (plane.IsOnRunway == true)
                foreach (FsAirport airport in database.Airports)
                    foreach (FsTaxiway taxiway in airport.Taxiways)
                        foreach (FsTaxiwaySegment segment in taxiway.Segments)
                            if (segment.Bounds.ContainsPoint(plane.Location))
                                newItem.SubItems.Add($" taxi way {taxiway.Name}");
                    } // Loop through taxiways.
            // Add to the list
Exemple #2
        private void addToAirbornList(AIPlaneInfo plane)
            // Add this plane to the list
            // Create a new list item
            ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem();

            // ATC Callsign
            newItem.Text = $"{plane.Airline} {plane.FlightNumber}";
            // status
            // distance in Nautical Miles
            // from ICAO
            // newItem.SubItems.Add(plane.DepartureICAO);
            // to ICAO
            // newItem.SubItems.Add(plane.ArrivalICAO);
            // altitude

            // Add to the list
Exemple #3
        private void drawTarget(Graphics graphics, double scale, Point centre, AIPlaneInfo plane)
            // We are going to use some of the info from the plane object to draw the target.
            // Lots more info is avilable for other application.
            // See the reference manual or Intellisense for details.
            // Work out the range of the target in pixels by multiplying by the scale
            double distancePixels = plane.DistanceNM / scale;
            // Work out the position from the centre using this distance and the bearing
            double dx     = Math.Cos(degreeToRadian(plane.BearingTo)) * distancePixels;
            double dy     = Math.Sin(degreeToRadian(plane.BearingTo)) * distancePixels;
            PointF target = new PointF((float)centre.X + (float)dx, (float)centre.Y + (float)dy);

            // Draw the target circle around this point oriented to the plane's heading
            graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.LightGreen, target.X - 4f, target.Y - 4f, 8f, 8f);

            // Draw a line from the circle to indicate heading
            double tailHeading = 180d + plane.HeadingDegrees;

            dx = Math.Cos(degreeToRadian(tailHeading)) * 12;
            dy = Math.Sin(degreeToRadian(tailHeading)) * 12;
            PointF tailEnd = new PointF(target.X + (float)dx, target.Y + (float)dy);

            graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new LinearGradientBrush(target, tailEnd, Color.LightGreen, Color.DarkGreen)), target, tailEnd);
            // Work out the position of the data block
            PointF dataBlock = new PointF(target.X + 20, target.Y - 20);

            // Draw the line to the datablock
            graphics.DrawLine(Pens.LightGreen, new PointF(target.X + 5, target.Y - 5), new PointF(dataBlock.X - 5, dataBlock.Y + 7));
            // Draw the data block
            // Line 1 - the Callsign
            graphics.DrawString(plane.ATCIdentifier, this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, dataBlock);
            // Line 2 - the Altitude (hundreds of feet) and speed
            string line2 = "";

            line2 += ((int)(plane.AltitudeFeet / 100d)).ToString("d3");
            // Put a +,- or = depending on if the plane is decending, climbing or level
            if (plane.VirticalSpeedFeet < 0)
                line2 += "-";
            else if (plane.VirticalSpeedFeet > 0)
                line2 += "+";
                line2 += "=";

            graphics.DrawString(line2, this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 12));
            // Line 3 - origin, destination and assigned runway
            graphics.DrawString(plane.DepartureICAO + "->" + plane.DestinationICAO + " " + plane.RunwayAssigned.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 24));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.AircraftModel.ToString() + plane.AircraftTitle.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 36));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.PitchDegrees.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 48));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.FlightNumber.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 60));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.Com1String.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 72));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.AircraftModel.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 84));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.Heading.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 24));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.AircraftType.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.LightGreen, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 36));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.Airline.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.Red, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 48));
            graphics.DrawString(plane.ATCIdentifier.ToString(), this.radaATC.Font, Brushes.Red, new PointF(dataBlock.X, dataBlock.Y + 60));