public override void OnMenuOpened()
     if (LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece)
         AINumberTower tow = LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponentInChildren <AINumberTower>();
         if (tow)
             towerHeight.text = tow.towerHeightMax.ToString();
    public void ModTowerHeight(int amount)
        if (LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece)
            AINumberTower tow = LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponentInChildren <AINumberTower>();
            if (tow)
                towerHeight.text = tow.SetMaxTowerHeight(tow.towerHeightMax + amount).ToString();
                tow.BuildTower(0.11f, false);                // note this only builds ONE tower, which works because the TowerGroup object only has ONE tower in it! IF you add more towers this will only modify one of them.
//				towerHeight.text = tow.towerHeightMax.ToString();